Monday 30 April 2018

Forest Farm Nature Reserve- A Toddler Explores


Forest Farm Nature Reserve- A Toddler Explores

We are very lucky to live in Cardiff, there is so much to visit. We love the castles, museums and parks  but it can be months between each visit. We hadn't been to Forest Farm since last Autumn when we took Bear on his bike and he rode off with me running like an idiot behind shouting for him to stop. He did eventually!

"Too fast Nanny!" he explained "bike wouldn't stop".

It was a very cold day a few weeks ago when we decided to go back, this time without his bike!

Saturday 28 April 2018

Our Weekly Journal - Catch up, Spa and Colds


Our Weekly Journal - Catch up, Spa and Colds

It’s been a few weeks since my last journal, a combination of both Bear and Bee being poorly (nasty, nasty virus), time whizzing by and inertia, in the guise of Minecraft. If you have never played Minecraft Do.Not.Start! It sucks all your time and energy. If you have played, you know exactly what I mean.


Friday 6 April 2018

Ravensburger PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle - Review


Ravensburger PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle - Review

We love jigsaw puzzles and Bear loves PJ Masks so when Ravensburger asked us to review* their PJ Masks Jigsaw Puzzle we were very excited! 
The weather had been very cold and wet and I had been struggling to find things for Bear to do indoors. He also had the beginning of a very bad cold and he was very particular about what games he played. A jigsaw puzzle was the perfect solution.
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