Sunday, 30 April 2017

#MySundayPhoto number 18


#MySundayPhoto number 18

A few weeks ago we visited RSPB Newport Wetlands. Its a fantastic place to take children, especially with bikes as a cycle route runs through it. It's free too. We love the wobbly bridge and the views across the channel are wonderful. It is really only accessible by car and as I do not drive it will be a few weeks before we can visit again.



Thursday, 27 April 2017

Hip Replacement Surgery - One Man's Journey. Week Two


Hip Replacement Surgery - One Man's Journey. Week Two

Mr P had total hip replacement surgery on 12th April. This is a diary of his journey to recovery. We had many questions that the internet just didn't answer. Is this normal? Am I recovering fast enough? This is one man's journey, hopefully it will fill in the gaps. 

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #16

Slimming World Weigh In #16

It's been an unusual week as this is the first week where I have done all the cooking and shopping. I have also made all the decisions on what we eat. Because my husband is recovering I have been doing everything. I have been shopping which means walking more and on top of all the household chores I have been tending the garden. I mowed the lawn today, the first time in years. In fact Mr P had to tell me how to use the lawn mower as I had never used this one. I have cut down on the gin's too as he isn't drinking at all so I don't enjoy drinking alone. This has cut my Syns so I could use them on something else. 

I have had a couple of meals that were not Syn free. Bear visited on Saturday and we had chip shop fish and chips. I just had the fish with mushy peas. I did remove the batter though! I also had a Scotch egg from the deli counter at Waitrose. I ate it before I checked the Syns and it was a scary 16 Syns. Oops! I must check first.

Slimming World Garlic Chicken with Spicy Cumin Vegetables Recipe


Slimming World Garlic Chicken with Spicy Cumin Vegetables 

Before I started Slimming World I loved to cook recipes from Madhur Jaffrey's cookery book from her 1980s TV series. The recipes involve lots of spices and oil to fry them in. I thought I'd try adapting one of my favourite recipes, Spicy Cumin Vegetables and have Garlic Chicken to go with it. This is not a quick meal but it is easy. The chicken needs to be marinated for at least 6 hours so can be prepared the day before.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

A Quick Walk to The Doctors


A Quick Walk to The Doctors

I am quite enjoying my little walks around the estate. To the shops, post box and to the doctors. I need to walk everywhere as I do not drive and it's quicker than the bus. I needed a repeat prescription for Mr P so thought I'd take you with me.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Our Weekly Journal 24th April 2017 Shopping and ants

Tulips, a gift from my daughter x

Our Weekly Journal 24th April 2017 Shopping and ants

This weeks journal is slightly different. It is usually about my grandson, Bear, but we are having a forced holiday while Grandad recovers from his hip replacement. This means that I have to do all the chores. I am a very pampered person and have always been looked after. Grandad does all the shopping and cooking and I do everything else. Now I have to cook and shop too. This wouldn't be so difficult if I could drive. I can't drive so I walk everywhere. This should be good for my weight loss (I'm doing Slimming World, weigh-in tomorrow) but it is hard work.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 17


#MySundayPhoto Number 17

I am having a forced holiday from looking after Bear. Bear's grandad has had a hip replacement and is recovering at home. We are having two weeks without Bear to allow Grandad to heal. He's doing great but we both miss Bear, and he misses us, so he came for a visit with his Mummy and Daddy on Saturday.

It was wonderful to see him, looking so grown up with his lovely new hair cut. We had a little walk around the garden, looking for bugs and watering plants. Underneath a plant pot where thousands of ants. Bear was fascinated at them all running around seemingly lost.



Thursday, 20 April 2017

Hip Replacement Surgery - One Man's Journey. Week One


Hip Replacement Surgery - One Man's Journey. Week One

Anyone who knows me or reads this blog will know that my husband (Mr P) has suffered from arthritis in his hip for many years. He put off having surgery as his GP recommended waiting until he really needed it. This he did, but last April he'd had enough and was put on the waiting list to see a consultant. Waiting list and patient. Too words that fit together perfectly.

