Wednesday, 30 August 2017

An Easy Photo Gallery Wall


An Easy Photo Gallery Wall 

I was given* some Command Strips by 3M as part of my bedroom makeover. I had planned to hang a photo or two on one of the blank walls but found it hard to choose which ones. I then thought it would be nice to make a feature of the photos and hang them in a gallery. I was worried that it would be difficult to do but needn't have worried. It was so easy so I thought I'd share it with you.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Bedroom Makeover with Valspar Paint


Bedroom Makeover with Valspar Paint*

Our spare bedroom was in dire need of a make over. I wanted to incorporate a home office and make the room bright and cheery. It was my daughters bedroom but she moved out many years ago and the room had just become a place to dump stuff. Valspar Paints provided me with everything I would need to redecorate as part of their Valspar Paint Club. They invite people to join their club and get free paint to decorate.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

International Literacy Day 2017 with Viking


International Literacy Day 2017 with Viking*

We were really lucky to be chosen to help promote International Literacy Day on 8th September 2017 with Viking Direct. I feel very strongly that everyone has the right to literacy, it is the basis of freedom in all it's guises. Freedom of thought, freedom to express oneself and freedom for self rule.

International Literacy Day was first declared in 1965 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to celebrate efforts to increase literacy rates around the world.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Save Money & Space with These Great Space Saving Kids Beds


Save Money & Space with These Great Space Saving Kids Beds*

Now that Bear has a brother it made me think about how I am going to fit them both into our small box room. I will need something that they will love and is practical too. At the moment they will be fine in their cots but as they grow they will need proper beds and our room is too small for that. 

I know I am not alone, how do you fit a bed, a desk and  a chest of drawers into a small bedroom? What about sleepovers? Where do you put up a friend? Room To Grow specialises in children's space saving beds. Here are five of my favourites.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Our weekly Journal 21st August 2017- Colds and A New Baby


Our weekly Journal 21st August 2017- Colds and A New Baby

It's been a very long week. It feels at least twice as long as the usual 7 days, mostly because we have been waiting (and waiting) for Bears brother to make an entrance. Bear was so excited to be a big brother. Unfortunately he had a really nasty cold, which we all then caught, and it made him really tired.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 34


#MySundayPhoto Number 34

I think this has to be one of my favourite photos. We welcome to the world a little brother to Bear weighing a fantastic 8lb 10oz and although he has a real name I still haven't chosen a blog name for him (you would think 9 months would be long enough).

Bear loves him, he calls him "his baby" and he is. Our darling second grandson born on the 18th August.


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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

10 Essential Items For Walking In The Mountains In South Wales


We have lived in Cardiff for over 40 years and have walked most areas of the Brecon Beacons, The Black Mountains and The Black Mountain. 

We have walked the mountains in fog so thick we couldn't see each other and in snow that was two feet deep. We only got lost once. In the Black Mountain on a beautiful sunny, summers day that rapidly turned nasty despite the favourable weather forecast. We had a new GPS, maps and compass but we both needed glasses to read them and we couldn't read any of them in the fog and blinding rain. There are no paths or landmarks. It was scary but we navigated our way out and lived to tell the tale.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Women suffer hair loss too


Women suffer hair loss too*

We all remember Wayne Rooney having his hair transplant, opinions were divided, some said just "man up" and go bald whilst others supported him 100% and said good for him. It is just the way it goes, some men lose their hair when they are young, and others keep it even into their old age. It is partly down to luck and a lot down to genetics.

Surprisingly women suffer hair loss too, I think it is worse for women as it is socially less acceptable to be female and bald or to have thinning hair. If a bald man walked past I probably wouldn't even notice, but I would if it was a bald woman. Hair loss can lead to lack of confidence and ultimately may stop women from leaving their home. I know I feel and look so much better when my hair is looking good. I love it most when I have been to the hairdressers and had my hair cut and restyled. Sadly it is now mostly grey and hidden under gallons of dye but a good hair cut makes all the difference.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Our Weekly Journal 14th August 2017 - Going Potty!

The new entrance to St Fagans National History Museum

Our Weekly Journal 14th August 2017 - Going Potty!

