Monday, 12 December 2016

Painting and Photography


Some weeks are quiet and some are really busy. This week turned out to be a bit of both. Bear hadn't been feeling well, he had a blocked nose and hadn't been sleeping very well. On  Monday we decided to stay in to ensure he would get a nap. After breakfast he asked to do painting. "Painting, painting" he said, so painting it was.

He started with yellow I asked if he was doing a treasure map and the yellow was the sand. He wasn't too sure about this but we all chatted about pirates and he liked that idea. Then he painted with blue "is that the sky?" I asked, "no, water". He had painted lots of parallel wavy lines like Grandad had last week. I'm always amazed at his memory.
Then he added a few other colours, red for the boat and black for the pirates. He painted everything black. "night" he said "it's night". He painted his hand black, don't touch anything I pleaded but the little look he gave was enough to say, try stopping me!


Go on, dare me!


Tuesday we ventured into town on the bus and the weather was very wet, drizzle and rain throughout the day. We popped into a Burger King opposite the Castle to escape the rain and have a bite to eat. Bear could also watch the traffic go by through the window. He had been fascinated by the emergency vehicles going past. A fire-engine and an ambulance. Bear loved watching the lights flash and hearing the sirens. 

It was my first visit to Burger King in about 20 years and I was surprised that the food was really quite nice and the staff were lovely. Just the baby change facilities let it down. It was freezing cold, dirty and the change table was at a precarious angle. Not a nice experience at all.


Bear carried this empty cup all around town and onto the bus

Wednesday was Tots as usual, Bear wore his reindeer jumper and what a coincidence the craft was making reindeer! Each one had two little chocolates hidden inside, Bear quickly found his and wanted to look in the others for more.

When we get home the first thing Bear usually says is "no nap" he shakes his head and looks very serious, "morning, eat". 
This is his way of delaying having a nap by pretending he'd rather eat. We had a quick lunch and then up to bed. Completely out of character he refused to sleep and so over an hour later I had to give in and accept that a nap wasn't going to happen.


Bear peeking out when he should be sleeping

On Thursday we ventured out to Mambo soft play centre. Bear had such a good time, he really loved it. You can read what we thought of Mambo in our toddler explores review


What's new this week?

Bear has been able to jump for a few weeks now. He loves to jump and he tries to jump everywhere. I put some bricks on the floor for him to jump over, he tried and tried then he did it! 

"I did it!" he beamed.


He's also a budding David Bailey, he took my phone and below are a selection of his photos. 

Top row; Bears feet, twice and his lunch. Middle Row; The tumble drier, his Toddlebike2 and me. Bottom Row; Me, again, the cupboard and Grandad 
Have a great week and don't forget to look out for my 5 Minute Games. 



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