Women suffer hair loss too*
We all remember Wayne Rooney having his hair transplant, opinions were divided, some said just "man up" and go bald whilst others supported him 100% and said good for him. It is just the way it goes, some men lose their hair when they are young, and others keep it even into their old age. It is partly down to luck and a lot down to genetics.
Surprisingly women suffer hair loss too, I think it is worse for women as it is socially less acceptable to be female and bald or to have thinning hair. If a bald man walked past I probably wouldn't even notice, but I would if it was a bald woman. Hair loss can lead to lack of confidence and ultimately may stop women from leaving their home. I know I feel and look so much better when my hair is looking good. I love it most when I have been to the hairdressers and had my hair cut and restyled. Sadly it is now mostly grey and hidden under gallons of dye but a good hair cut makes all the difference.