2017 Dates To Remember
If you like to plan ahead it helps to have a list of special dates. I scribble them down in my journal but forget to look so I have made myself a list. I have also made a pinnable image so it's always exactly where I need it.
I have shared 2017 Dates To Remember here. You can pin the image or copy and paste the list thereby making it editable so you can add birthdays and other important dates. The only thing I ask is not to copy and republish as your own.
1 New Year's Day
18 Winnie The Pooh Day
25 Burns Night
27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day
28 Chinese New Year
2 World Wetlands Day
4 World Cancer Day
14 St Valentines Day
1 St Davids day
3 World Wildlife Day
8 International Women's Day
17 St Patricks Day
20 First Day Of Spring
21 International Day of Happiness
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
World Poetry Day
World Down Syndrome Day
World Puppetry Day
International Day of Forests
22 World Water Day
23 World Meteorological Day
25 International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery
and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
26 Mothers Day
Change Clocks
27 World Theatre Day
1 April Fools' Day
2 World Autism Awareness Day
International Children's Book Day
7 World Health Day
14 Good Friday
16 Easter Sunday
18 International Day For Monuments and Sites
23 St Georges Day
29 International Dance Day
1 May Day
4 Star Wars Day
5 International Midwives Day
8 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
12 International Nurses Day
15 International Day of Families
18 International Museum Day
25 Geek Pride Day, Towel Day
31 World No-Tobacco Day
1 Global Day of Parents
International Children's Day
12 World Day Against Child Labour
14 World Blood Donor Day
18 Fathers Day
20 World Refugee Day
21 First Day of Summer
World Music Day
4 USA Independance Day
2 World UFO Day
18 Nelson Mandela International Day
29 International Tiger Day
30 International Day of Friendship
1-7 World Breastfeeding Week
4 International Beer Day
12 International Youth Day
13 International Lefthanders Day
23 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
5 International Day of Charity
8 International Literacy Day
10 World Suicide Prevention Day
19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
21 International Day of Peace
22 First Day Of Autumn
29 International Coffee Day
1 International Day of Older Persons
World Vegetarian Day
5 World Teachers' Day
6 World Smile Day
10 World Mental Health Day
15 Global Handwashing Day
29 Change Clocks Backwards
31 Hallowe'en
5 Guy Fawkes
12 Remembrance Sunday
13 World Kindness Day
14 World Diabetes Day
19 International Men's Day
20 Universal Children's Day
21 World Television Day
World Hello Day
30 St Andrews Day
1 World AIDS Day
3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
11 International Mountain Day
21 First Day Of Winter
25 Christmas
If I have missed any obvious ones please let me know in the comments. I know it's important but your birthday doesn't count :-)
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