Sunday, 9 August 2015

Earache and Sore Throats

Grandad and I have been looking after our grandson, Bear, one day a week for a while now in preparation for his mummy going back to work and us looking after him for 3 days a week.

I have been looking forward to this day with excitement and trepidation. Certainly more fear than I had at the thought of looking after my own children.

We will be having him every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This first week though we were having him Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday due to his mummy's work commitments. Thank goodness for that. Monday he woke up very unhappy, crying and screaming. Now Bear is a happy baby, he always smiles through tears and would rather be in a state of laughter than anything else. This was so out of character. His mummy sent me a short video of his poor little screams and cries after he had been given Calpol and it was decided that this was a poorly Bear and so off we all went to the doctors for an emergency appointment.

Mummy and Nanny do not drive so Grandad, Nanny, Mummy and Bear all went to the doctors. He was so poorly. He had a temperature despite the Calpol, he was floppy and just plain unhappy.

After what seemed like ages, but in reality was probably no more than 20 minutes, we were seen by the doctor. Ear infection and sore throat. Poor Bear, no wonder he was unhappy, earache and a sore throat. So antibiotics for a week and regular doses of Calpol.

Poor mummy too, going back to work after 9 months and baby Bear is so ill. Poor Nanny and Grandad too! Our first week of caring alone and he's not well.

Baby sleeping with red cheek due to earache and sore throat

It was a hard week. Bear would not sleep in his cot, only on me. He didn't have much of an appetite either. Not surprising having earache and a sore throat. There was nothing wrong with his jaw clenching though. Trying to get him to take antibiotics and Calpol, oh my! We had lots of advice from friends "put it in a syringe" "just squirt it into his cheek". Bear just clenched his mouth tightly shut and shook his head side to side at every attempt. We all ended up covered in sticky Calpol and smelly antibiotics. It was everywhere. But just like all babies he bounced back quickly and was soon spreading more food on his face than in his mouth.

Baby in highchair eating food on face and hands

His trousers were just covered in food, I really must buy a better bib! So after a quick change into the only trousers I had, (mental note; ensure I have at least one change of clothes) he took a little walk along the sofa.

Baby standing against sofa toast in hand big smile on face

So the end of our first week. It was hard work but that little smile makes it all worthwhile. Must research baby led weaning for next time. Oh and buy some bibs.


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