Saturday, 29 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 29 Three Confessions Of Your Choice

#Blogtober16 Day-29-Three-Confessions-Of-Your-Choice

When I wrote #Blogtober16 Share a secret about yourself I couldn't think of anything at all. Three confessions? Well that's a tall order too.
I have managed to think of three, and as soon as I finish this I will undoubtedly think of loads more!

1. Smoking

I had my first puff of a cigarette when I was about nine. I was with much older children at the stables where I cleaned tack in exchange for free pony rides. I didn't like it but it was the slippery slope. I smoked heavily for many years and gave up about twenty-eight years ago. I smoked during my nurse training and a photo I used in another #Blogtober16 post I altered to remove the cigarette!


2. Ironing

I hate ironing. When I got married I told Grandad that I couldn't iron. I even ironed clothes with multiple creases in the wrong place to prove my incompetence. He did it all. My dresses, his shirts everything.

Many years later we were getting ready for a wedding and he was behind and hadn't ironed his shirt so I offered. He was appalled at the idea but gave in. I of course ironed it perfectly. That was the end of that! I had to do my own afterwards.

3. Theft

I stole from my younger brother. He is three years younger than me. Before he could count or knew about money I would shine and polish my pennies, then I would offer to swap two nice big shiny pennies for his small sixpence. I do think that's why we have younger brothers.

Do you have any confessions that you could share?




  1. Wow 9 for a cigarette! But well done for giving up, I used to 'help' my sister count her pocket money and the only chore I actually enjoy doing is the ironing, but I think my husband has the same idea as you did, maybe I should refuse one day and see if he manages it!

  2. Eesh! Naughty you for altering the photo. hehehe I can't comment on the smoking as I used to smoke too...I started when I was about 11 and stopped properly when I was about 33. Eek!
    I hate ironing too....The only things I iron is my girls school shirts. lol

    1. Lol we are like twins! Like the film Lol. I always ironed the school shirts too, 10 every Sunday so it was done and dusted!

  3. I totally hate ironing and don't iron anything except for weddings, job interviews and funerals! I never buy anything that needs to be ironed anymore (I never wear shirts or blouses).


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