Friday, 14 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 14 The Meaning Behind My Blog Name


#Blogtober16 Day 14 The Meaning Behind My Blog Name is one of the easier themes from this challenge. I spent ages thinking of names and reading blog posts. From those wanting to show me how to name my blog to those promising 1000 catchy blog names. I tried name generators and brainstorming.
It all came down one thing though, decide what you are going to write about and make your blog name relevant.
That was the problem, at first I wanted to write about everything and just couldn't come up with a unique, appropriate name. Once I decided that it would primarily be a blog about my grandson it became obvious. He was my little Teddy Bear and I was the old Cardigan! I could then write about him and parenting or my crafts such as sewing and knitting.

Teddy Bears and Cardigans was born.

Photo courtesy of Bear's Mummy Pixie Does 




  1. What a great name for your blog.
    Blog names are so hard to come up with but I think yours is perfect x

  2. Oh so cute that your grandson is your baby bear! I always think of my kids as tiger cubs.

    1. That's because you are mummy tiger and are protecting yours, I just cuddle my little Bear Lol xx


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