Monday 13 February 2017

Our Weekly Journal 13th Feb 2017

Bear loved the Noahs Ark toy at Tots and paired all the animals. He picked up two giraffes and said "Mummy" "Daddy" then touched then together and made kissing noises. 

We only had Bear for two days last week because his Grandad came to visit from West Wales for a few days. Bear was so excited but he just slept and slept. We were not sure if he had a bug but seemed OK otherwise. Bear didn't nap with us so we had lots of time for drawing and stories. The weather was freezing so we only went out to Tots and shopping.

Bear is fascinated with pretending to crash, he loves to pretend to fall off his bike and then we have to go and pick him up and kiss it better. He also had a bad knee, just a little red mark but it must have hurt because he mentioned it lots. He wanted a plaster so I put one on. It must have fallen off, he found it and stuck it on his knee over his jeans. Haha made us laugh. 

I love his imagination.



We have had lots of story telling, drawing and writing with chalk. It was too cold to use the pavement chalks outside so I opened up an old box and he was happy to draw on that. He saw that the chalk had got onto his hands then rubbed the drawing and kept looking at his hands.

Bear loved his red pen, looks like Humpty and Jack and Jill had a serious accident!

Drawing with chalk on cardboard. Then a quick rub and it's all over his hands.

Such dirty wheels, a wet wipe is perfect for a little bit of bike maintenance
There was a little snow at the weekend where Bear lives. He saw it for the first time and by all accounts kept saying "wow!" I am so glad he has seen snow, it is really quite magical and even as adults it makes us stand and look through the window.

Did you have snow? 


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