Monday, 10 December 2018
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Conversations with Bear #1 - The Dark
Conversations With Bear #1 - The Dark
Bear is at that golden age. He's four. He knows exactly what he wants, he can ask for it and he can describe events and things he's seen.
He has the enquiring mind of a four year old, hampered only by his beliefs. Everything is good or bad. Right or wrong, black or white, but he is open to learning and is quick to pick up new ideas. His knowledge astounds me every single day.
He does come out with some absolute gems, which once spoken are lost into the ether for ever. I spend so much time laughing with him or amazed at his knowledge, that I thought I would share some of his spoken thoughts. A small insight into the workings of a four year old's mind.
This will be an occasional series, just as and when he says something worth repeating, but more importantly, those that I actually remember so I can record it for the future.
Conversations With Bear #1 - The Dark
It's a dark, winter afternoon. Only the lounge light on, the rest of the house is unlit. Bear never tells me where he's going in the house, he just goes.
Bear - "I'm just going into the dining room to get a car"
Me - "OK"
Bear - "From the toy box in the dining room"
I nod and notice for the first time that it's now become dark
Me - "Would you like me to turn a light on for you?"
Bear - "No, Mummy says I must be brave"
Me - "Brave?"
Bear - "Brave in the dark"
Me - "OK"
Bear dashes out and seconds later runs back in.
Bear - "Can you come with me?"
Me - "Of course"
I follow Bear from the lounge to the darkness of the dining room.
He looks around nervously, checks I'm there. I'm stood right next to him.
Me - "Are you sure you don't need the light to see?'
Bear - "No, it's OK. I eat carrots so can see in the dark" and he grabs a car and legs it back to the lounge leaving me to deal with the unseen monsters, alone.
Thanks Bear!
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Conversations with Bear,
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Learning Resources Playfoam Pals - Review
Learning Resources Playfoam Pals - Review
When we were asked if we would like to review* Learning Resources Playfoam Pals I knew straight away that Bear would absolutely love them. Little animal pals hidden in Playfoam, sparkles, and mess! What more could a boy ask for?Bear was delighted when he saw them. "Look what we have today" I said "WOW!" he exclaimed, "I love them!"
The packaging state that they are mess free (oh yeah, I thought), so with tuff tray on the table to collect all the bits, Bear opened them.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Crate Creatures Surprise Blizz- Review
Crate Creatures Surprise Blizz- Review
Christmas is such a busy time for us and we are asked to review* lots of toys. We only say yes to those I think Bear or Bee will love, sometimes we get so excited we shout YES! Crate Creatures was one of these. We didn't know who we were getting - would we love it?
We were sent Blizz. A creature from the frozen land of Icicia. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get out of his crate! Can Bear release him?
Monday, 12 November 2018
I'm Fed Up With Cleaning - Can I stop now please?
I'm Fed Up With Cleaning - Can I stop now please?
I don’t know about you but I’m fed up with cleaning. It was fun but now I'm bored with it. Also I have to keep doing it. When I didn't polish everything to within an inch of it's life, I didn't care about the odd fingerprint. I didn't even notice them. Now everything is shiny I have to polish, polish, polish! I wonder why I do it. I dust, I polish, I sweep but it just gets dirty again.
It's Mrs Hinch's fault. She quickly rose to fame with her perfectly clean house and her unique use of every cleaning product that smelt. I didn’t want to use all the chemicals she used, but still found myself cleaning anything that stood still.
I'm polishing everything until it shines. Taps, toaster, kettle, you name it. If it has a glossy finish I'm there with my polishing cloth. And that’s my point, I don't want to do it anymore.
What’s the point anyway? The kettle didn’t boil water faster, or suddenly make the coffee. It showed no gratitude for all my hard work. Once it was shining and looking lovely it became too posh to boil, it died. Did I kill my kettle with over polishing?
my humble opinion,
Friday, 9 November 2018
100 Years - Lest we Forget
100 Years - Lest We Forget
Extract from For The Fallen by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We all have someone in our family tree that went to war, and never came home. For some the relationship was very close - fathers, brothers, sons, and more recently mothers, sisters and daughters.
