Sunday, 4 December 2016

#MySundayPhoto Number 49


On Thursday the sun was shining and although it was frosty it promised to be warm and bright so off we all went to Dyffryn Gardens (one of our favourite National Trust properties). As we got closer the fog got thicker until we could hardly see. Where had the sun gone? Sadly it had hidden behind the fog and cloud.

Dyffryn Gardens have a 12 Days Of Christmas Trail and Bear had great fun finding lots of them. We didn't stay to find them all because it was freezing so #MySundayPhoto Number 49 is 6 Geese A-Laying. What I really liked was that many are interactive and encourage children to play. Bear enjoyed moving all the eggs from the baskets into one on the end. Don't worry they were rubber and bounced.




  1. Sorry about the loss of sun. I hate cold, dark days - it's really the darkness more than the cold. Cute photo.

  2. It sounds like a great day out. Such a shame it was too cold.
    Lovely photo x

  3. That sounds like a great day out, I hope you had fun

    Thank you for linking up

  4. Such a fun idea, though maybe I should blame Dyffryn Gardens for children coming to us and thinking our chicken eggs won't break!

  5. Oh dear, sorry the fog came down - although it still sounds like you had a lot of fun. I've got the line "Five Golden Rings" stuck in my head now :) #MySundayPhoto

  6. Love the clever concept and a place I had not heard of so will look into it

  7. We visited Mottisfont National Trust recently who are also doing A Twelve Days of Christmas adventure trail! This looks fab! Great piccy #MySundayPhoto

  8. Sounds like fun! I did think they were real for a minute!


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