This week I was hoping to spam this post with new baby pictures but our new grandson will not be rushed, he may have been due on the 9th but he will come when he is ready. While we are waiting we have stayed close to home incase we are needed. The weather hasn't been kind either but we did manage to get out. Bear has been practising using the potty again and is getting so good, he is also dressing and undressing himself. This takes an age but I have to be patient and try not to interfere. If I do I get told off very loudly!

Sunday, 13 August 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 33


#MySundayPhoto Number 33

Thumbs up! Bear was copying a picture on the back of a yoghurt drink. It is a character with his thumb up. Bear was so chuffed that he could do it too. Sometimes the simple things are the best. Have a happy Sunday.



Thursday, 10 August 2017

A Toddler Explores with My Carry Potty from Cheeky Rascals - Review


A Toddler Explores with My Carry Potty from Cheeky Rascals - Review

We were asked to review* My Carry Potty from Cheeky Rascals. It is a travel potty that is like a little suitcase, totally leak proof and doesn't need liners.
We love going out and writing our Toddler Explores series but potty training terrifies us. It didn't seem so daunting when ours were little. I didn't worry so much about accidents in public places. I mean they are only little and if happens, it happens. Bear hasn't started potty training yet, all the advice we have been given is to wait until he is ready but I want to be prepared and a travel potty was top of my list of must haves.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Bedroom & Office Makeover - Duck Egg And Gold Mood Board

Top: Ikea desk; Kate Spade stapler; Arthouse Wallpaper;
Middle: Ikea chair; Peacock feathers; The White Company bedding; Dunelm Blind;
Bottom: Ikea Boxes; Marks and Spencers Dragonfly lights; Art Nouveaux Fabric

Bedroom & Office Makeover - Duck Egg And Gold Mood Board

I have wanted my own space for as long as I can remember. I really want my own desk. We are lucky to have a spare bedroom and I want a place that I can fill with pretty and glittery things I like. I have got this far before, redecorating and adding some bits and pieces when my daughter decided she liked it and wanted it for her own. She now has a home of her own and I am finally planning and restyling the room again, just for me.
I want it to be a spare bedroom, with a double bed, for when family stay over but also to have a home office where I can do my sewing, write my blog or trace my family tree.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Our Weekly Journal 7th August 2017 - Trains and Bikes


Our Weekly Journal 7th August 2017 - Trains and Bikes

We had a lovely two days with Bear. Tuesday the sun shone so we jumped into the car and went to Forest Farm. It's not a farm now but a nature reserve with a canal, cycle tracks and woodland. The tracks join up with the Taff Trail which is totally traffic free and runs along side the River Taff.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 32


#MySundayPhoto Number 32

On Tuesday we took Bear and his bike to Forest Farm. It is not a working farm but is parkland with a canal and the Taff Trail running close by.

We were greeted by these gorgeous wild flowers and as we approached the canal we got a glimpse of a kingfisher, even though I had my phone in my hand it moved so fast that there was no time to take a photo.


Forest Farm is full of wild life, Bear is watching a hairy caterpillar scamper across the road. Bear loved riding his bike, and the trail is traffic free but down hill! I am really struggling to keep up with him, so I think we may need a bigger car so we can take our bikes too.


Thursday, 3 August 2017

I've lost 2 Stone so Why Haven't I dropped 4 Dress Sizes?


I've lost 2 Stone So Why Haven't I dropped 4 Dress Sizes?

I read somewhere that for every half a stone you lose, you lose a dress size. I have lost two stone with Slimming World (yeah go me!) but haven't lost a dress size yet. How is that? Am I cheating?

Well to kick off I am not cheating. I really have lost two stone and have the lovely award to go with it so why haven't I lost any dress sizes?

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Walks in South Wales - Pen Y Fan


Walks in South Wales - Pen Y Fan

We didn't get out to walk this weekend, the rain has been so heavy and we agreed that walking is for fun, not a duty. Once we are back walking on a regular basis then we will probably walk in inclement weather but at the moment we are just trying to get back to our previous fitness. Rather than not post a walk I am sharing an old walk. We have walked it many times but it's not my favourite as it's always so busy. I prefer to see it in the distance whilst enjoying the peace and quiet of another mountain peak. It is still a must do walk, Pen Y Fan is the highest peak in South Wales. We haven't walked Pen Y Fan for a couple of years but I am sure the routes are the same.
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