Wednesday, 30 December 2015

I'm Going To Make 2016 The Best Year Ever

Well it's that time of year when we take time to reflect on what has gone and look forward to the New Year. Resolutions are everywhere. Lose weight. Do more exercise. Eat healthier.

But I know that by the middle of January they will be a thing of the past, mostly because they are too vague, too unrealistic or I just lose the motivation. 

I don't want to make resolutions that will get broken, I had a great 2015 and just want it to get better. OK sometimes things happen that makes us have our own Annus Horribilis, I can't stop these things happening. How I react to them is up to me. I am responsible for my own happiness. I want to look back and say "2016 was the best year ever!" 


Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers

This is my first nomination! Thankyou! I was really happy to be nominated by fivelittledoves to join the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers link up. I stumbled upon her blog one day and read one of her letters to her children, then read them all! Laura writes from the heart so that means lots of laughter (The Out-takes) and lots of tears (Letters to Joseph). So get a tissue and a cup of tea and check out her blog.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Our First Blogging Christmas

Bear was born in October last year so he's had his first Christmas. He wasn't very impressed. He thought Father Christmas and all that present giving was a bore. He slept through most of it, well the days he did. The nights he quite liked to be awake and playing 20 questions. You've played them. Has he had a poo? Is he in pain? Is he too young to be teething? Is he hungry and so on into the night.

Bear in his Elf suit. Bit too big but so cute.


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

It's been a fantastic year. I finally retired after taking early retirement last year and yes, I do miss the work and the people but instead I have my grandson Bear three days a week. It has been fantastic. OK it is exhausting. I have so much respect for all the parents out there doing it 7 days a week 24 hours a day on little or no sleep. Well Done!

I also started blogging in August after many, many months of dithering. I've met some really nice people through blogging. I love it.

Bear started laughing, crawling, walking, talking, running! Can't wait for next year.

Overall we've all had our ups and downs but it's mostly been up.

Bear and I would like to thank you for taking time out to read our ramblings
We wish you good health and joy in the coming year.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The Joys of Being a Grandmother

I sit here with the sun shining and the most precious thing in my life asleep upstairs. My grandson, Bear. I have two children so why are they not the most precious things in my life? Well they were until last year. They are still very precious but they are grown up. They have flown the nest. They are adults in their own worlds. My son is now a father, my daughter an aunty. Our relationships have changed. 

Every grandmother says it's the best thing that ever happened but I didn't believe it. How could anything be better than having your own child?

"For you maybe" I thought "but not for me. Nothing could be better than your own child". How wrong I was!

From the moment he was born, from the second I held him at only a few hours old I knew I was hooked. I was smitten. I was a grandmother.



A Cardiff Garden In December

I started the series of "A Cardiff Garden In...." as a record of my garden through the seasons. Bright and summery. Colourful autumn days. Cold, frosty winter days.

This year it has rained. It rained all spring, summer, autumn and now winter. In fact it has been raining here almost every day for the last 4 weeks. So instead of beautiful pictures of frost I have mud and puddles.

Cardiff is often wetter and warmer than the east of the UK and being in a city it's also about a degree warmer but it is still very mild for us. Today, a rare day with some sunshine, it was 14C in the garden, and felt a lot warmer in the sun, very warm for December. It has been so mild the plants are confused and think it's spring so they are putting out new shoots and flowering. This means when (if?) the cold weather and frosts hit us in January and February they will get frosted and die.

But if we look closer we will see the true beginnings of spring, the daffodils are breaking through and the cyclamen is about to flower.

Parts are very summery still- the Aubretia is still in full bloom


Sunday, 20 December 2015

Bears 1st Christmas Party

This week was Bears first Tots Club Christmas Party. We weren't too sure how much he would enjoy it but we were determined to go. Bear refused his morning nap which meant we got to the party on time (yeah!) but he was very tired (booo!) so after an hour we decided to leave. That was plenty of time for us!

toddler being held and watching everyone
Watching with Grandad


Friday, 18 December 2015

Zerodegrees Microbrewery and Restaurant, Cardiff - Review

Grandad and I decided last minute to go into Cardiff City Centre and see the lights, the Christmas Market and grab a bite to eat.



Wednesday, 16 December 2015

The Secret Guide - How To Ruin The Perfect Christmas Day

Ever wondered how the perfect Christmas day always seems to get ruined? Doesn't matter how well it's planned something always goes wrong. I don't mean burnt roast potatoes or boiled to death sprouts, they are traditional. I mean those other things. It's all going wonderfully then bam! Well, there's a secret guide and I am going to share it with you.