Most of us will have uncles, great uncles and great great uncles who went to war between 1914 and 1918 and never came home. Many did not leave descendants because they were just boys and young men.
My great-grandfather, Charles Henry Yorke, came from a military family. He tried many times to join up, but each time he was rejected due to ill health. When WWI was declared, he joined the Medical Corp and was a stretcher bearer throughout the war.
He survived but his brother, David, didn't.
This year, 2018, is the hundreth anniversary of the end of World War I. Armistice was declared at 11am on 11th November 1918.
This is in remebrance of all that fell, but especially to those mentioned below.
My relatives - my family.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
How to Ensure You Get Your Bag Intact in the Airport Arrivals Hall
I was chatting to Cath from Passports and Adventures, (on social media of course) about how hard air travel can be with little ones.
Even without children, one of my biggest worries is arriving at my destination without my luggage. Imagine having to spend your holiday money on essentials and a new wardrobe! Cath had lots of great tips and ideas and I asked her to share them with us.
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Cath, Alex and their gorgeous German Shepherd |
Cath is an Irish expat who now lives in Portugal with her husband and son. A former scientist, she gave up working when they emigrated south from the UK. She is a family travel blogger and hopes that, through her blog, they will inspire more families to travel, especially with the toddlers in tow. As a family they love travelling and have started working their way through their family travel bucket list. Cath writes about their family travels and experiences on her blog, Passports and Adventures.
Here are her tips.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Christmas Gift Guide 2018 - Something For Everyone
Christmas Gift Guide 2018 - Something For Everyone
*Contains PR samples
Christmas shopping, love it or hate it, we all have to do it. We all want to buy the perfect gift, something that they will love and use.
It can be overwhelming and so it often gets left until the last minute and then we fall back on the traditional, socks for him, perfume for her.
We have a selection of gifts that you may not have thought of, something for everyone. From children and the young at heart to the crafter and the home.
Not only are there gifts for everyone but for all pockets too, from a little luxury to a stocking filler for children that is free.
Christmas is about spending time with friends and family, not stressing about what to buy.
We have lots of ideas so grab a drink, get comfortable and enjoy browsing our 2018 Christmas Gift Guide.
Monday, 22 October 2018
Plantabox Personalised Wooden Apple Crates - Review
Plantabox Personalised Wooden Apple Crates - Review
Whenever I am asked to review personalised gifts I struggle. I do not use Bear and Bee's real names so can't have those, but when Plantabox asked me if I would like to review* their personalised wooden apple crates, I said yes.
As soon as I saw them I knew exactly what I wanted and what I would put on them. They make gorgeous toy boxes too which I would have loved but decided I would have something for Grandad and me.
If you are looking for a gift, Plantabox have something for everyone.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Brio Police Station - Review
Brio Police Station - Review
Sometimes we get sent toys to review*, many are just lovely and we enjoy playing with them. Some are fabulous and become Bear's favourite. The Brio Police Station is awesome (Bears words) and quickly became his favourite toy.
We have had Brio in our toy box since Bear's daddy was small, that's going back to the early 1990s. We still have that Brio, although it's now a little battered. We love that little hands can fit it together and each time it is played with the layout is different. Bear is fascinated by police and bad guys, this is just perfect for him and any child 3+.
Monday, 8 October 2018
Cleaning Without Chemicals - Reducing My Plastic Footprint
Cleaning Without Chemicals - Reducing My Plastic Footprint
Back in August I started my journey into reducing my plastic footprint. I'm commited to making a difference, who isn't after seeing those images on the TV?
I'm not a crusader, more a plodder. I think if I start with the easy stuff, then the trickier bits will just fall into place. So I ditched the plastic wrap (cling film) and it was so much easier than I thought, in fact I prefer the way I store food in my fridge now.
Then I was introduced to Mrs Hinch via her instagram account. For ages I didn't watch her stories, as I hate cleaning. Peer pressure and FOMO, (fear of missing out) made me watch.
Plastic footprint,
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
A Walk on Brean Down
A Walk on Brean Down
Difficulty - Moderate ascent, easy once up
Parking - £3.50 all day, free for NT members
On a clear day we can see Brean Down from Cardiff. The headland sticks out into the sea which as the crow flies is only 13 miles away. Unfortunately we have to use the roads so it's 63 miles and a toll bridge (return journey only. Tolls are being scrapped from Dec 2018), so is it worth the bother? Absolutely!
