Saturday, 28 October 2017

10 Great Accounts To Follow On Twitter


10 Great Accounts To Follow On Twitter

Twitter is a place to tweet (chat) to other twitterers (people lol) in less than 140 characters. Well that's what it started as, a chat room. Now it is harder to find people that like to chat but if you can find them it is still a great place to be. Twitter moves fast, I find it hard to keep up with people I like without lists.
The best thing is that you do not have to follow someone to put them on a list, I have Donald Trump in one of my lists (Funny, clever and Trump) but I wouldn't dream of following him.

10 Great Accounts To Follow On Twitter

There are millions of famous accounts to follow, but the famous don't always chat back. I've started with a few that are not famous but love to chat. They will chat back!

1. Martyn's Thoughts - single home-ed dad. Loves Dr Who and to chat, just say hello.

2. A First Time Valley Mam - Mam to one special boy and another who loves to chat.

3. Kelly Allen  - Art, culture and home-ed.

4. Snopes - Urban legend, fake news or true? Snopes will put you straight

5. James Blunt - He may not tweet often but when he does it's worth reading.

6. JK Rowling - Yep the author of Harry Potter. Very political but watch out for the deadly put downs!

7. The Tweet Of God - Don't upset Him! Parody or real? You decide.

8. BBC Breaking News - Exactly that. News as it happens.

9. The Financial Diet - Self improvement, motivation and money saving

10. Quite Interesting - The twitter site run by the QI elves (yes those ones, from the TV series)

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter. Bear and Cardigan.



  1. Ahh! I agree with all of these. I follow a few. Martyn is a wonderful fella. I always chuckle reading his tweets. hehehe x

  2. Ooh, some new ones to me here! Thank you x

  3. I always loook for good people from whome I can learn many things. The accounts you shared are worth following. Thanks for such an amazing post. Keep posting dear!


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