If you don't want to ruin Christmas Day here is the secret guide. Just avoid doing any of these things and you will have the perfect Christmas Day.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

How to Sew a Gift Basket for Christmas

My daughter in law recently had a major declutter prior to putting her house on the market. One of the items she was throwing out was a damaged fabric basket. It was so pretty. It made me think that maybe I could make a festive one using Christmas fabric. 



Friday, 11 December 2015

Fantastic Christmas Present for Vintage Lovers - 2016 Pretty Nostalgic Year Book


When I retired last year a friend of mine gave me a subscription to Pretty Nostalgic. I hadn't heard of Pretty Nostalgic before and when it arrived it was a monthly magazine full of vintage pictures and titbits. From recipes to how people lived. It was a really lovely magazine beautifully illustrated and full of articles not just about times past but relevant to today. When I finished reading I passed it onto my daughter who thought it was brilliant too. The subscription stopped and as it was a gift I hadn't counted how many I had received but thought that the time had gone quickly. I forgot all about it and then out of the blue a book arrived, it was the 2016 Pretty Nostalgic Year Book. When I contacted Pretty Nostalgic querying the book they told me they had to stop the subscriptions and had repaid all subscribers (my friend) and this was compensation for the issues I had missed. What a lovely gesture.


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How to Care For Your Toddler When They Have a Cold

The season of goodwill is upon us. Fairy lights, Christmas trees, tinsel and the common cold. Oh yes! Just before and during Christmas is the time our little ones will catch a cold and all our festive plans will go on hold until they are better.

In fact children get between 8 and 12 colds a year, and most of these between September and March. No wonder they always seem to be coughing and have a runny nose.

Bear has been very poorly recently with a cold and so I have spent ages on the internet looking for advice on what I could give to a 14 month old to help. The advice I found varies slightly with age, below is for toddlers over 6 months of age. I also spoke to a pharmacist and their advice was to carry on as we were doing (as below). He also tried to sell me a homoeopathic cough mixture, which I politely refused.

picture of toddler with foot in tissue box
Bear, when he was really poorly, wearing a tissue box


Monday, 7 December 2015

This week - From Einstein to Washing Puzzles

We say all the time things such as "don't they grow quickly" "where has the time gone" but the difference in Bear over the last couple of weeks has been enormous, not his physical growth but his development.

He now wants more interactive and imaginative games. He still enjoys things that make a noise when hit or pulled but he wants to feed his doll, put the farmer into his tractor or people into a bus. He likes to carry things especially if they are too big or too heavy. He walks with confidence, gone is the Frankenstein monster, except when he wears his new slippers that have a rattle in them! He shakes his feet one at a time and walks with a stomp so they make a noise.

He just loves my iPad. He likes to get Siri on it and then looks at me and I ask for pictures of different things. A cat, a dog, a monkey, a lorry, Einstein. Einstein? you ask, well that wasn't me that was Grandad. Grandad asked Siri for a picture of Einstein, Bear laughed at it and then did his own impression.

Black and white picture of Einstein poking his tongue out and Bear poking his tongue out
Einstein and Bear

He loves taking things out of things he especially enjoys helping with the shopping.

Picture of toddler with broccolli
Helping with the shopping

He also loves putting things in things. Clothes in the washing machine, rubbish in the bin but this also leads to fun discoveries. A puzzle piece in the washing machine, books in the bin, a plate under the washing in the basket, anything at all in Grandads boots! I just keep finding things in the wrong place. I really must remember to check the washing machine before I put it on and Grandad to check his boots too.

picture of a wet ambulance puzzle piece
A very clean and wet puzzle piece

collage of 3 pictures of a toddler putting something into an adults boot
Bear putting something into Grandads boot

A pair of slippers
These slippers rattle, Bear loves to stomp in them

picture of a laundry basket with a blue plastic plate in it
I found a plastic plate under the washing

picture of a toddler putting books into a waste paper basket
Putting books into the bin

He is talking, I mean really talking. OK we don't understand what he says but he has the tune just right, the words well they still need a bit of work! He also gestures with his hands up and open when we say "all gone".

He repeats everything said to him and at the time it's perfectly understandable, it just doesn't always make sense on it's own.

What new words can he say?