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Micralite Festival Fastfold Stroller - Review
Micralite Festival Fastfold Stroller - Review*
I first saw the Festival Fastfold stroller on Micralite's instagram feed and instantly wanted one, so I was delighted to be given* one to review. We had been looking for a new stroller for Bee as Bears old one was hard to push, pulling to one side, making trips out hard work.
Now I know we shouldn't care, but looks matter. The Micralite Festival Fastfold Stroller is gorgeous. It has a vivid turqouise seat and frame, with a complimentary jazzy hood. It looks good and we have received lots of compliments, but what is it like as a stroller?
Monday, 3 September 2018
A Toddler explores Dan Yr Ogof - The National Show caves of Wales

A Toddler explores Dan Yr Ogof - The National Show Caves of Wales
Last Wednesday, Bee was having his jabs and was with his mummy, so we wanted to take Bear to somewhere special. I wanted to use the opportunity of just the three of us and take Bear somewhere that we wouldn't go with Bee. We chose Dan Yr Ogof - The National Showcaves of Wales.
A Toddler Explores,
Day's out,
Friday, 24 August 2018
A Toddler Explores Fforest Fawr Sculpture Trail - Revisited
A Toddler Explores Fforest Fawr Sculpture Trail - Revisited
Since I wrote about our visit to Fforest Fawr a couple of years ago they have added new sculptures. I thought it was time to revisit and find the Three Bears Cave that we failed to find the first time. It should be noted that Bear is not a toddler anymore, but soon Bee will be; so I have kept the series A Toddler explores.
A Toddler Explores,
Day's out,
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
I do not smoke and I don't want your second hand vaping
I do not smoke and I don't want your second hand vaping
The BBC News recently reported a call to lift the ban on vaping in public places. At present people using e-cigarettes, along with smokers, are not allowed to smoke in enclosed public places. We have a ban on smoking as smoking is bad for our health, e-cigarettes are licensed as a tobacco product and are included in this ban.
I gave up smoking over twenty five years ago and do not want to start passive vaping.
Monday, 20 August 2018
Happy First Birthday Bee
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Happy Birthday Bee! Photo courtesy of makeup pixi3 |
Happy First Birthday Bee
It was Bee's first birthday on Saturday. He's one! How quickly the time flies. We were up at the crack of dawn (literally) baking bread and making food for the party. Bee's mummy needed everything dairy, soya and oats free so he (and she) could eat anything.
Friday, 17 August 2018
10 Tips on Baby Led Weaning For Absolute Beginners
10 Tips on Baby Led Weaning For Absolute Beginners
I'm not an expert, I'm just a grandmother trying to do the best I can when looking after my grandson. His parents wanted to do baby led weaning (BLW) with Bear, but ended up doing a mixture of BLW and traditional weaning (purees) this time they were determined to go the whole way. When Bee's mummy went back to work he was nine months old. He was already a long way down the BLW route and I had to learn quickly what to do.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
A Day Out at Portmeirion Wales
A Day Out at Portmeirion Wales
Recently we spent a long weekend in Porthmadog, a small town in North Wales. We had been having the warmest summer since 1976 and Porthmadog had hit the headlines as the warmest place in the UK. It reminded us we had a few places near there we wanted to visit - Portmeirion was top of our list.Monday, 13 August 2018
27 ways to entertain grandchildren during the summer
27 ways to entertain grandchildren during the summer
I look after Bear, who is three and Bee who is nearly one, for four days a week. During school term Bear goes to pre-school for a few hours each morning. Now it's the summer holidays we have to entertain them both, without breaking the bank.
Sadly many places put up their entrance fees during the holidays so days out cost more. It's also harder when one child is not walking, many places are out of bounds at the moment, mostly because I do not want to carry Bee and he doesn't want to be carried.
We are lucky in Wales as museums are free and once you hit sixty then all residents are entitled to a free bus pass. So what do we do to entertain the little ones?
