Monday, 19 December 2016

Flu, Bear and Me


This week we should have been getting festive. Trimming the tree and making greeting cards but Bear and I have been poorly with flu. I have been so tired with a sore throat and achy limbs. Bear has had a bad cough and runny nose with hives. Hives are a rash that can be caused by an allergy, a sting or a virus. Bears is due to a virus and there is little we can do except treat the symptoms, Calpol, anti-histamine cream and various smelly oils and balms.

We only got out once, that was to find puddles and jump in them. We didn't even get to the Tots Club Christmas Party which was a shame but if we had gone either we would have spread our germs or we would have picked up something new. The rest of the week we have been watching TV or Peppa Pig and just a little bit of crafting. We started making cards but Bear got bored really quickly and refused to stick anything on or draw. Oh well, the thought was there, maybe next week we will finish them all.

Grandad trying to steal Bears puddle hehe!

Bear multi tasking, watching TV and doing puzzle but not out of his pj's

Bear wanted bread with nothing on it, fair enough.

Smile for Mummy!

He loved the Blow Football 

We had fun playing blow football but blowing made Bear cough, silly Nanny!

Whats new this week?

Bear has been ill so he hasn't had a chance to surprise us with many things. He did say a four word sentence though,

"Daada more ham plis" and then "dankoo"

Daada is Grandad, daddy or dada is Daddy

I hope you're all prepared for Christmas, we are nowhere near ready but it will happen with or without us! Merry Christmas and I hope Father Christmas brings you all you need and a little of what you desire too.



1 comment

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