Hickory Dickory Dock

We didn't go to Tots club this week because Bear was poorly. He has had the most awful cold and cough, which he probably caught at Tots club in the first place. He was so poorly that on Thursday night they all stayed at our house so Mummy and Daddy could get some sleep and I sat up with Bear. He tried so hard to sleep but every time he settled he coughed and woke himself up. We did all the usual things, snuffle babe on his chest, Olbas Oil on his clothes and on a tissue in the room and raised one end of his mattress so that he wasn't lying flat. Even with all this it was a long night.

picture of a toddler with his foot in a tissue box
Half past midnight and he's tearing up tissues and wearing the box
Worse though was that he stopped eating and drinking. We like to give Bear good food including fresh vegetables and fruit which he usually loves but this week even white chocolate buttons and chocolate cookies were only a small temptation.

picture of a toddler spitting out orange pieces
Spitting out Oranges

picture of a toddler poking a white chocolate button
White chocolate buttons being squashed not eaten

toddler with cookie in one hand whilst opening a door with the other
Cookie in hand but not being eaten

toddler smiling with ketchup on face
Bear  licked the ketchup off his chips but wouldn't eat them

So he's now slowly getting over his cold and we have to try to fatten him up again! There wasn't much of him to start with. I just hope that next week he enjoys his food.

Do you have any tips on helping your little one when they have a bad cold?


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

18 Questions To Ask Your Grandparents Before It's Too Late

I was so lucky, I loved my grandparents. When I was little they lived a long way away . They lived in London and we lived in Hertfordshire, 30 miles! It was a 2 hour bus ride just to get to Golders Green. Then we had another bus to catch. Very few people had cars or could afford the train so bus it was. That meant we didn't see them as often as I'd have liked but I loved them.

A black and white photo of a man and woman sat in deckchaire. The man has a pipe
My Grandad and Nanna. My dad's mum and dad

There are so many questions I wish I had asked them but I didn't even think of asking them when they were alive. I suppose I thought they'd always be around.

My mothers mother was born in the west of Ireland, She was the 7th child of a 7th child and spoke only Irish until she was about 7 years old. She left Ireland just after the Irish war of Independence in about 1922. She was 19. That's all I know.

A lady laughing, a women holding a baby stretching for white chocolate.
My Nanny, me and Bears daddy. My mum's mum.

My mother told me that Nan left home because her father wouldn't let her cut her long hair short. Oh how I wish I could have asked her about that. I can hear her laughter and her wonderful Irish accent, she loved to laugh. She would have told me all about it, how she left Ireland and travelled to London. How she met my grandad and fell in love. All about her parents and grandparents. Her brothers and sisters. Now there is no one left that I can ask. If only I could turn the clock back just a little but that of course is impossible.

So if you are lucky enough to still have grandparents sit with them talk about their past. You may think "boring" but I assure you when you are older and they have gone you will just wish....

So to get you started here's some questions to ask your grandparents before it's too late

  1. Where and when were you born? Did your parents ever share their memories with you about the day you were born?
  2. What were the names of your grandparents and what are your memories of them?
  3. When and where were your parents and brothers and sisters born?
  4. What schools did you attend? Did you like school? What were they like?
  5. What was the best thing about your childhood?
  6. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  7. How did you meet Nanny/Grandad? 
  8. When and where were you married? What was the best bit?
  9. Tell me about the day mum/dad was born
  10. How did you choose your childrens names?
  11. Where have you lived? Where did you like best?
  12. What jobs have you had? Who did you work for and what did you do?
  13. Do you know any stories about the history of the family?
  14. What was your proudest moment?
  15. What has been your biggest challenge?
  16. What has given you the most pleasure/fun in your life so far?
  17. What are some of your favourite things? Favourite flowers? Favourite books? Favourite songs? Favourite foods? 
  18. If like me your grandparents are not from where you now live. Why did you leave the place you grew up?

Oh and don't forget to write the answers down! 

Are there any questions you would add to my list?

If you would like to see more in this series click on the "Family Tree" part of the badge below and it will take you directly to my index page.


Sunday, 29 November 2015

WOW Toys Farm Yard Advent Calendar - Review

I've been looking for farm animals suitable for Bear to play with as he is now very good at doing grunting noises like pigs make and loves hearing the noises of the other animals. They all seem to be for 3+ years so when I first saw the WOW toys advent Farm Yard calendar I knew it was exactly what I was looking for.

picture of front of the advent calendar box


Friday, 27 November 2015

10 Fun Christmas Party Food Ideas

I'm not a cook, I'm definitely not a baker so these are just some fun ideas from around the web. A lot of these fun Christmas party food ideas do not need any cooking skills so Merry Christmas and Happy Eating!

