Sunday, 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017 - Hello 2018

Goodbye 2017 - Hello 2018

January 2017 - doesn't he look small xx

It's New Years Eve and as I look back over the year I think it's been a good year. Wet, cold and busy but good. Each year starts with the promise of a warm Spring and hot Summer and in about one year in twenty we get both! This year we had some sunshine early on and then rain.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Christmas Made Easy- Sign up for alerts and tips


Christmas Made Easy

Christmas Made Easy if only that was possible. I'm sat here exhausted with only two days to go. I keep reading parents struggling to get the presents wrapped, the food shop bought and the stockings filled. It's such a busy and stressful time.

Even though I always plan to be more organised next year, it sort of creeps up on me. I suddenly realise it's too late to bake my own cake or steam my own pudding. My cards start arriving and I've missed the scout post and second class post again, so they all have to go first class knowing that some won't even make it until the New Year.

2018 is going to be different. I am going to plan it and stick with it. The difference is that I am going to share it with anyone who wants to join in. I'll send out a newsletter when appropriate (no spam - I promise) with alerts, tips and shopping lists.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

BabyHub SleepSpace Travel Cot Review


BabyHub SleepSpace Travel Cot Review

Christmas is such a busy time and I am always so unprepared so I was delighted to be offered the Babyhub Sleep Space Travel Cot to review* as it really got me out of a pickle. I had nowhere for Bee to sleep when he stays over. Bear and Bee will be visiting with Mummy and Daddy over Christmas and whilst Bear has a bed in his own room I have nowhere for Bee. Previously Bee has slept in his Moses basket but he is now way too big for it. A BabyHub SleepSpace travel cot is the perfect solution for so many reasons.


5 Minute Games For Toddlers - Cardboard Castle


5 Minute Games For Toddlers - Cardboard Castle

If you have a toddler that is obsessed with knights or princesses then you need a castle. You can rush out and buy a lovely wooden one or a flashy plastic delight or you could make one out of a cardboard box.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

A Christmas Carol - to Deck The Halls

It's almost Christmas and I am nowhere near ready. I panic at not getting it all done but still leave it all to the last minute. Next year....

Monday, 18 December 2017

Our Weekly Journal - 18th December -Naughty and Nice

We didn't have snow but our neighbours still have a snowman. look at that face! What a little poppet.

Our Weekly Journal - Naughty and Nice

We try not to label Bears behaviour as naughty or not but sometimes it can't be helped. We started the week on Tuesday with a child that is certainly on Father Christmas's nice list. He was wonderful from the minute he arrived until he left. It is lovely to see him well and happy.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

48 Hours in London; An Itinerary for a Quick Visit


48 Hours in London; An Itinerary for a Quick Visit

*Collaborative guest post

With so much to do in London, it can be challenging to plan a two-day itinerary visit that will allow you to see all the good stuff before it's time to leave. Fortunately, with the right route, a solid schedule, and a bit of transportation-related research, you should be able to take in the best of the English capital within the course of a single weekend.

However, if you're not familiar with the area, you could waste a lot of time planning a huge list of destinations only to be disappointed by time constraints. One way to streamline the process of obtaining tickets to each attraction is to use a London Pass Mobile Ticket.

In addition, to help you stay on track and on time, we've devised a quick 48-hour schedule that can you can use as a template to design your own personalised two-day London itinerary:

Monday, 11 December 2017

Our Weekly Journal - A Quick Catch Up

Our Weekly Journal - A Quick Catch Up

I haven't written a weekly journal for ages, in fact the last one was 2nd October! Wow that was a long time ago, until I checked I didn't realise how long it was. It isn't that we haven't done anything, in fact we have been very busy, it is my SAD. I just can't be bothered. Nothing has any point to it so I carried on with posts I had committed to, and left all the chatty stuff.
I mean who reads it anyway? What is the point? I didn't even get the lap top out for over a week at the beginning of November.
Then last week I received a Christmas card from my sister, she told me how much she loved reading my blog, the journals and the Junk Food one (it brought back memories for her too) and I realised that I actually enjoyed writing about our days and there are people who enjoy reading it. So I decided to do a catch up, there's a fair bit to include so grab a cup of tea and read on...


Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Megableu Tumball Game - Review


Megableu Tumble Game - Review

Last week Bear was feeling very poorly, he had a nasty ear infection and nothing was distracting him. I had been sent the Tumball Game by Megableu to review* and so took it with me when I visited, not expecting him to want to play with it at all. How wrong I was! He loved it.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Prestige Festivity Christmas Flowers


Prestige Festivity Christmas Flowers

I love flowers and was overjoyed to be sent* a Christmas bouquet from Prestige Flowers. I have been lucky enough to have reviewed their bouquets before and they never disappoint. They arrived by post in a huge box and in pristine condition. I love the scent of the flowers gently seeping out of the box, giving a hint of what's inside.
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