Monday, 31 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 31 Happy Halloween


When I started #Blogtober16 challenge of writing a blog post every day throughout October I never thought I would actually achieve it. But here I am on day 31 writing my last. Todays challenge is Happy Halloween. So I thought I'd show some cute photos of Bear dressed as pumpkin playing with the pumpkin we carved last night.

Balance Bikes and Buses

This week wasn't going to be about balance bikes and buses. We were going to Halfords just to buy a helmet as Bear is so fast on his little bike I worry he'll crash and bang his head. Bear has a Toddlebike2 at our house, I should really review it but in short it's fab! He has a big balance bike at home and we had discussed bringing it to ours every day.

Bear discussing buses with Grandad


Sunday, 30 October 2016

Seconds Matter - Arthritis is a Pain

I was approached by Premier Bathrooms* to help raise awareness of Seconds Matter, a campaign to raise money for those with arthritis. This is a cause close to my heart as I hate arthritis! Yes I hate it. Our lives are ruled by it.

Grandad is waiting to have his hip replaced and we both hope it will improve his mobility and definitely reduce the pain he has. If someone knocks at the door I go as he just can't move quickly. Pain, constant pain. Arthritis is a pain.


#Blogtober16 Day 30 A Letter To Someone

#Blogtober16 Day 30 A Letter To Someone is todays prompt. I have already written a letter to my grandson and have thought hard about who I would write a public letter to. I do not write letters often as we now have social media and it is so easy to post a text or send an email. The only times I write is usually at a time of despair or loss. Where the written word feels more sincere and personal, and of course I wouldn't share those on here. I have decided to go back in time, to when letters were the only way to communicate and send a letter to my great great grandmother. Someone I have never met (she died in 1910) and who I have no photos or any other personal documents.

#MySundayPhoto Number 44


#MySundayPhoto Number 44 was taken this week. The trees in Roath Park are looking gorgeous. Bear is trying out his new balance bike. I tried to get one facing Bear but he just kept riding past me so quickly I struggled to keep up. I need a balance bike too!



Saturday, 29 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 29 Three Confessions Of Your Choice

#Blogtober16 Day-29-Three-Confessions-Of-Your-Choice

When I wrote #Blogtober16 Share a secret about yourself I couldn't think of anything at all. Three confessions? Well that's a tall order too.

Friday, 28 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 28 Favourite Instagram Photo


#Blogtober16 Day 28 Favourite Instagram Photo is todays prompt.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 27 Place I Would Most Like To Visit


Another day and another challenge. Today is #Blogtober16 Day 27 Place I Would Most Like To Visit. This challenge seem simple on the face of it but as soon as I start writing I start thinking of all the places I would love to visit.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Study At Home With NCC Online - A Review


Study At home With NCC Online - A Review*. At the beginning of September I was asked if I would like to review a course from NCC online. I jumped at the chance and wrote a post about what I thought I would get from the course. My expectations were high and I must say the course did not disappoint.


#Blogtober16 Day 26 Top Ten All Time Favourite Songs


#Blogtober16 Day 26 My Top Ten All Time Favourite Songs in no particular order are;

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 25 What Superpower Would You Most Like To Have?


#Blogtober16 Day 25 What Superpower Would You Most Like To Have? If you read my #Blogtober16 post What Am I Afraid Of you would be surprised at my choice.

Handmade, Not Homemade, Christmas Gift Guide

I'm always looking for something a little bit different for Christmas Gifts and although there are some wonderful gifts in the High Street Stores something handmade always feels a little bit special.

Why Handmade, Not Homemade, Christmas Gift Guide? This is not a how to make but a where to find guide. Those personal and unique items that you possibly could make with years of practice and you just can't find on the High Street.


Monday, 24 October 2016

New Adventures Old Places - Cefn Onn Park

New Adventures. Old Places. Bear walking in the stream at Cefn Onn Park

This week has been all about New Adventures Old Places. We are very lucky to have some lovely places near us to visit. Bear had a cold and the weather was warm so we decided to go jumping in puddles to cheer him up. Our local park Cefn Onn didn't have any puddles! It does have lots of streams which usually at this time of year are full and rushing down the hills. They were almost dry, just an inch or two of water so I let Bear walk and play in one. I suppose it won't be long before we are told there's a water shortage.

#Blogtober16 Day 24 Disney Character I Most Identify With


#Blogtober16 Day 24 Disney Character I Most Identify With is difficult because I am not very good at this type of thing. You know, if you were a vegetable what would you be. Oh I'd be a potato because I'm down to earth and so on.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Baby Friendly Finger Food Recipe - 5 Roasted Vegetables

Baby-Friendly-Finger-Food-Recipe-Roasted-Vegetables-potatoes-sweet-potatoes and carrots

Baby Friendly Finger Food Recipe - 5 Roasted Vegetables

Roasted vegetables are a great way to get your little ones to eat their "5 a day". Babies love holding their food and feeding themselves and these are so easy (and clean!). Don't forget that potato chips are good too when just one of the vegetables and cooked in scrummy olive oil in the oven. You can roast most veg including onions, shallots, tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms and herbs.  Here's my favourite roasted vegetables for babies.


