Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Slimming World Weigh In #5 and Best Recipe Of The Week


Slimming World Weigh In #5 and Best Recipe Of The Week

I was supposed to be going out with friends on Friday for a meal but due to the bad weather we had to cancel last minute. My first thought was to order a takeaway. We didn't. We cooked chicken noodles, so instead of lots of Syns the whole meal was about 2.5 Syns.
My Slimming World best recipe of the week is a delicious creamy mushroom sauce that is syn free.

How Am I Doing This Week?

I lost an amazing 2.5lbs this week and an inch off my waist. I'm sure not going out for any meals and being very good helped. I am really enjoying eating like this as it means we do lots of experimenting with meals.
To be totally truthful I couldn't do this with my husband, he does most of the cooking and loves to experiment. He has really got into Slimming World and without dieting, just eating the same as me, and snacking in-between and having a few beers, he is losing 1lb a week too. Men certainly have it easier than us postmenopausal women.

I know my breakfasts look a bit samey but I like to keep my healthy extras for the day. Knowing I can always have something as a snack stops me craving. I therefore never have toast and only have porridge rarely. I feel much better not eating bread, less bloating and less indigestion.

This week a new SW magazine arrived and on the front page was a Slimming World member who lost 9st 9lb in just over a year. She looked amazing and has spurred me on to keep on track. One of her tips was to eat lots of speed free foods. I try to have my meals as Syn free as possible but haven't delved into speed foods.

What are speed free foods?

Slimming Worlds Speed free foods are basically foods with very low calories and include most fruit and veg. There are some exceptions like bananas, mangoes and potatoes. They are all free but not speed free. To boost weight loss it is suggested to fill at least a half of the plate with Speed free food and the rest with protein. For example meat, fish, beans.

I have been eating lots of veg and fruit but also potatoes, pasta and rice. I think without those I would feel deprived!




Sea Bass, potatoes and peppers
Baked potato and beef stew topping
Spaghetti bolognese
Mackerel and herb rice
Prawn curry and rice
Salmon and green beans
Chicken, Potatoes and salad


Chicken, pesto pasta and parmesan cheese (Hex a)
Roast lamb, pasta and salad
Salmon, potato and tomato tray bake
Chicken stir fry
Steak with mushroom sauce and chips
Slow cooked lamb, potatoes and brussels sprouts
Lamb and tomato potatoes


Muller light yoghurt
0% fat Greek yoghurt with fruit
Brazil nuts x 5 (Hex b)

Total Syns this week = 54.5
Total weight loss = 11.5lbs

Top Left; Salmon, potato and tomato tray bake Top Middle; Yoghurt and fruit Top Right; Salmon and green beans
Bottom Left; 
Prawn curry and rice Bottom Middle; Mackerel and Herb rice Bottom Right; Chicken stir fry

Best Recipe Of The Week - Creamy Mushroom Sauce

A delicious, creamy Syn free sauce that goes perfectly with steak and chips.


This recipe is adapted from a classic

Serves 2

Prep time 10 mins Cooking time 15 mins


200g Chestnut mushrooms sliced
1 Shallot finely sliced
1 Clove Garlic crushed
3 tbsp 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt
1 tsp Grain mustard
1 Beef OXO 
Fry Light


Gently fry the onion in Fry Light until soft. Add the mushrooms and garlic and fry for another few minutes. 

Dissolve the OXO in 200ml of boiling water and add to the pan. Simmer gently for 10 mins or until mushrooms are cooked. 

Remove from the heat and stir in the mustard and yoghurt. Serve immediately.


I am now only 2.5lbs away from losing a stone. I expected it to take longer so I am really pleased. As from next week I am separating the recipes from my Slimming World journey as they will be easier to find. There will be one new recipe every Wednesday and maybe some throughout the week if I come across anything I particularly like.

Has anyone got any low Syn or Syn free desserts that I could try? You are welcome to pop a link in comments :-)



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