Sunday, 18 December 2016

#MySundayPhoto Number 51

#MySundayPhoto Number 51 was supposed to be all Chrismassy. You know the sort of thing, a tree, a toddler in a Christmas jumper, reindeer and lights. But we got the flu.

Poor Bear has a nasty cough and hives and I have a sore throat, achy joints and a cough.That means we have taken no photo's and have cwtched* on the sofa all week.
So I thought I'd use a photo from last week. This is a rainy, grey day in Cardiff. Bear, Grandad and me are watching an ambulance go past "ne nah"  outside Burger King. It's freezing and raining, we go inside so Bear can watch the cars through the window.

If you look closely you will see Cardiff's Christmas tree. Honestly it's there, look closely!! Yep, that has cost us, the people of Cardiff,  £30,000 to loan for 3 years. China saw us coming didn't they. The baubles are peeling, it was suppose to be 40m high and is just about 40 feet. At least Cardiff Council had a sense of humour and joked on twitter they had sacked the person who ordered it. We all laughed into our council tax bills.

*Cwtch - best Welsh word ever, it's not possible to translate exactly but means cuddle, hug, with love, warmth, mmmmm, cosy, more hugs and so much more.



  1. Hope you are all getting over your bugs and have a Christmas post next week. I'm rather excited by your Cardiff photo, I'm finding my way round the city now and know where you are!

  2. I can just see it! Hope you all feel better soon x

  3. Aww hope you all feel better soon. I love that word too. I only discovered it after reading blogs.

  4. Oh my goodness!! That made me laugh and gasp at the same time! Hope you all feel better soon and wishing you a very merry Christmas #MySundayPhoto

  5. Hope you all feel better soon. That's a pretty tree

    Have a very Merry Christmas.

    Thank you for linking up and supporting My Sunday Photo this year.

  6. oh no, I'm sorry you have been so poorly, I really hope you are all on the mend now. I have a Welsh friend who is always giving people virtual cwtch's and she also says it's the best word ever! I can see the Christmas tree, it's pretty, but it's not very impressive is it.
    Wishing you and bear a very Merry Christmas xx

  7. Oh dear, hope you are all on the mend. I did laugh about the tree, how odd!

  8. Love this photo. I moved away from Wales 13 years ago and have only gone back to Cardiff once in all that time. Love Cardiff and owe a lot to the hospital there too. :)

  9. Ae not good. Hope you feel better soon. On a plus side its nice to see a non christmasy photo ;) #mysundayphoto

  10. Ae not good. Hope you feel better soon. On a plus side its nice to see a non christmasy photo ;) #mysundayphoto

  11. Oh no! I hope you all feel better soon!
    Eesh! That tree...hehehe

  12. Hope bear is better very soon. Pesky winter germs. I saw that Xmas teee on Facebook and it really made me chuckle. Bet it makes the poor people that bought it absolutely seethe though!

  13. Oh no I hope you are all better soon xxx

  14. Hope you all feel better this week. Cwtches on the sofa sound perfect. I think I saw the Cardiff Christmas tree pop up in my Facebook feed - it's better than our local tree though!


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