Thursday, 13 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 13 What's In My Fridge?

#Blogtober16 Day 13 What's In My Fridge? is my challenge for today. I decided to be honest and just took photos of the inside of my fridge as it really is. The photo above isn't my fridge though. Mines yellowed and bashed.
Inside my fridge is usually the same type of food. 

Eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms
Cheese (lots of different ones from Cheddar to Mascarpone), mayo, pickles/sauces, pesto and butter
Plated leftovers - we often cook too much and save it for another meal like bubble and squeak, today there is a piece of salmon. In the pot is chimichurri verde, homemade in preparation for a meal.
More sauces, mustard, olives, cream and vegetables that overflow the drawers
Raw meat, pork loin, sausages and bacon. Two bottles? One is a liqueur the other a chile sauce


Then in the door I have

Ketchup, lemon juice, tomato puree, sweet chili dipping sauce and crispy prawn chile.
Red wine and white wine for cooking, lemonade (for my Gin) milk. In the week I have whole milk for Bear too.


I have two veg drawers that are always packed. Courgettes, carrots, avocado, peppers, herbs, cabbage, spring onions, leeks, chilis, apples.......



So thats a snapshot of what's in my fridge. I didn't deliberately turn all the labels around! That's really  how it is. Oh and I don't shop or cook, the other half does it all.

What's in your fridge?




  1. Your fridge is very neat and tidy inside. I have learnt something today, noticing that everyone has ketchup in their fridge I was confused because it's something I've never done. My partner has just read the small print on the bottle and it does say to refrigerate once opened! Well, I haven't done it for 30 years and I've never had a bottle long enough to go off!

    1. Haha! It's full of vinegar so it will be OK I think it's the company covering themselves. We rarely use it though so it's a must for us.

  2. Your fridge is so organised...
    I don't keep ketchup in the fridge either...Oops.

  3. I don't really shop or cook either, that's my husbands job too! We'd all go hungry if I did the shopping. Well, I've started cooking more over the last couple of years but I'm not great at it. Your fridge is so organised!

    1. I just hate both, I do the washing up and tidying the kitchen. It works for us

  4. I love how tidy your fridge is, I do all the cooking here, but hubby puts it all away :)

    1. I like to make some things but hate the toil of every day meals, he does too but he's very good at thinking of new meals.


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