Saturday, 11 August 2018
10 Ways I'm Reducing My Plastic Footprint - and you can too
10 Ways I'm Reducing My Plastic Footprint - and you can too
When I was younger hardly anything was plastic. Shoes and handbags were made from leather, shopping bags were cloth, milk came in returnable glass bottles and so did fizzy drinks. We shopped at the green grocers and they just put the vegetables loose straight into the bag, soft produce such as tomatoes were put into paper bags first.
Meat was from the butchers and was wrapped in grease proof paper, then white paper. Chips were wrapped in newspaper, we were told that newspaper ink made the paper clean, it was more likely to be poisonous!
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
The Perils Of A Long Hot Summer
The Perils Of A Long Hot Summer
I'm a grandmother and can remember the last long hot summer in the UK. It was 1976. I was twenty and had not long moved to Wales after spending a year in Greece. All the summers of my childhood were long and hot, I can't remember a cold wet one before I moved to Wales. I grew up in Hertfordshire, in the East of England just north of London. It has warmer, dryer summers and colder winters than the west.
Monday, 23 July 2018
Boxwild Children's Big Bird Gift Box - Review
Boxwild Children's Big Bird Gift Box - Review
We love feeding the birds in the garden and every year we participate in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch so we were delighted to be given a Boxwild Children's Big Bird Gift Box to review*.
The parcel arrived and Bear couldn't wait to open it, it was packed beautifully and was full to the brim. We had a wooden bird box, four tiny pots of paint and a paintbrush. There was also a bird feeder, a scoop and two packets of wild bird food. The bird food is a special mix for either blue tits or Boxwilds blend for other songbirds, such as dunnock, robins and blackbirds. The packets are illustrated with the birds that would usually feed from the mixture. The contents are clearly marked on the packets and along with a mixture of seeds, both contain peanuts and wheat.
Bear chose the bluetit mix, he couldn't wait to try the scoop. We struggled a little to scoop the seeds directly from the bag but once poured into a bowl it was easy.
I loved the quality of the items. Everything looked well made, the bird box was joined well and no rough parts or splinters. The bird feeder was of similar quality and quickly replaced my old, rusty one.
The food mix was a good mix of seeds and pellets with no dust. I usually buy the premium brands and this looked equal if not better than those.
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Bear loved filling the bird feeder with the metal scoop |
Once we had the bird feeder in place we started on the bird box. I didn't give any instructions to Bear, I just told him to paint it however he liked.
The gift set comes with four small pots of paint. Red, blue, yellow and green. The pots are really small, I doubt if there is enough to fully cover the exterior but this didn't stop Bear. I was very impressed with how carefully he painted the roof. He chose green, a good choice I think. Then he chose red, and painted around the entrance hole. I must admit it did look like something from a Tarantino movie but I bit my tongue and let him continue. A little bit of yellow and blue and we had a rainbow house.
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Bear concentrating hard and trying to be careful. |
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The red around the entrance may not be to everyones taste haha! Bear thought the birds would love it because it is so colourful |
As Bear was adding more colours he declared;
the birds are going to love this! It's so colourful
I think he's right, it is colourful and quite delightful.
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The finished box - perfect for a family of blue tits |
Bear loved this gift set. I wouldn't hesitate in recomending it as a gift or just as a craft for your child to enjoy. We spent ages talking about birds, what they ate, where they slept and so on. It was so much more than just a bird box to paint.
Boxwild do all sorts of gift boxes, suitable for adults and children. Pop over to the Boxwild website and I am sure you'll find something you love. Our box cost £28.
* Disclosure - We were given the gift box for the purpose of this review. All opinions are honest and our own.
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Sunday, 22 July 2018
Where have we been?
Where have we been?
We have been very quiet on the blog for the last few weeks. Not intentionally, there just doesn't seem to be any time to do all the things we love.
Bear has two days left at pre-school and goes to nursery in the big school in September, he had his very first sports day a couple of weeks ago and came second in his race. We were expecting tears as Bear is very competitive and hates to lose at anything, but he was an angel, he said quite philosophically, "I did my best, Nanny" and no one can ask for more than that.
