Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #4 and Best Recipe Of The Week


Slimming World Weigh In #4 and Best Recipe Of The Week

I have reached week four and been experimenting with some different meals. We have been making our favourite meals by adapting them and have tried some new ones too.

How Did I Do This week?

I lost 1lb and my waist stayed the same. I am a little disappointed that I haven't lost more off my waist. I satisfy myself that I am losing invisible fat around my organs, but I'd still like to see it in the mirror.

I have a best (and a worst!) meal of the week but first what I ate this week;


Porridge oats and milk (HEXa & HEXb)
Toasted sweet potato (see below)


Slow Cooked Beef, Chips with Peppers
Baked Potato with Cottage Cheese
Roast Chicken, Roast potatoes, Brocoli, peas and 1tbsp homemade gravy
Fishcake (half) and salad
Vegetable Rice
Salmon, Prawn salad, boiled new potatoes
Ham, salad and chips


Chicken Soup
Chili Con Carne with Rice
Chicken, cabbage and potatoes
Beef stew and Glamorgan sausages
Chicken casserole, potatoes and broccoli
Steak, Roasted sweet potatoes
Beef stew and Glamorgan sausages

In Between

Brazil nuts (HEXb)
Cheese (HEXa)

Total Syns this week = 68.5
Total Weight Lost = 9lb

Top left: Slow cooked chicken with mushrooms, potatoes and broccoli Top Right: Chicken soup
Bottom left: Vegetable rice Bottom right: Chili Con Carne and rice

I did have one fail. Toasted sweet potato. I thought this would be a great Syn free breakfast but it was very boring and not worth the trouble. I had seen a recipe on pinterest and it looked easy and tasty. It was easy but not tasty. I put it into a toaster on high and cooked it twice, it wasn't soft so I cooked it one more time and it burnt. It didn't make a mess or anything but it never went crispy, golden brown. Just not cooked straight to burnt. I tried a Laughing Cow spread on it and some peaches. The peaches were very nice.

I had the rest roasted in Fry Light as chips. they were delicious.

Best Recipe Of The Week - Beef Stew


This recipe is adapted from Slimming World Free Foods book.

Serves 4

Prep time   25 minutes    Cooking time 3 hours 15 minutes
Syn Free


2 onions
800ml of beef stock. I used Oxos
600g lean braising steak cubed
4 rashers of lean bacon, chopped
4 carrots
1 leek
1 tbsp medium curry powder
2 Sprigs of Thyme
2 tbsp chopped parsley
Fry Light


Pre heat the oven to 160C.
Peel, wash and slice the vegetables. Chop the onions.

Place the onions into a frying pan sprayed with Fry Light and fry for 4 minutes. Put to one side. Add the meat and fry until sealed. Pour the meat and any juices into a casserole dish. Put the onions back into the pan with a little of the stock and simmer for 5 minutes.

Put the onions and other ingredients into the casserole dish and cover tightly. Bake for 3 hours.

The lid on the casserole dish I used was not very tight so the juices evaporated a lot but this I think made the stew better by concentrating the gravy. You could cover with foil then a lid, or put into a slow cooker and cook for a minimum of 4 hours on high. If using a slow cooker very little of the liquid evaporates so use half.

I had it with Glamorgan sausages, also in the above book, but it would be just as nice with boiled potatoes and a green vegetable.

Next week we are meeting friends for a meal out. I will do my best to be good the other days and hopefully choose something not too naughty!



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