Tuesday, 4 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 4 Share A Secret About Yourself


#Blogtober16 Day 4 Share A Secret About Yourself

This is going to be a very short post.
One, if I share a secret then it isn't a secret anymore. Two, I am the worlds worst at keeping secrets and so I really do not think I have any. I know lots of secrets but they are not mine and therefore not mine to tell and in that I am very good. I have never broken a secret to my knowledge.

If you want to know anything at all about me then join me for a cocktail or two and I will bore the pants off you!

Do you have any secrets? If you'd like to tell me leave them all in the comments below...I promise not to tell!


  1. I had to confess I cheated a wee bit with todays post. Cant be posting all my secrets online! #Blogtober16


  2. I struggled a bit with this brief to! Im an open book so not much to share, apart from my gross habit ;) #Blogtober16

  3. This was a really difficult post title - I've shared a secret phobia (that might make me seem a bit crazy!)

  4. I've shared things people might not know, but aren't exactly secret, and that I do not really like secrets! More trouble than they're worth! Cocktails though, that's a plan!

  5. I struggled with this one too but just decided to make fun of myself and share all my embarrassing secrets.

  6. ha ha ha, I love it, I thought exactly the same, share the secret and it's not a secret anymore. My secrets are very deep seated and involve other people, I can't share them. I haven't written my post yet, I'm thinking hard on this one, but yes, exactly what you said!


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