10 Fun Christmas Party Food Ideas

1. Christmas Hats from Sweet Simple Stuff 

10-Fun-Christmas-Party-Food-Ideas-3-marshmallows-covered-in-chocolate-look-like-Christmas -op-hats


Thursday, 26 November 2015

A Cardiff Garden in November

November in Cardiff brings the threat of frost. It doesn't always arrive but a chill is in the air. The garden is starting to look unloved as we spend more time indoors and the days get shorter.

There are a few flowers refusing to give in to winter and a few that start their flowering now.

The seed heads, berries and hips give most of the colour and interest. A few of the plants are promising us a show later, like the camellias and pine tree.

Picture of purple aubretia through railings
Aubretia flowering through railings


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

How to Keep Your Toddler Safe at Home

Accidents are the main cause of death in children under 5. Every year about 500,000 children under
the age of 5 go to hospital because of an accident in the home according to the NHS website.

There are some people who decide right at the beginning that they are not going to move things and are going to teach their baby not to touch certain things. Well good luck to you. After 3 weeks of Bear hitting the gas fire with anything he could find, because he liked the noise, I gave in and bought a fire guard even though we never have the fire on.

I only have Bear 3 days a week so some of my solutions are temporary, like the cover on the glass unit. If he lived with us I couldn't be bothered to put the board on and off all the time so I would move the unit or change the doors.

toddler in room with gate across doorway and board at glass furniture

The main causes of accidents of this age group are;

  • Lack of supervision
  • Falls
  • Fire
  • Choking
  • Burns and scalds
  • Poisoning
  • Drowning

So how do you keep your toddler safe at home?

1. Supervision

I know in a perfect world you would never take your eye off your toddler for a second but we all get distracted and we have to get on with caring for other children or cooking or other essential chores. We know we can't watch them 24 hours a day so make your home safe. Follow the advice below. Don't forget when in other peoples homes you will have to supervise. Assume their house will not be safe. Be especially careful with visitors handbags, many people keep all sorts of drugs and other dangerous things in them.

picture of gate in doorway

Have you thought about a playpen? Or use a gate on one room.

2. Falls

Toddlers are explorers, they will climb and at some point they will fall. We have to keep them safe and make sure that if they fall it is not from a height.

The greatest risks are;

Stairs. Use stairgates. One at the bottom and before they can escape their cot, one at the top.

Windows. Make sure all upstairs windows cannot be opened by toddlers.

Balcony's. If you have  a balcony keep the doors to it locked. Ensure any railings are intact and that a toddler cannot squeeze between them. Remember toddlers are like cats, they can squeeze between things that look too small!

TV's and Furniture. Toddlers have been killed by pulling heavy furniture including TV's onto them, Secure these to the walls.

Highchairs. Always use the harness to secure them, don't rely just on the tray.

3. Fire

If you have a fire buy a fireguard. Whatever one you like, I bought an old fashioned one from Mothercare. There are some really pretty ones too.

Smoke Alarm. Make sure you have them fitted and that they work. If you live in the UK you may be eligible for free smoke alarms from the fire service.

Matches etc Keep these out of reach, always!

picture of fire with guard

4. Choking/Suffocation

Blind cords. Shorten them with a cleet or tie them up high. Babies and toddlers die by being caught in the cords. It is possible to buy wands instead of cords and we have that in his bedroom.

Don't use cot bumpers or attach anything to the cot that a baby could get trapped in

Toys and small things. Keep small object including peanuts away from small children

Food. There have been reports recently of children choking on grapes and other small fruit. Be aware and cut them into quarters.

Nappy bags. Everyone knows that plastic bags are dangerous for children but so are nappy bags, keep these away and out of reach.

5. Burns and Scalds

If using an oven that the toddler can reach then keep them out of the kitchen. If that is not possible then confine them eg a playpen if the kitchen is big enough or their high chair.

We have a built in double oven that is quite high. We try to use only the top oven when Bear is with us as he cannot reach it...yet.

Always use saucepans on the hob with the handles facing away from the front.

Tea and coffee is always left at the back of the kitchen work surface or put onto the mantel piece until it is cooled, nothing with hot (or cold!) liquid in it is put within Bears reach. Our kettle is pushed to the back of the work surface too.

cup of fruit tea on mantelpiece

Bath. Fill with  cold water first, then add the hot. Children have been scalded by jumping into the bath before its ready. Always use a bath thermometer too.

Radiators can get very hot. Ensure those in play rooms have covers or are turned down.

