Monday, 2 October 2017

Our Weekly Journal 2nd October 2017 - Babies and Honey Bee #Blogtober17 Day 2

Honey Bee 

Our Weekly Journal 2nd October 2017 - Babies and Honey Bee

Day two of #Blogtober17 is Babies. So this weeks journal includes Bears baby brother. I don't see him as much as I saw Bear when he was a baby, mostly due to our other commitments and they now live a bit further away.

This week was different, I spent Friday morning with Mummy and Bee. YES! He has a blog name. Bee was lying on the sofa and I was cooing and chatting away (as one does) when I called him my Honey Bee, no idea why, I had called him lots of endearments, but he looked at me and smiled. I think that means he likes it. So I now have Bear and Bee.
It was his Mummy and Daddy's anniversary and so they went out on Saturday for afternoon tea and left Bear and Bee with us eek! Our first time! Then they came back and we planned an evening of playing board games, and they could all sleep over. A weekend of babies.

Let's do a selfie, I said. Ok as Bear gets in the frame (gotta love him)

That's better

My gorgeous grandsons

This week Bear woke each day in a bad mood, he does have a cough that doesn't go away and another cold. The doctor thinks it may be early onset asthma, we are hoping not, but has given him an inhaler to take morning and evening. And Bee, poor baby, seems to have some reflux and a dairy intolerance, so Mummy is going dairy free to see if the helps.

Bee was fast asleep, in a milk coma, until I put him in his moses basket, he hates that basket. I even tried using a towel under the mattress to make it more upright, he wasn't fooled for a moment. 

We revisited Garwnant this week, this time to walk the Wern Walk with Bear and have a picnic. Bear did really well and walked, or rode his bike all the way. That was an hour and a half and over two miles long.
He was mostly very good but at one point free wheeled his bike down hill, for miles, with me running after him shouting STOP! When I finally caught him (he had stopped of course, I'm not that fast) his excuse for not stopping?
"Too high Nanny, couldn't stop". Have to give him credit for his imagination.


We paused in front of this stream to change Bears shoes for wellies. They are his good ones and I didn't want them to get wet. I took one off and passed it to Grandad. Our hands hit, the shoe flew into the air and as if in slow motion we both watched it turn, and fall. SPLASH! Straight into the water. Sometimes you just have to laugh.


See that long straight track? I ran down there while Bear was free wheeling
On Wednesday we decided to miss Tots club, mostly because it was nice weather and we have decided throughout Autumn and Winter to get out when its nice and only go when its raining, but also as Bear was so angry and wasn't eating so we thought some fresh air would do him good. We are trying out new playgrounds (although last weeks one at Haley Park was a complete flop!) so we went to one in Llanishen. Bear was great until it was time to go, he ran away, he fought, he hit me. Poor Bear. (poor Nanny!).

Bear is pushing the boundaries, he does this by being more adventurous, standing on the swing is just one way.

Climbing the frame, "Don't help! Me do it!" is another way.

Not too high! No higher! He really wants to stand on the top rope, but he is already above our heads!

When we got home I asked him if he hurt.

"Is your throat sore?" I asked "No"
"Arms, tummy, legs?"
"No" I wasn't convinced so gave him some Nurofen.

I noticed a small mark on the back of his neck that definitely was not there before.

"Oh dear" I say "How did you hurt your neck" thinking, was it on the ropes on the climbing frame?
"Nanny hurt me" he then gives a graphic mime of me picking him up and carrying him when he wouldn't leave the park. I feel awful, I wouldn't hurt him for the world. Kisses, apologies and many cuddles and Bear, it seems, has forgotten. I am wracked with guilt.

Later that day....

"Hurt finger"
"How did you hurt it?"
"Nanny hurt it" mime of him hitting his finger with a fist. No I didn't, honestly I was nowhere near! Kiss, kiss, cuddle.


"Hurt knee"
"How did you hurt it?"
"Nanny hurt it" mime of him hitting his knee with his fist. Honestly! I didn't. I know that he will not forget so easily, I will be the cause of all his bumps, so lots more kisses and cuddles and all is well, until the next time.

The weekend finished with Bear having an upset tummy and not sleeping on Saturday night, this would have been OK but his Daddy was doing the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday morning. So we had an unplanned early start, we were all awake at 5am. I went with Daddy and watched him run. It was so busy in Cardiff! 25,000 runners, and all the people with them, meant there was a great atmosphere too.


We are trying to find a good playground in Cardiff, one that has a climbing frame and slides that Bear can do. Llanishen was OK but so badly maintained. The grass was too long, there were no soft bits to fall onto, just mud and more mud. Its a shame because it could be a really nice park. Other than Roath Park (every ones favourite) is there a playground that you love and we would enjoy too?




  1. Bear and Bee! Love it!
    We love Heath Park playground.... although the downside is no toilet facilities in the park. Victoria Park in Canton is great too. X

  2. Aww! Bee sounds like a perfect blog name for the baby. What a cutie. I love the photos.
    Poor Bear. I hope he feels better soon. It looks like you have had a lot of outdoor fun! x

  3. I do hope bear feels better soon, it really does sound like he's coming down with something, doesn't it. Well done on looking after the 2 of them! Hope mum and dad had a good anniversary x


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