#MySundayPhoto number 43


#MySundayPhoto number 43. On Monday we went out to our local park and Bear spent ages playing in a stream. He was fascinated at the water washing the mud off stones and sticks. I took lots of photos but this is my favourite. 


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#Blogtober16 Day 23 Favourite Time Of Year And Why


#Blogtober16 Day 23 Favourite Time Of Year And Why

This is so easy. The easiest one so far. Summer, summer, summer! It's warm, it's happy and the days are long.


Saturday, 22 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 22 My Biggest Accomplishment


#Blogtober16 Day 22 My Biggest Accomplishment.  I was going to be flippant and say getting to Day 22 of #Blogtober16! It is a huge accomplishment for someone who usually posts three to four times a week.

Friday, 21 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 21 What Am I Afraid Of?


We are now three quarters through the challenge #Blogtober16 on Day 21 and today is What Am I Afraid Of?

Well lots of things really. We are all scared of being ill or disabled in some way but the picture above covers my biggest fears.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Cooking Cookies With A Toddler


Cooking Cookies With A Toddler. Bear loves helping in the kitchen. He is enthusiastic if not skilful but he is only just two. 

#Blogtober16 Day 20 Five Super Cool Things About The Place You Live

#Blogtober16 Day 20 Five Super Cool Things About The Place You Live. When this challenge came up I thought, only five! I live in a really cool city, Cardiff. So here's my five best things about Cardiff. Just remember I am a Granny, if you are younger then there is no way you could limit it to five.


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

How much fun are Birthday Parties at Hamleys Cardiff?


Parties* at Hamleys are not cheap. They cost between twenty-five and thirty-five pounds per child, depending on the theme. They require a minimum of 10 children and maximum of 16. So we know how much they cost but how much FUN are Birthday Parties at Hamleys?


#Blogtober16 Day 19 Ten Favourite Foods

Day 19 challenge for #Blogtober16  is Ten Favourite Foods. I love food so this should be easy.

1. Paella or anything with sea food


I love sea food, I love saffron so anything with sea food and saffron is a hit with me. Crab, prawns, mussels, fish to name a few.


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Contactless Payments. Are They The Future?


Contactless Payments. Are They The Future?*

What happened to cash? I rarely pay for anything with cash, maybe a taxi fare or a small cost item but the most use my cash has is to be the key to unlock a supermarket trolley. I carry a purse full of cards. Credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, my bus pass and subscription cards that gain me entrance to attractions. I never even had a credit card until I went on holiday to Florida many years ago. In America you just can't buy or do anything without one.

#Blogtober16 Day 18 Zodiac Sign And Does It Fit?

#Blogtober16 Day-18-Zodiac-Sign-And-Does-It-Fit-text-on-illustration-of-ram-amongst-stars

#Blogtober16 Day 18 Zodiac Sign And Does It Fit? Oh Yes! Ever since I was a little girl this was me to a tee.

Monday, 17 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 17 Favourite Concert You Have Attended


Favourite Concert You Have Attended is the next theme for #Blogtober16 Day 17. This was easy peasy!
When I was younger I lived near London, we would go to Hyde Park and see the free concerts there. I have seen so many bands including Edgar Broughton Band, Humble Pie, Pink Floyd..... But my favourite is not one of those.

Playing and Party Fun

Playing and Party Fun. This week was busy we spent it playing in the park, in leaves and we went to a pretend birthday party at Hamleys. Pretend? You ask. Hamleys have to train new staff and need children to test them to their limits so Bear was invited along with some other children. A full review will be up later but it was so much fun. We laughed and laughed. I didn't realise what a show stopper he was! By the end of the two hours everyone knew his name and were laughing along with us.



Sunday, 16 October 2016

#MySundayPhoto Number 42


#MySundayPhoto Number 42 is of Bear helping me make cookies. I know it looks like he's just eating sprinkles straight from the work top but he couldn't use his hands as they were covered in biscuit dough!

Recipe and how we got on, up on the blog soon. 

Do you bake with your toddler? What are your top tips for success?


#Blogtober16 Day 16 Piercings and Tattoos

#Blogtober16 Day 16 Piercings and Tattoos will be a short post as I hate needles and pain so have no tattoos. I am also very indecisive so would not be able to make my mind up if I did have one.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 15 Timeline Of Your Day

#Blogtober16 Day 15 Timeline Of Your Day

I wrote a post about our typical day back in January. It is great to compare because nothing really has changed. Bear has dropped his morning nap, he is easier to get to have a nap now but the rest is pretty much the same.


