Monday 20 February 2017

Our Weekly Journal 20th Feb 2017


It's been a very strange week. We have hardly stepped outside the door for a few reasons. The weather was cold and wet and although this is never an excuse to keep us in Bear has had a horrible cold. I have been feeling under the weather with a dizzy spell on Monday that actually made me sick. I had labrynthitis many, many years ago and occasionally when I catch a virus it makes me dizzy too. I have never been sick with it though. 
We did get to the shops and Bear was better on Wednesday so we went to Tots, only for him to be poorly again on Thursday.
Even if we stay in I usually take hundreds of photos as I send some to his Mummy every day so she can see what we are getting up to. This week I had none on Monday, a few on Tuesday as I wanted pictures for a 5 Minute Game and one on Wednesday and Thursday. Most were out of focus so are rubbish too.
This weeks update is therefore very short. We stayed in. We watched telly. We did jigsaw puzzles and drawing. Played with cars and lorries. Read books ate food. 

Bear accompanied me on a box drum whilst I sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Totally his idea I just followed instructions!

We are also waiting for Grandad to have a new hip. He's now finding it really painful to walk any distance and can't take Bear out alone as he just can't catch him if he does a runner. Grandad applied for a blue badge and it arrived this weekend so that should mean we can park closer to our destination and more importantly have a bigger space as getting in and out of the car is so difficult. 

Bear loved tipping out the cards and picking them up to post them. He even let me post some.


Sir Bear, a knight in armour

Photo from Tots on Wednesday

Thursdays photo

It's half term this week in Cardiff so we will have to choose where we go as everywhere is so busy and they all put up their prices too. Lets hope the sun shines and we can have lots of time outside.


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