I'm a retired theatre sister so I know what the surgery entails but have no idea of the recovery. I googled it and everything was averages. Three to five days in hospital. Six weeks before you can drive. Six months before fully recovered. But what do these mean? How much pain is there? When will he be able to walk? What does recovered actually mean? So many questions and no real answers. I thought I would document his journey here, this is just one man's journey through hip replacement surgery in Wales. It may be different where you are, your journey may be totally different too, but I hope this gives an insight into the whole recovery process.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #15


Slimming World Weigh In #15

It's been a bit topsy-turvy this week. My husband had a hip replacement on Wednesday and he does all the shopping and cooking, so I was thrown in to prepare my own meals. What with looking after a toddler and visiting until late in the evening I went slightly off plan. Not too bad but then there was Easter. I stupidly bought myself a white chocolate sheep from Lidl. I just love white chocolate and it was my treat for all the hard work I was doing. 

Slimming World Chicken Soup Recipe


Slimming World Chicken Soup Recipe

We have been making this chicken soup for many years, the original recipe is long forgotten. It is a French rustic dish with lots of carrots and potatoes to make the chicken go further. It also called for big dollops of butter, totally not Slimming World friendly. This is the recipe adapted and it is still delicious. I like it as it is but you could use your healthy extra's and have it with a wholemeal roll spread with Laughing Cow cheese.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

My Shopping Trip to Lidl


My Shopping Trip to Lidl

You may be wondering why I am writing a post about something so mundane as grocery shopping so I'll give a little background.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Our Weekly Journal 17th April 2017 Grandad's New Hip


Our Weekly Journal - Grandad's New Hip

We have waited for over a year for Grandad to have a new hip. Problems at the hospital over Christmas meant many operations were cancelled and so added to the delay. Grandad finally had a date of 12th April. He had to stop taking some of his tablets five days before so he was in lots of pain. Arthritis sucks!
Back in October I wrote a post called Seconds Matter - Artritis Is A Pain. It's a stark reminder how long Grandad has been disabled due to his arthritis.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 16


#MySundayPhoto Number 16

Grubby, tired and laughing.

Bear and I have had a stressful week with Grandad going into hospital for his new hip and Bear really, really missed him.

On Wednesday he asked me for a new toy. He has never asked me before, he wanted an ambulance and a fire engine, so on Thursday we went out to buy them and had a day of fun. We caught the bus into town, Bear loves buses. Had a ride on a fire engine on the roundabout, Bear loves fire engines. Went into Toys'R'us and bought his toys and then met Mummy for lunch. A perfect day.

I took this photo on the bus on the way home. He is laughing because he has his hand over his dummy so I can't take it out for the photo. Happiness restored.



Thursday, 13 April 2017

Slimming World Fish Cakes Recipe


Slimming World Fish Cakes Recipe

I love fish and when I was looking for a quick way to use a tin of tuna I thought of fish cakes. Don't skimp on the fish. I use tinned tuna as I have it in the cupboard and it's already prepared but any strong flavoured fish will do, salmon, smoked haddock, mackerel. Just cook and flake while the potatoes are boiling. This goes well with salad but would also be great with lots of your favourite vegetables. I used a mixture of potatoes and sweet potatoes to give more flavour.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #14


Slimming World Weigh In #14

I have been good with drinking water but exercise has taken a back seat (or couch potato to be honest). I am full of good intentions but just haven't got my head around it. Like all things it has to come from inside, and it will, I just don't know when.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

5 Tips For Organising Bloggers Meet Ups


5 Tips for organising Bloggers Meet ups*

I have been lucky to attend a few bloggers meet ups. Some were very good, some disasters and some great. It wasn't always the biggest that was the best. Meet ups are great for networking and having fun. They put faces to names, people you know in a virtual world become real. How do you organise a successful meet up? What if no-one turns up? What are the pitfalls? What makes a great event? You are probably reading this because you want to meet up with some like minded people but do not know where to start, 5 Tips For Organising Bloggers Meet Ups is for you.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Our Weekly Journal 10th April 2017 Newport Wetlands and Caerphilly Castle

Newport Wetlands and Caerphilly Castle

Grandad has been given the date of his operation for his new hip. It is for 12th April. As I do not drive it meant we only really had a week to get out and about. I wanted to revisit Newport Wetlands and to see the new dragon at Caerphilly Castle. We love Newport Wetlands. It is a safe environment for toddlers, even with all the water. Although best not to put your fingers through the netting as the swans think it's food.



