Sunday, 1 January 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 1


A New Year and a new #MySundayPhoto so back to the beginning and here is Number 1 for 2017.
I have a slightly different theme to start my year. It is of a board game called Survive. I love board games, not those designed for children but grown up ones (I was going to say adult ones but that puts a whole new meaning on it!).

The only problem is that at least 4 adults are needed to play for the games to be fun. We used to play lots with my son and daughter in law but since Bear was born we just do not find the time. That is why Christmas is so good, we actually find time to get together. Playing games with my son and daughter in law was on my 2016 wish list and is back on my new one for 2017.

I haven't made any resolutions as they all go out the window by about 7th January instead I have a list and this year I am going to have goals too. Goal number one is to join in with #MySundayPhoto each week and to comment on as many as I can as there are always so many great photos. Goal number two? To write my list of goals tomorrow.

I hope you had a great 2016 and I wish you all good luck and good health in 2017.



  1. Ooo I've not heard of that game. We've mainly been playing children's games

    Thank you for linking up and Happy New Year

  2. I do love a good board game, though I've not heard of this. Happy New Year #MySundayPhoto

  3. We love board games in this house - I must look into this one. Happy New Year #MySundayPhoto


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