6. Poisoning

We have cupboards in our bathroom and downstairs toilet where we keep all our nasty's eg bleach, limescale remover. At the moment Bear has no access to these cupboards. The door on the down stairs toilet when opened blocks the under sink cupboard but I know when he is older I will have to put locks on the doors or move the cleaners. There are purpose made locks and although I haven't tried it the Lindam xtra guard gets great reviews.

All our medicines are kept in a wall cupboard that he cannot reach.

It is so easy for children to poison themselves, especially toddlers who will not eat your lovingly prepared food but will drink bleach and eat toilet blocks. Make sure they are locked away or out of reach. Ensure that all spray cleaners are turned off and lids are securely replaced.

7. Drowning

A child can drown in just a couple of centimetres of water. Ensure ponds, pools etc are not accessible by children. Fence them off and if you can't them empty them.

8. Other dangers


We do not use socket covers. They have been reported and tested as dangerous. We either have appliances plugged in or they are left just as they are. Bear has shown no interest in them at all. He does like light switches though.


Get a new mattress for every baby. A cot that conforms to safety standards. Do not use bumpers or give pillows and soft toys to babies in their cot. They do not need them.

Baby sleeping bags are great. Ensure they fit and are not too big. They keep babies warm without them overheating and they can't suffocate by pulling them over their head.


Toddlers heads are at table height. They seem to bang their head on anything and everything. We have moved things around a bit but  one thing we haven't moved is the table in the kitchen, it is in the correct place for meals but just where Bear can bang his head. We didn't want to stick anything to the furniture and ruin it so have just pushed pipe lagging on. I know as soon as he realises it can be easily removed it will be used as a weapon of mass destruction but until then!

table with pipe lagging on edge

Glass in furniture

We have Billy units from Ikea, they have safety glass that if broken will shatter into tiny squares (like a cars windscreen) but I still do not want Bear hitting it and breaking it or diving head first into it. We have put up hardboard. It suits us as it can be quickly removed and stored behind the door. You could use safety film but when I searched it had mixed reviews.

glass furniture with hardboard covering it

First Aid

Everyone caring for babies and small children should have a basic idea of what to do in the case of an accident. Do you know what to do if a child is choking, cut or burnt?

Please read up on this so you know what to do and don't have to look it up after the event.

Lots more advice at ROSPA.

What safety tips have I missed?


Friday, 20 November 2015

Baby Clinic, Tots Club and MMR Side Effects

It's been a strange week. We had a few things planned, Berry Hill Farm on Monday to order our Christmas chicken. Baby clinic on Tuesday to get Bear weighed and measured. Tots club on Wednesday.

We started on Monday with the happiest, hungriest toddler ever and over the weekend he had given mummy and daddy their first kiss, on the nose (so cute!).

toddler sat on chair holding a sock
Bear sat patiently for me to take his photo and then put his sock on.

He was eating everything put in front of him not typical for Bear who is a fussy eater to say the least. He also handed back his fork and didn't throw it or food on the floor.

toddler in highchair happily stirring cup with spoon

He was so happy too. A little ray of sunshine. I really didn't want him to go home!

Then on Tuesday we were taking Bear to baby clinic to see the Health Visitor because we had failed to get to see her last week but the toddler that was brought to us was not the same one as yesterday. He wouldn't nap in the morning, he wouldn't eat or drink anything. Everything upset him and made him have a tantrum. Even his favourite cup and spoon only kept him happy for a minute.

toddler sat on floor with cup, spoon and pearl barley
Bears first encounter with pearl barley.

Bear wanted to go out but the weather was appalling. Rain and really windy, the tail end of storm Barney so going to the park was out. I put him in his all-in-one and wellies and went into the garden. He loved it! He loved the wind and rain but mostly stirring dirty water with a brush. It was the first time he had been happy all day.

toddler in snow suit smiling holding brush

After lunch we went to see the Health Visitor. 8 babies in front of us, oh no! I could have done without this as he was so grumpy.

toddler looking through glass balustrade

toddler holding one wellie and wearing the other
Bear likes to wear his wellies on his hands and feet

Grandad and I took it in turns to follow him around the waiting room. He walked over to one mummy and baby and picked up a blanket that they had dropped on the floor and gave it to the mummy! Then gave himself a round of applause. How cute is that?

Eventually it was our turn and I tried to put Bear down so he could be measured. Bear was not going to cooperate at all. He refused to wave, or clap or talk. He just screamed everytime I put him down, Nanny's boy. We thought he may be teething but we knew it was more than that. When he is well he only wants Grandad, when he's poorly he wants Nanny.

