Monday, 30 January 2017

Our Weekly Journal 30th Jan 2017


Our Weekly Journal 30th Jan 2017

We had fog, and more fog. In fact I can't remember ever having fog that lasted all day in Cardiff. Up in the mountains yes, or maybe when there was smog. Fog usually clears by mid day but this week it lingered so I thought it would be fun to go out and play in it.

We headed to Tredegar House and Park. It's National Trust but the park is free with a small charge for parking. When we got out of the car it was freezing. Oh my it was cold, but toddlers don't feel the cold so off we went.

It wasn't long before Bear found a puddle, it was a bit muddy and deep but he rode through it and he was off again.
Everything was going well until our return. Bear went through the puddle a few times and he was wearing a scarf. I worried the scarf would get caught in the bike and he'd topple so I tried to take it off and he lost balance and landed in the mud.

Luckily he missed the water but his legs were very muddy

"Wet!Wet!" he cried. All my fault, so no more scarves and bikes!


As much as we like to get out we have been spending a lot of time at home too. Grandads hip is very bad now and he cannot walk far so we are a little bit limited. I do take Bear out to the park but I can't drive so we do not venture far. In the warmer weather we could catch the bus but it's too cold to wait at bus stops at the moment.

I love the way Bear copies our actions. The postman delivered the letters and I let him open them. He loves to pretend to read the mail. 


Whenever the weather is bad we find time to do painting or drawing. This week we had some messy play with rice, pasta and lentils. A spoon and a colander kept him busy for ages. He also loved driving his cars through it. It is a bit messy but soon swept up, well I say soon. Bear helped and it took about an hour. He enjoys "helping" luckily I have a carpet sweeper that he can push back and forth and it picks up lots of the bits whilst the broom just spreads them everywhere.

One thing I do struggle with is emptying the tray. It goes everywhere.



It is amazing how toddlers games change. From them watching things happen, to randomly hitting things. Then playing with games to using their imagination. Bear has started playing with the dinosaurs he had for Christmas. He makes them eat things, pretend of course, and growl. He also likes to have them fight each other but if Grandads one looks better he quickly swops. It is an improvement on being invited to play but not actually allowed to touch anything.


This week Bear also visited the health visitor and she was really pleased with his progress. He can stack blocks, sort colours and do puzzles. His understanding and vocabulary are great just his pronunciation is poor. So we have to do lots more reading and singing nursery rhymes. So thats what we will do, sorry anyone within ear shot as I sing very, very badly.

We've had a great week and had some lovely news that we are now allowed to share. Bear is going to be a big brother. The new baby is due in August so come on summer, we can't wait!



1 comment

  1. I love the messy play tray, you are brave having it indoors.


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