Friday, 14 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 14 The Meaning Behind My Blog Name


#Blogtober16 Day 14 The Meaning Behind My Blog Name is one of the easier themes from this challenge. I spent ages thinking of names and reading blog posts. From those wanting to show me how to name my blog to those promising 1000 catchy blog names. I tried name generators and brainstorming.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 13 What's In My Fridge?

#Blogtober16 Day 13 What's In My Fridge? is my challenge for today. I decided to be honest and just took photos of the inside of my fridge as it really is. The photo above isn't my fridge though. Mines yellowed and bashed.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 12 What's In Your Handbag


I am now up to day 12 of the #Blogtober16 challenge and today it is What's In Your Handbag. I'm sure beauty bloggers would be horrified when they see whats in my handbag. I'm horrified when I see what's in my handbag!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 11 Your Favourite Type Of Animal


#Blogtober16 Day 11 Your Favourite Type Of Animal

Oh this is really hard! I don't really like animals, don't get me wrong. I do not hate animals I just don't like them. So for me it wouldn't be a dog, or a cat. I quite like polar bears and lions and other exotics but that's because they are different.


Monday, 10 October 2016

Birthday Boy


This week was birthday week and so it's all about the Birthday Boy, Bear. He was two. He is growing so quickly and we are having so much fun out and about.

#Blogtober16 Day 10 One Thing You Can't Live Without


When I first read the challenges for #Blogtober16 some I thought were immediately easy and others much harder. Blogtober16 Day 10 One Thing You Can't Live Without was one of the harder ones. What couldn't I live without? My phone? My dishwasher? My bed!

Sunday, 9 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 9 Favourite Movies You Never Get Sick Of Watching

Sir John Gielgud and Dudley Moore in Arthur 1981Warner Bros

#Blogtober16 Day 9  Favourite Movies You Never Get Sick Of Watching


#MySundayPhoto Number 41


#MySundayPhoto Number 41 is of Bear with his birthday cake. Bear was 2 on Thursday and had a party on Saturday when we all had a chance to sing Happy Birthday and eat some cake. It was an amazing Postman Pat cake, and it was lovely to see family and friends.



Saturday, 8 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 8 Favourite TV Programmes


#Blogtober16 Day 8 Favourite TV Programmes

I thought this would be difficult as I don't have Sky or Netflix and I don't watch any soaps or the usual; Strictly, X Factor and so on, but as I started writing a list it quickly filled up. Here's my top 10 in no particular order.

Friday, 7 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 7 What Made You Start Blogging?


#Blogtober16 Day 7 What Made You Start Blogging?

I had been thinking about blogging for a while before I finally took the plunge. My daughter in law was a blogger, well she still is she's Makeup Pixi3, and I loved the idea of having my own little bit of the internet.


Thursday, 6 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 6 Favourite Christmas/Birthday Present Ever

#Blogtober16-number-6- Favourite-Christmas-Birthday-Present-Ever

#Blogtober16 Day 6 Favourite Christmas/Birthday Present Ever

As a child we were quite poor. There were four children and my parents both worked very hard but it was tough making ends meet.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 5 What Career Did You Have Planned As A Child?

Me as a student nurse about 1979. I had just washed my hair and we were about to go out when my husband decided to take a photo to send to my parents, hence hair down and not tied back!

#Blogtober16 Day 5 What Career Did You Have Planned As A Child?

I never really had an idea when I was little. I didn't even think about it, we were too busy being children and having fun. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 4 Share A Secret About Yourself


#Blogtober16 Day 4 Share A Secret About Yourself

This is going to be a very short post.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Mishaps and Mayhem


This week started with a mishap. Bear was riding his little bike, not madly outside but indoors at home and crashed.

#Blogtober16 Day 3 If You Won The Lottery You Would?


#Blogtober16 Day 3 If You Won The Lottery You Would?

If I won the lottery it would have to be millions. I don't mean just five or six but a hundred!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 2 An Old Photo Of You

#Blogtober16 Day 2 An Old Photo Of You


I had already added some old photo's to Day 1 of #Blogtober so I had been sifting through and found this. I was about 5. I am having a fitting for my first bridesmaids dress for my Aunty's wedding and I have instructions not to get dirty and not to sit down! I managed it but this photo shows me watching other children playing and being full of mixed emotions. I wanted to play but I really wanted to be a bridesmaid too. 

The dress was pale blue and so pretty, we had flowers to carry too. I loved it.


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#MySundayPhoto Number 40


#MySundayPhoto Number 40. I can't believe I have posted a photo every Sunday for 40 weeks! Well done me!

This week has been a bit wet, lots of rain and lots of puddles. My photo this week is Bear at Dyffryn Gardens, it's a National Trust property and we love it there.

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