Monday, 30 January 2017

Our Weekly Journal 30th Jan 2017


Our Weekly Journal 30th Jan 2017

We had fog, and more fog. In fact I can't remember ever having fog that lasted all day in Cardiff. Up in the mountains yes, or maybe when there was smog. Fog usually clears by mid day but this week it lingered so I thought it would be fun to go out and play in it.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 5


#MySundayPhoto Number 5 this week was taken at Tredegar House and Park. It was a freezing cold day and very, very foggy. We were all suffering from cabin fever so decided to venture out. 
It was definitely worth it. Even though it was bitterly cold, the fog added a sense of mystery and Bear had fun cycling through the puddles, well until I went to take off his scarf and he lost his balance and fell into the mud! He wasn't happy to have wet legs.


Saturday, 28 January 2017

Thoughts On Saturday - Gina Miller and Trump


Thoughts On Saturday - Gina Miller and Trump

I watched Question Time this week for the first time in ages. I smiled when David Dimbleby said that a viewer had asked for the questions to be anything other than Brexit or Trump. A woman after my own heart. I had stopped watching it as I was totally fed up with everything being about Brexit. Don't get me wrong, if there was any real news then that would be OK but just the same old points being made again and again in the same old way.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Free Relationship Chart For Genealogists


Free Relationship Chart For Genealogists

If you are confused by cousins, second cousins, once, twice or more removed then you need a relationship chart. It is quite simple when you see it in a chart. If you are both grandchildren of the same ancestor then your relationship is first cousins, if the ancestor is a shared great grandfather then you are second cousins and so on.
If there is a generation between you then you are x cousins once removed. If there are two generations then three times removed and so on. 

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Slimming World weigh in #3 and Best Recipe Of The Week


Slimming World weigh in #3 and Best Recipe Of The Week

This week I have only had one meal out. That was lunch at Jamie Olivers and I chose the Classic Super Food salad. Most of the meals looked like they would be drenched in oil and the only other option was chicken, served with chips or Caeser salad but I suspected the dressing would be creamy. My salad was delicious, I added grilled chicken and removed the skin so that was free. When I neared the end of the meal there was some olive oil so I left the veg and beans that were in it. I think I am slowly getting to grips with the detail of Slimming World but when I got home and checked the Syns it came out at a massive 15, for a salad! I realise now that the half an avocado is 7 syns, I would have left it if I had known. I did leave a lot but I am still adding the 15.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Prestige Flowers For Valentines Day - A Review


Prestige Flowers For Valentines Day - A Review

Any one who knows me is aware that I just love flowers, fresh bouquets or potted plants, in the garden or in the house. I just love them. I was delighted to be asked to review a Prestige Flowers* Valentines Day bouquet and they came with chocolates too.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Our Weekly Journal 23rd Jan 2017


Our Weekly Journal 23rd Jan 2017

We started the week with a first for us. Bear was playing with his trains, he was still in his PJs and he counted his trains 1-2-3-right up to 10! Then he did it again. I quickly got my phone to record him and he stayed silent. Then after prompting he counted 4-5-6..... he just wouldn't start from one again. Since then I have caught him counting many times but not  from one to ten so clearly. He obviously can do it but doesn't want prompting.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 4


#MySundayPhoto Number 4 is of this gorgeous bouquet of flowers. I was so thrilled when Prestige Flowers asked me to review a bouquet from their Valentines Day range. It is a little early for Valentines Day but never the wrong time for flowers....especially roses as beautiful as these.


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Saturday, 21 January 2017

Thoughts on Saturday - Bird Flu and Goodbye Obama

Thoughts on Saturday - Bird Flu and Goodbye Obama

Bird Flu

For as many years as I can remember we have only eaten free range chicken and eggs. We decided a long time ago that we would rather eat less, as it was so expensive, than eat battery reared produce. At the beginning of December there was a bird flu outbreak across Europe, none had been found in the UK but DEFRA ordered that to keep our flocks safe, chickens and other birds must be housed indoors and their food and water made inaccessible to wild birds. The virus, H5N8, is spread by wild birds and although it is not a hazard to humans it would decimate our poultry stock.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Hire A Photographer The Easy Way With Bidvine


I have always taken my own photos which means that I am rarely in them, also the quality isn't as good as a professional. I have never had a family portrait done and had no idea of the cost. All I can go on is the price of school photos but seeing as both my children are grown up that is a bit out of date. Then I was approached by Bidvine* to try their service which is an easy way to find photographers in your area. Just follow a few simple steps and Hey Presto! quotes come in from local photographers to choose from. The first thing I noticed when using the site was that Bidvine have more than photographers, they have everything from domestic cleaners to piano lessons. A truly versatile service, but how easy was it to use?

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #2 and Best Recipe of the Week


This is my second week on Slimming World and my first best recipe of the week. We Grandad has been experimenting and trying out lots of different recipes. He has also adapted some favourites such as Spaghetti Bolognese to be Syn free too. The Best Recipe of the week is definitely potatoes with peppers and I have included it here for you. Firstly, how did my second week go?

Monday, 16 January 2017

Our Weekly Journal 16th Jan 2017


It was an awful week weatherise, rain and cold. Grandads's hip is getting worse and still no sign of an operation so we were confined to the house a bit more than usual. Bear and I did manage to get out a few times to the local park where he played football or collected sticks to throw from the bridge into the stream. The weather has been so mild that the stream is still clogged with greenery and the water flows slowly. Not the best Pooh Sticks Bridge at the moment. 

