The Best Potty Training Tips from Real Mums
My children are grown up and they were so different in everything they did. The experience of
potty training was complete opposites. My first child, a boy was about three when we started potty training, at the insistence of his childminder. To be fair, she was the mother of five and she did most of the hard work, but he had lots of accidents. Looking back he just wasn't ready.
My daughter on the other hand instigated it herself. She was about two. She asked to stop wearing nappies but I kept her in them at night (we didn't have pull ups then) as I worked full time I couldn't face wet bedding and disturbed nights. After a while she asked not to wear them at night so we agreed that if she had five dry nights then she could go without a nappy. She did it without any problems and never had any accidents, not ever. So I didn't actually potty train her, she trained me.