We managed to measure his length and weigh him. The Health Visitor was happy with everything so off we went. We decided that if he fell asleep in the car on the way home we'd carry on so he could nap. His eyes looked heavy and tired but he was fighting sleep so we drove around, after 25 minutes he was still wide awake so we headed for home. Just as we were almost home he fell asleep. So another 30 minute drive around the lanes of North Cardiff.

They are lovely lanes, through a couple of small villages and quiet although this day they were full of flood water and debris from the trees blown down in the bad winds. So over a few pot holes and some Daktari* driving we got home.

On Wednesday Bear was so poorly! He was so hot although Mummy had taken his temperature and it was normal. We thought we'd wait and see what he was like after his breakfast but it was soon obvious he was ill and Mummy text me to ask me to give him Calpol. We only give Calpol when he really needs it and after about 40 minutes his temperature started to come down. He didn't eat breakfast but went to sleep for his morning nap quite easily.

I talk to Mummy via email and while he was napping she suggested it may have something to do with his jabs. I checked the piece of paper the nurse gave us last week, rash, lumps in throat and so I googled it.

The NHS website stated;

About a week to 11 days after the MMR injection, some children get a very mild form of measles. This includes a rash, high temperature, loss of appetite and a general feeling of being unwell for about two or three days.

Definitely MMR side effects.

We decided to go to tots club anyway because he wasn't infectious. He hasn't been for ages because we would rather be outside but now the winter is here we are going each week.

Toddler playing with toy saucepan and fries

We turned up an hour late, I'd got the times wrong. Silly me. So we only had 20 minutes but Bear loved it!

Toddler playing with toy saucepan and concentrating hard

Toddler holding toy saucepan and fries and crouching
Bear loved the saucepan and fries!

So a mixed week, from perfect toddler to unhappy sad toddler. I know his jabs are important but I wish they didn't make him feel so bad. Lets hope next week he's full of beans again!

Did your little one have any side effects from their jabs?

*Daktari. Very, very old TV series set in Africa and at the beginning of every episode the Jeep drives through flood water very fast so it sprays up really high on both sides.


Monday, 16 November 2015

5 Lies We Should Tell Our Children

5 Lies We Should Tell Our Children 

Surely telling lies is bad? I'm not talking about white lies or malicious lies, I'm talking about lies that are good for our children. Fantasy. Magic. Stories. 

Some of the most precious moments in childhood are those filled with wonder and belief. I think it's harder in this day and age of the internet and 24 hour TV but I think it's a duty of all parents and grandparents to lie to their children.

Bear is only 11 months old but I have already started to lie to him. Here is my list of lies I will tell Bear before he is too old.


Best Christmas Jumpers Ever

Everyone loves a Christmas jumper don't they? Here'a a selection I love. Available now.


red with fairisle sleeves, reindeer with red nose
George at Asda  0-12 months £7*
pink with reindeer and pink nose
Peacocks 0-24 Months £8*


white with reindeer and big red nose
Mothercare light up! 6 months -7 years £13 -£15* reduced size 2-3 years £10
white fluffy with reindeer and fluffy red nose
Matalan 12 months - 5 years £12*
blue with just legs of Santa down chimney and writing Ho Ho Ho
Tesco Boys 3 months - 6 years £10-£12


blue with Santa wearing red fairisle sun glasses
Next Boys 3-16 years £14-£19
Blue and white with penguin skiing down hill
Peacocks Boys 7-14 years £10-£14*
red with snowman wearing sun glasses and written just chillin
Tesco Boys 5-14 years £10-£13*

I know it's a sweatshirt but it's got Elsa on it!

Elsa print on sweatshirt
George at Asda Sweatshirt 9-10 years (other sizes sold out) £9*
Fairisle cardigan with puddings
Next Girls 3-16 years £18-23
White with snowman and pom poms
John Lewis Girls 2-12 years £20-£22*


Blue fairisle jumper
ASOS men £38 Now £26.50

Grey with red Micky Mouse made out of stars
Disney Store Mens £29.95 Now reduced £14.97
Black jumper with grinning Christma baubles
Peacocks Mens £24*


Black jumper with white dots and Christmas trees
George at Asda £14*
Cream Jumper with This Girl Loves Christmas written on it
New Look Ladies £14.99
green jumper with Micky Mouse on it
Peacocks Ladies reduced! £10

*OH NO! As at 12th December 10 of the best Christmas jumpers are out of stock!! Next year remember to buy early. Merry Christmas

What is your favourite Christmas jumper?

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