Sunday, 15 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 3


#MySundayPhoto Number 3 is of Bear sleeping. This is not just any sleeping no this is Bear sleeping. Bear has never, ever, ever fallen asleep unless he is in his bed or in something moving. A car, his buggy or us rocking him as a baby. He usually has a nap in the afternoon but the last week or so he has dropped it.

On Thursday his Mummy was feeling poorly and came home early. Bear snuggled on the sofa with her watching you tube on my his iPad. Slowly his eye lids became heavy, his head nodded. Every time his head fell forward it would wake him for a second. Then he lay down and slept for half an hour. 

We just sat and watched.


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Saturday, 14 January 2017

Thoughts On Saturday - The NHS and Thundersnow

Thoughts-On-Saturday-The-NHS-and-Thundersnow- image-of-another-place-by-anthony-Gormley

Thoughts On Saturday - The NHS and Thundersnow

The NHS. 

Many of you know that I am a retired nurse, I was a theatre sister for over 30 years, so the NHS is close to my heart. One of the reasons that I retired was the amount of paperwork that I was expected to do. More paper, more numbers and less about patients. I understand that the government needs figures because they have set targets and these need to be measured. I was saddened to see two headlines this week. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Week One with Slimming World


Week One with Slimming World

Last Tuesday I joined Slimming World on-line, it's now been a week and yesterday I did my first weigh-in. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

2017 Dates To Remember


2017 Dates To Remember

If you like to plan ahead it helps to have a list of special dates. I scribble them down in my journal but forget to look so I have made myself a list. I have also made a pinnable image so it's always exactly where I need it. 

Monday, 9 January 2017

Our Weekly Journal 9th Jan 2017


It has been quite warm this winter so far and surprisingly sunny, until this week. The sun has stayed but my it is cold! We still ventured out all wrapped up to enjoy the sunshine. Roath Park is a favourite, it's not far and quite flat so Grandad can walk a bit with us. The lake had big areas covered in ice with the seagulls enjoying a walk about.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 2


#MySundayPhoto Number 2 is of Bear at Roath Park. Thursday was a glorious sunny day and I really wanted a picture of Bear next to Roath Park's Scott Memorial Lighthouse. I asked him to stand in front but things on the floor kept distracting him

"Look up at Nanny" Grandad said, so Bear looked up. I am really not that tall.



Saturday, 7 January 2017

Thoughts On Saturday - Jill Saward, Trump and Shopping in PJ's


Thoughts On Saturday - Jill Saward, Trump and Shopping in PJ's

Happy New Year and welcome to Thoughts On Saturday. On Thursday it was reported that Jill Saward had died aged 51. My first response was "who?" 

Friday, 6 January 2017

AncestryDNA Test Kit - Should You Buy One?


AncestryDNA Test Kit - Should You Buy One?

A few weeks ago Ancestry had a Black Friday sale on their DNA kits. I had been considering whether to buy one for ages as they are very expensive. Usually they are £79 plus £20 postage and packaging, yes £99! I paid £49 each plus postage. It's always the way, I see a bargain and so bought two. One for me and one for my husband.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

It's Time To Lose The Fat! Slimming World Here I Come!


This is definitely not a New Years resolution, I've been meaning to do it for ages. It's time to lose the fat. I've done it before, many years ago I lost four and a half stone on the Atkins diet. Boy, that was tough. Just the thought of bacon or mushrooms made me nauseous. Since then I have tried lots of diets, all started off great but I soon give up. I just can't keep it going. This time I'm doing it with Slimming World on-line, I really do not think I could give up time each week to go to a group whereas I am always close to a screen.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Each week I join in with #MySundayPhoto, a linky* that showcases photos from around the world. I love looking at all the pictures and commenting on my favourites. It is a great way to spend a Sunday morning.
This week I came across Catherines Cultural Wednesdays blog and her picture was titled Home Is Where The Heart Is. She questions where her home is and asks her readers where they feel is home.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 1


A New Year and a new #MySundayPhoto so back to the beginning and here is Number 1 for 2017.
I have a slightly different theme to start my year. It is of a board game called Survive. I love board games, not those designed for children but grown up ones (I was going to say adult ones but that puts a whole new meaning on it!).

The only problem is that at least 4 adults are needed to play for the games to be fun. We used to play lots with my son and daughter in law but since Bear was born we just do not find the time. That is why Christmas is so good, we actually find time to get together. Playing games with my son and daughter in law was on my 2016 wish list and is back on my new one for 2017.

I haven't made any resolutions as they all go out the window by about 7th January instead I have a list and this year I am going to have goals too. Goal number one is to join in with #MySundayPhoto each week and to comment on as many as I can as there are always so many great photos. Goal number two? To write my list of goals tomorrow.

I hope you had a great 2016 and I wish you all good luck and good health in 2017.


2016 Happy or Sad? A Review Of Our Year.


2016 Happy or Sad? I wrote a post last year I'm Going To Make 2016 The Best Year Ever! in response to a couple of bad years. As a family we had lost some of the most important people in our lives. Between us we had lost mums, grandmothers, aunties, uncles, sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws, brothers. A long list of grief and loss. I wanted 2016 to be different. OK I couldn't change the future and prevent people dying but I could change me, and make me happier. Did it work? Was 2016 happy or sad?
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