Friday, 21 August 2015

Baby Friendly Finger Food Recipe - 2. Easy Peasy Sausages and Burgers


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Easy Peasy Sausages and Burgers

As I've mentioned before, I am not very accomplished at cooking but love homemade food. So when cooking for Bear I need super easy recipes that will freeze. I can then cook a batch, freeze and then use as I need to. I buy lean pork chops and beef and mince my own in a food processor, I like to know exactly what goes into my minced meat. 

This is my recipe for sausages, for burgers do exactly the same but use beef and make into patties not rolls. Bear loves them!

Baby in highchair food in hand mouth open
Sausages and Burgers YEAH!


Pork, lean minced (loin chops are fine)
Onion, finely chopped
Egg to bind
Olive oil for frying
Mixed herbs, optional 


Chop the lean pork and mince in the food processor until finely chopped. Put into a mixing bowl.

bamboo chopping board with pork chop

pork diced into small cubes on bamboo chopping board

pork minced in food processor bowl

Chop a small amount of onion and mince in the food processor until it is finely chopped. Put into mixing bowl with the pork.

Beat an egg (yolk only if avoiding whites). Put into the bowl with the meat and onion. Mix thoroughly using your hands. Now would be a good time if you would like to add a pinch of herbs.

Shape the mixture into long thin sausages, about the thickness of your little finger. Cut into 2" lengths and roll each one in flour.

sausages frying in pan

Fry in the oil until cooked and browned, drain on kitchen paper.

cooked sausages draining on kitchen paper

Let cool and freeze. They can be defrosted in the fridge and do not need to be reheated. Just eat.


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