Bee is growing every day. He is an absolute darling. I have never seen such a happy, content baby. He is weaning using the baby led weaning method, and this really suits him. He absolutely loves his food and is now quite adept at feeding himself. He still needs practice with his spoon and fork but he's an expert with his hands. It's such a shame he has multiple allergies; dairy, eggs, soya, white fish, but we are hoping he will grow out of them eventually.
Bee can stand just resting a hip or his bottom on something but hasn't taken that magical first step yet (he's eleven months). He has also started saying a couple of words.
mum mum
He also likes to point and grunt, we think he wants us to tell us what everything is so that's what we do.
Grandad and Me
I would like to post more often on the blog, and to do that some may be short and just quick updates. I started this blog to record Bear growing up, I'd like to do the same for Bee and looking after two during the week doesn't leave me with a lot of time. How parents manage when they have them all day, everyday I have no idea!
If you are keen on baby led weaning I have a couple of posts on the way that may help beginners get started, I am no way an expert, just going to share a few tips that I have picked up along the way.
Grandad and I have been visiting North Wales and were taken with how beautiful the area is, and how friendly everyone is. It was also great to hear Welsh spoken everywhere, it would be great for Bear as he tells me Welsh is just for school!
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Monday, 21 May 2018
Our Weekly Journal - Our First week With Bee
Our Weekly Journal - Our First week With Bee
We survived our first week with Bee, and he survived too! Mummy went back to work on Monday and we were not sure how the week would go. Bee is a breast fed baby, he is fed on demand which is usually every two to three hours. He is also allergic to dairy and soya so weaning is a little bit tricky.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Shark Bite, Let's Go Fishing and Mr Bucket Toy Review
Shark Bite, Let's Go Fishing and Mr Bucket Toy Review
We were approached by Pressman Toys and asked if we would like to review* some of their games. Yes! We shouted, we would love to.
Bear has had his eye on Shark Bite and Mr Bucket for a while. Bear also loves fishing games (I made a really simple magnetic one ages ago that he still loves to play with).
We were sent Shark Bite, Let's Go Fishing and Mr Bucket to review. All the games are a fun way to help develop hand eye coordination. Which was our favourite?
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
The Wenallt, Cardiff - Not Just Bluebells
The Wenallt, Cardiff - Not Just Bluebells (although they are gorgeous)
If you read any guide on where is best to see bluebells in Cardiff (or in fact in South Wales) the Wenallt will always be in the top ten, probably number one or two.
At the beginning of May the woods are transformed and a carpet of mauve appears. If the weather is kind and the sun shines the bluebells will glow.
It is a popular place for dog walkers and photographers alike, but what else is there?
Thursday, 3 May 2018
How to Grow Potatoes with Children
How to Grow Potatoes with Children
Children love gardening - they love the digging, watering and the harvesting. Many plants can be grown without a garden, just a big pot and somewhere to put it.
Sadly many children think fruit and vegetables come from the supermarket. They do not know that potatoes grow in the ground, tomatoes on bushes, apples on trees. It is easy to show them by growing your own fruit or vegetables. It doesn't need to be much, you can grow fruit or vegetables in pots. Start with potatoes but also try strawberries and tomatoes.
Bear has helped in the garden since he was old enough to walk. When I said we were planting potatoes today he asked "and tomatoes Nanny?" "I have to check they are red before I pick them" Yes, he remembered from last summer and he's only three.
Growing potatoes is easy, here's a quick guide. Even if you have never grown anything before, try this.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Forest Farm Nature Reserve- A Toddler Explores
Forest Farm Nature Reserve- A Toddler Explores
We are very lucky to live in Cardiff, there is so much to visit. We love the castles, museums and parks but it can be months between each visit. We hadn't been to Forest Farm since last Autumn when we took Bear on his bike and he rode off with me running like an idiot behind shouting for him to stop. He did eventually!
"Too fast Nanny!" he explained "bike wouldn't stop".
It was a very cold day a few weeks ago when we decided to go back, this time without his bike!
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Our Weekly Journal - Catch up, Spa and Colds
Our Weekly Journal - Catch up, Spa and Colds
It’s been a few weeks since my last journal, a combination of both Bear and Bee being poorly (nasty, nasty virus), time whizzing by and inertia, in the guise of Minecraft. If you have never played Minecraft Do.Not.Start! It sucks all your time and energy. If you have played, you know exactly what I mean.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Ravensburger PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle - Review
Ravensburger PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle - Review
We love jigsaw puzzles and Bear loves PJ Masks so when Ravensburger asked us to review* their PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle we were very excited!
