Tuesday, 3 October 2017

What's in My Car Boot? - #Blogtober17 Day 3


What's in My Car Boot? - #Blogtober17 Day 3

It's day three of #Blogtober17 and the theme is Car. Firstly the image above is not my car, in fact I do not drive, but all the other images are mine. We were getting ready to go out. There were three of us. Grandad, Bear and me. We were going to Garwnant, about a thirty minute drive, and had planned to stay a few hours. Garwnant has a visitor centre and cafe, it is not in the back of beyond but as I was filling the car with essentials it made me think if I am the only person who takes so much? Please tell me you fill your boot too!
This is my car boot, full to the brim, I hate to think what we would do if we went away for a whole day.


When we returned home I emptied the contents, bit by bit onto the grass. this is what I had in there.



1. A Travel Potty - essential

Bear has just been potty trained so we need this to prevent any accidents

2. Rucksack - essential

If we decide to go walking we need something to put our bits in

3. Change bag - essential

A change of clothes for Bear incase of accidents (potty related or puddle/mud related)

4. Boot Bag - essential

To put my boots in if they get very muddy



Six coats. One warm coat each and one rain coat each. We checked the weather forecast but Garwnant is close to the Brecon Beacons, the weather can change quickly up here and it may be colder than Cardiff. It was 14 degrees when we set out.



Water for Bear, squash for Bear and squash for me. A can of Tango for Grandad (not in the picture)
I also took a packet of crisps each but we ate them so not in the picture either.



I decided to wear my walking boots home so my trainers, Bears trainers and Bears wellies. He was wearing shoes but if it was very wet we would have changed them.



A buggy to carry all the above and Bear if he gets too tired to walk. Bears bike and helmet.


That's it. Two bags left in the car. One is empty and the other is full of carrier bags for shopping and lives in the boot. What do you have in your car boot?



  1. This car boot just looks super organised and efficient to me ,ready to deal with anything!! If I had a car mine would likely jus be filled with crisps and nothing of any importance at all!!! #Blogtober17

    1. Haha! I didn't look at it like that, I just saw stuff going in, and more and more!

  2. WOW organised! I have a pushchair, some toys, some jackets, and a box of crap I've been meaning to take to the tip for AGES! haha! #Blogtober17

  3. I love this idea for a post (as I am so nosey!). My husbands boot is always full 2 scooters for my older boys, a trek or pushchair for our youngest, coats, drinks, bags, buxkets and spades and random leaves, sticks and bits we pick up.

  4. What a great idea for a post!! Sadly I've only got reusable shopping bags in my boot - the rest of the car is another matter however :) .

  5. Great post! I have loads of those aldi reusable bags in mine. Also come canvas bags, a packet of wipes, a couple of emergency nappies, a blanket and hoodies for the kids.
    We've not used the car for a few days so thats as it stands. Otherwise there would be more

  6. wow, that is a lot of things, I bet I have similar, you don't realise and it culminates X #blogtober17

  7. Your boot collection is rather organised indeed.
    Mine consists of coats too small as I've forgotten they were there and random bottles of drinks

  8. That does look like a lot of things but it looks like it's all needed. You are very organised x

  9. Oh you are so organised!Mine contains lots of wellies, some buckets and spades and a cardboard box for shopping x #Blogtober17

  10. What a great idea for a post. My car is full of such random stuff at the moment including Olivia's electric car and a pumpkin.

  11. A whole lot of crap that should be put away really, shopping bags and a million cardigans. I need some of your boot organisation!

  12. Car transport services are often be bought through and Agent, or Broker. Brokers typically ask for an initial deposit, while the rest of the car transport payment is made, upon safe delivery of your car, to the car transport service that actually shipped your car.read here


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