Thursday, 6 October 2016

#Blogtober16 Day 6 Favourite Christmas/Birthday Present Ever

#Blogtober16-number-6- Favourite-Christmas-Birthday-Present-Ever

#Blogtober16 Day 6 Favourite Christmas/Birthday Present Ever

As a child we were quite poor. There were four children and my parents both worked very hard but it was tough making ends meet.
Christmas was a special time, we used to have pillow cases filled with presents. They were just not the most expensive but I remember one year having a bride doll. My mother had made all the clothes for the doll herself. She was beautiful. She had long hair with a veil and a beautiful white wedding dress, she even had knickers! 

Nowadays we tend to choose our own presents and so I don't get the surprise but I am also never disappointed.




  1. Aww that's lovely, I can remember getting a doll for Christmas with a whole pile of knitted clothes that my mum had made...yes, even woolly knickers :)

  2. Aww! That is so lovely. Handmade presents always seem to mean so much more than bought one's...

  3. I used to have a doll when I was a kid. I remember it so vividly. I called it Vienna, because the commentator on Gladiators used to say "Goodnight Vienna" when someone fell off the rings in Hang Tough. I had absolutely no idea it wasn't a person's name... *cringe*. #Blogtober16

  4. Hahaha I actually order the things I want so it's exactly the right one or Adam just takes me shopping! I do get some interesting things from Evie though! What a lovely thought having all the clothes made too! #Blogtober16

  5. I bet your mum made that doll with love. I don't choose my own presents but I do give massive hints!


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