Sunday, 9 April 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 15


#MySundayPhoto Number 15

When we visited Caerphilly Castle last year to see the dragon, Bear was quite wary especially when smoke came out of his nostrils. He knew the dragon was not real but he didn't want to be too close to it. This time there are two dragons, and he loved them. No fear at all, in fact he lay down to kiss the one on the left.

Friday, 7 April 2017

The Best Potty Training Tips from Real Mums


The Best Potty Training Tips from Real Mums 

My children are grown up and they were so different in everything they did. The experience of potty training was complete opposites. My first child, a boy was about three when we started potty training, at the insistence of his childminder. To be fair, she was the mother of five and she did most of the hard work, but he had lots of accidents. Looking back he just wasn't ready.

My daughter on the other hand instigated it herself. She was about two. She asked to stop wearing nappies but I kept her in them at night (we didn't have pull ups then) as I worked full time I couldn't face wet bedding and disturbed nights. After a while she asked not to wear them at night so we agreed that if she had five dry nights then she could go without a nappy. She did it without any problems and never had any accidents, not ever. So I didn't actually potty train her, she trained me.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

10 Five Minute Games For Toddlers


10 Five Minute Games For Toddlers

I am always looking for quick, homemade games to keep Bear occupied. There are lots out there but they usually take a lot of preparation or require a trip to the shops to buy the supplies.
I wanted games that Bear would love, and I could make in five minutes from supplies I already had in the house. Every game has been tested by a two year old and given the thumbs up. If you have the time and patience many make excellent craft activities too.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #13


How am I doing this week?

I started with good intentions. I was drinking lots of water and had intended to start exercising every day. I have walked more than usual but not dusted off my exercise bike yet. I am so doing it next week. I have also been trying some ready meals. Slimming World meals from Iceland. I saw an advert in the Slimming World magazine and thought I'd try them.

Slimming World Creamy Vegetable Pasta with Chicken, mushrooms and peppers - Recipe

Slimming World Creamy Vegetable Pasta with Chicken, Mushrooms and Peppers.

I have been trying Laughing Cow cheese triangles in some meals and they are very versatile. I have used them instead of butter in ham sandwiches and instead of cream in pasta. This recipe uses the triangles to make the pasta creamy. This is an easy, fast and delicious meal great for a quick lunch or supper.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

5 Minute Games For Toddlers - Down The Drain Pipe


5 Minute Games For Toddlers - Down The Drain Pipe

This may take a little longer than 5 minutes to prepare depending on what you have lying around. Basically you need a pipe and some stones. We have chippings around the house that Bear liked to collect and drop down the drain. This was such a bad idea for so many reasons, most importantly I was worried that the drains would get blocked. To distract him we made him his own drain pipe.


Monday, 3 April 2017

Our Weekly Journal 3rd April 2017 - Mothers Day and a Birthday

Beautiful Mothers Day and birthday flowers

Our Weekly Journal 3rd April 2017 - Mothers Day and a Birthday

I have lots of photos this week. It was Mothers Day on Sunday and I had flowers and gifts of gin (my favourite, my children know me well) then on Monday it was my birthday and I was surprised by a box being delivered full of flowers. The card just read Happy birthday. I couldn't think who had sent me flowers.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 14 - The Abandoned Soldier

The Abandoned Soldier
To honour those who have valiantly fought for our country
but are not being treated as the heroes they truly are

#MySundayPhoto Number 14 - The Abandoned Soldier

We decided to go into the city centre yesterday to have a meal at Jamies. If you sign up for their gold card then throughout the year you are given little treats, a birthday treat is a bottle of prosecco. It was a lovely day, sunshine and showers, so we went a little early and visited Cardiff Castle first. We are lucky, residents of Cardiff can buy a "key" for £5 and it gives unlimited free access to the castle and grounds for a year. We walked around the battlements catching views over Cardiff when we came across this. The Abandoned Soldier.
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