Monday, 23 May 2016

Gardens and Grottoes

This week has been mostly gardens and grottoes, with lots of fun and fairies. The weather forecast was awful for the whole week so we didn't make any plans just decided to wing it. Monday we went to the garden centre to get some plants for our front garden and stopped on the way home for a quick play in the park. We were lucky that we had a few hours of sunshine.

Gardens and Grottoes toddler on play equipment. A turtle on a spring
Bouncy turtle..

toddler on a toy duck
Bouncy duck...

toddler on a slide
Slippy slide is best!

toddler watering the garden
This looks idyllic but it quickly turned into a quagmire 

It rained on Tuesday and we were lucky to have a big box of Pritt* products to review so set about sticking things and making things. What we did and how we did it I will be writing about soon.

toddler sticking shapes to a piece of card
Bear loves sticking things

Then on Wednesday it was Tots club of course. Bear is still very mystified at the selfishness of others. He is a generous boy and likes to share his toys but at Tot's there is always someone who tries to snatch them from his hands. 

Bear is learning. 

He holds on tight, turns away and will even fend off the other child. If he isn't successful he doesn't snatch back, he just waits patiently until it is no longer played with, then he retrieves it and carries on. It's a difficult lesson to learn, even harder for me to watch. I know they are still babies but I do wish that just occasionally the responsible adult would take some responsibility and be a bit more hands on, just gently explaining that snatching is not nice. 

two toddlers playing, one snatching car from another

Thursday was supposed to be a washout but we woke to sunshine and a quick check of  the weather forecast told us that rain wouldn't be with us until after lunch. We quickly made plans and drove to a wonderful place near Caldicot, Dewstow Gardens and Grottoes. We had a lovely morning and you can see and read more on my post Fairies and Grottoes at Dewstow.

toddler by tree covered in fairy doors
Fairy doors at Dewstow

toddler in front of a waterfall
Lots and lots of water

toddler silhouetted through a gateway

Fathers day came early for Grandad as he received a cake through the post. It was given to us to review by Baker Days. It's a Letterbox cake that actually fits through a letterbox! What a great idea.

toddler putting candle on cake. The best Grandad Happy fathers day lots of love Bear xxx

So a busy week but fun. Bear wasn't ill, he wasn't teething too badly either so we had fun! 

What's new this week?

Lots of phrases, Bear is learning to put the words he knows into sentences. He always looks so chuffed too. 

We'd rushed out of the house on Thursday and when we got back Bear picked up his sippy cup with his milk in it from breakfast "Don't like it!" he said pulling faces after he'd had a sip. I took it away and tasted it. Yeuch! It had gone off. What a clever boy.

He's noticing more that his Mummy and Daddy aren't around. He's not unhappy just trying to understand it. We explain they have gone in the car to work and will come home later.

"In minute" says Bear.

We were playing with stickers, Bear just loves stickers, and he put a star onto a scrap piece of paper. "Mummy" he said. " For Mummy?" I asked. Bear nodded. 

one red star on a square of white paper

I hope you have had a good week and that the sun shines for us all. I wonder where we will go this week? Have you any plans?

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