Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #10


Slimming World Weigh In #10

This week I have given in to temptation and been very good too. I really, really fancied a burger so I did. I used my healthy extra a and b on the wholemeal roll and cheese. I had two Birdseye burgers and some lean bacon with a green salad. It was yummy! Each burger is 5 Syns, I squeezed out all the fat and patted on a piece of kitchen roll so maybe a little less? It was my daily Syn allowance but it was worth every bite. That's why I love this plan, I get to eat what I want and still stay on plan. What did I resist? We went out on Sunday for a pub lunch and I had grilled chicken salad, no dressing. It was great, I made up for being extravagant earlier in the week and just enjoyed eating with my family.

How am I doing this week?

I lost 1.5lbs! Absolutely over the moon, so back on plan. I also lost an inch from my waist so doubly happy.

What have I eaten this week?


Boiled eggs
Porridge oats soaked in semi-skimmed milk
Yoghurt with fruit


Ham and chips
Baked potato, feta cheese and baked beans
Fish* and Chips
Beef Burger* and salad
Pasta, cauliflower, tomatoes and cheese
Grilled chicken salad
Salmon, green beans and new potatoes

*contain Syns


Ham, stir fry vegetables and noodles
Salmon and green beans
Spaghetti Bolognese
Cod with bacon & tomatoes, salad and herby rice
Pizza chicken and couscous
Prawns & peppers with potatoes and sweetcorn
Chicken wrapped in bacon with cheese filling, Chips, sweet potato and grated vegetables

In Between

Muller light yoghurt
Brazil nuts

Total Syns this week = 82
Total weight loss = 16lbs

Takeaway fish and chips were on the menu this week. I really fancied some fish shop cod and while OH went to buy them I made Syn free chips for me. I really like Slimming World chips. I took all the batter off my fish and just had a small taste. I did eat all the fish. I am sure it was lots of Syns so I added 10, my days allowance. You could always bake your own fish, no Syns and have homemade burgers with lean mince, no Syns. Then indulge in whatever takes your fancy.
It may seem strange to use a days allowance on takeaway fish or a burger but I am really OK not having crisps, biscuits or cake. I don't have them in the house and if I ate one I would not stop. Total abstinence is best for me. Even sticking to plan I usually just lose a pound a week, I am sure it's my post menopausal hormones.

Main photo; Pizza chicken, salad and couscous. Top right anti-clockwise; Pasta, cauliflower and cheese; Beef Burger; Prawns and peppers; Grilled chicken salad; Salmon, green beans and new potatoes; Spaghetti Bolognese; Baked potato, Beans and Feta

For lunch one day I needed something quick and I was hungry so I baked a potato in the microwave. A trick I learnt was to wrap the potato in wet kitchen paper, it stops the outside going hard and dry whilst the middle is cooking. When cooked I cut it into quarters and put one Laughing Cow Original triangle cheese on top (half Hexa allowance), then poured hot baked beans on top of the cheese, the cheese melts deliciously underneath, and topped with 20g Feta cheese (half Hexa). Quick, filling and very tasty.

My best recipe of the week is Salmon and Green Beans. It isn't totally Syn free (2 Syns) but is a wonderful way to eat salmon.


Life According to MrsShilts


  1. Ahh! It's great that you can still eat some of what you like. The burger sounds fantastic and like it was enjoyed. It seems pretty sensible saving up your daily allowance for one big treat. Well done with the weight loss. That is fantastic.

    1. Thank you so much. I am determined to stick with it, I just wish it was a little quicker. I definitely enjoyed the burger!

  2. Well done on your loss. I've not thought of using feta on a JP before but I'll give it a go. Mich x #Slimmingsunday

  3. Congrats on the weight loss. I think the best part of a diet, is a diet where you CAN eat a little of your own choice (even it it is a syn, now & again).

  4. Well done on your weightloss this week, that's brilliant. Love your meal plan too, I love that you can eat whatever you fancy within reason. Thanks for linking up with #SlimmingSunday


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