Friday, 24 August 2018

A Toddler Explores Fforest Fawr Sculpture Trail - Revisited


A Toddler Explores Fforest Fawr Sculpture Trail - Revisited

Since I wrote about our visit to Fforest Fawr a couple of years ago they have added new sculptures. I thought it was time to revisit and find the Three Bears Cave that we failed to find the first time. It should be noted that Bear is not a toddler anymore, but soon Bee will be; so I have kept the series A Toddler explores.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

I do not smoke and I don't want your second hand vaping


I do not smoke and I don't want your second hand vaping

The BBC News recently reported a call to lift the ban on vaping in public places. At present people using e-cigarettes, along with smokers,  are not allowed to smoke in enclosed public places. We have a ban on smoking as smoking is bad for our health, e-cigarettes are licensed as a tobacco product and are included in this ban.
I gave up smoking over twenty five years ago and do not want to start passive vaping.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Happy First Birthday Bee

Happy Birthday Bee! Photo courtesy of makeup pixi3

Happy First Birthday Bee

It was Bee's first birthday on Saturday. He's one! How quickly the time flies. We were up at the crack of dawn (literally) baking bread and making food for the party. Bee's mummy needed everything dairy, soya and oats free so he (and she) could eat anything.

Friday, 17 August 2018

10 Tips on Baby Led Weaning For Absolute Beginners


10 Tips on Baby Led Weaning For Absolute Beginners

I'm not an expert, I'm just a grandmother trying to do the best I can when looking after my grandson. His parents wanted to do baby led weaning (BLW) with Bear, but ended up doing a mixture of BLW and traditional weaning (purees) this time they were determined to go the whole way. When Bee's mummy went back to work he was nine months old. He was already a long way down the BLW route and I had to learn quickly what to do.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

A Day Out at Portmeirion Wales


A Day Out at Portmeirion Wales

Recently we spent a long weekend in Porthmadog, a small town in North Wales. We had been having the warmest summer since 1976 and Porthmadog had hit the headlines as the warmest place in the UK. It reminded us we had a few places near there we wanted to visit - Portmeirion was top of our list.

Monday, 13 August 2018

27 ways to entertain grandchildren during the summer


27 ways to entertain grandchildren during the summer

I look after Bear, who is three and Bee who is nearly one, for four days a week. During school term Bear goes to pre-school for a few hours each morning. Now it's the summer holidays we have to entertain them both, without breaking the bank.

Sadly many places put up their entrance fees during the holidays so days out cost more. It's also harder when one child is not walking, many places are out of bounds at the moment, mostly because I do not want to carry Bee and he doesn't want to be carried.

We are lucky in Wales as museums are free and once you hit sixty then all residents are entitled to a free bus pass. So what do we do to entertain the little ones?

Saturday, 11 August 2018

10 Ways I'm Reducing My Plastic Footprint - and you can too

10 Ways I'm Reducing My Plastic Footprint - and you can too

When I was younger hardly anything was plastic. Shoes and handbags were made from leather, shopping bags were cloth, milk came in returnable glass bottles and so did fizzy drinks. We shopped at the green grocers and they just put the vegetables loose straight into the bag, soft produce such as tomatoes were put into paper bags first.

Meat was from the butchers and was wrapped in grease proof paper, then white paper. Chips were wrapped in newspaper, we were told that newspaper ink made the paper clean, it was more likely to be poisonous!
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