Monday, 6 February 2017

Our Weekly Journal 6th Feb 2017


Our Weekly Journal 6th Feb 2017

I rarely get to bath Bear, only if he's had a mishap with paints or we've been to the beach. He just loves it. All except having his hair washed. This week he put a handful of water on his head

"Hair washed" He smiled "no water Nanny"

He looked hopeful but I still had to wash and rinse his hair. He hates it so much. Afterwards I wrap him in a warm towel and I carry him in my arms like a baby. He loves this bit and enjoys sitting wrapped in a towel until he's nice and dry.

It rained lots this week so we did painting, stamping and drawing. All on the same piece of paper.


As soon as the rain paused we went out to the park. There were lots of children there and every time I am surprised at how many are with grandparents, I would guess at least three quarters.

So much rain made the stream very interesting at Roath Park

There were puddles and mud everywhere, but Bear was lovely and dry in his puddle suit and wellies

This little chap came very close and wasn't at all timid. I wish we had nuts to feed him.

Even rain drops on the play equipment didn't slow Bear

Thursday was another wet day but we got out to our favourite soft play at Mambo. It isn't too busy in school time and we only have to pay for Bear. Adults get in free. If you'd like to know more I have a full review here.

A space full of balls bigger than you is so much fun

Windows big enough see how high you have climbed

Bear had his arms full of balls to put into the vacuum tube

So much fun in the ball pit. Bear tried to lean in to get some balls but tumbled into the pit. He was fine and didn't bat an eye.

We have two days off this week as Bears Grandad is visiting. Bear was so excited to hear he was coming.



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