The weather had been very cold and wet and I had been struggling to find things for Bear to do indoors. He also had the beginning of a very bad cold and he was very particular about what games he played. A jigsaw puzzle was the perfect solution.
Friday, 16 March 2018
Get Creative at Easter with the Disney Store
Get Creative at Easter with the Disney Store
The Disney Store sent* us a surprise box for Easter. Bear and I were so excited! What would it contain? Chocolate eggs maybe? Or something different? Bear loved opening the box, and in between oohs and ahhs and cuddles asking "What's this?" "What's it for?" and the usual "Why?".Easter means different things to different people. For some it's a religious time, all about the original meaning of the holiday. Going to church and celebrating the miracle of Easter.
For others, like us, it is about eggs (of course), family having time together and getting creative.
In the UK it also often marks the change from winter weather to warmer sunnier spring weather (I live in hope with all fingers crossed). Daffodils and baby animals feature heavily, especially rabbits and chicks! A new beginning.
So what did we get in the box?
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Whats in the box? |
Monday, 12 March 2018
Our Weekly Journal - Cakes and TVs

Our Weekly Journal - Cakes and TVs
After the week-end the snow cleared really quickly except for a few places where it had been blown into large drifts. Our school run, down a narrow lane, was made a little trickier by the snow that had drifted and partially blocked one side. Bear was really pleased to find some left outside his school.
Monday, 5 March 2018
Our Weekly Journal - The Beast From The East Brings Snow
Our Weekly Journal - The Beast From The East Brings Snow
How are you all? Did you have lots of snow? In Cardiff we were warned that the snow fall would be as bad as 1982. I remember that year well as I was almost nine months pregnant when the snow fell and couldn't get out the house for over a week. The drifts were up to three meters high. Luckily my son decided he wanted to stay warm and cosy, tucked up inside and didn't make an appearance until two weeks after his due date.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Mothers Day Gift Guide
Mothers Day Gift Guide*
Mothers Day this year is next Sunday, 11th March. It is a time to reflect on all the wonderful things that makes your mother so special to you.
If, like me, your mum isn't here anymore, then maybe you have a special woman in your life - your granny, an aunt or the mother of your grandchildren who deserves a gift on Mothers Day.
There is still time to buy a thoughtful gift without breaking the bank. If you are looking for something from the children or a gift to supplement a traditional bunch of flowers then here are a few ideas to inspire you.
Monday, 26 February 2018
Our Weekly Journal - Days Out and Minecraft
Our Weekly Journal - Days Out and Minecraft
I may have to change this series to Our Monthly Journal! It is ages since I last posted, for many reasons.I have had a few coughs and colds, my SAD makes me lethargic but we have been busy and I will catch up in a minute.
I have a confession - Minecraft. I'm not a spotty teenager sat in my room, I'm a Granny! And I'm hooked. If I'm not out and about with Bear I am playing Minecraft. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but there you go, I'm hooked!
Thursday, 15 February 2018
LEGO Safari Animals at Cardiff Bay - A Toddler Explores
LEGO Safari Animals at Cardiff Bay - A Toddler Explores
It was a freezing cold day in Cardiff on Tuesday, but the sun was shining so we headed down to Mermaid Quay in Cardiff Bay to see the LEGO Great Brick Safari. It's a free display of wild animals made entirely from LEGO bricks. Some have half a million or more bricks (yep some have 600,000+), and took hours to build. The display is there throughout half term until Sunday 25th February and definitely worth a visit.
A Toddler Explores,
Day's out,
Friday, 26 January 2018
Age - Does it really matter?
Age - Does it really matter?
It's a new year so everyone will be adding another year to their ages. Firstly Grandad, in January. Then our children in February, me in March, our daughter-in-law in April and son-in-law in May. Another year, another number.
The grandchildren will be joyous at the extra year and some of the adults will be sad, but why? Age - does it really matter? If you have health and happiness surely there's little difference in being twenty-nine or thirty?
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