Monday, 5 December 2016

Sun and Ice


This week we were blessed with lots of glorious sunshine but boy was it cold. On Monday we decided to go to the park so Bear could enjoy the sun. He wanted to wear Grandads cap and scarf and he looked so cute. Our own little cockney.

Bear has seen the playground

Cold but having fun on the slide

Bears new game. Pile leaves on the slide and slide down pushing them off

Bear thought it was really funny trying to stop Grandad from sitting on the park bench
We also had lots of fun playing with our 5 Minute Games for Toddlers. I think fishing was Bears favourite.


On Thursday the sun was shining and we decided to go to Dyffryn Gardens as they have a 12 Days of  Christmas trail. We had read about it on Cardiff Mummy Says and wanted to see it for ourselves. As we got closer the clouds came down and the fog got thicker so by the time we arrived it was foggy and not sunny at all. It was freezing. So cold in fact that the fountain and Long Water were both frozen solid. Bear was fascinated in the ice, he didn't seem to mind the cold either.


Frost on the ground and Bear disappearing around the corner

12 Drummers Drumming and 7 Swans a Swimming. The swan has fallen over and is stuck on its side in the ice

Bear was fascinated at the ice on the fountain and found it cold and slippery

Cold mornings led to some gorgeous sunrises and foggy ones too
We had a great week despite the cold. Have you seen ice this year yet?



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