Monday, 18 April 2016

A Toddler Who Lunches. IKEA and Al Fresco.

A toddler who lunches. IKEA and al fresco is our round-up this week. I keep thinking I should have a theme for Bears weekly round-up like #1, #2 or start at "A" and each week have a new letter. Sounds good until I get to X. Xylophones and Xerophytes. Mmm not sure of that. I'd have to buy a xylophone and let Bear play with cacti.

I post them on a Monday so something beginning with "M".  Monday Memoirs? Monday Minutes? Mad Mondays? Oh well, this week it's a Toddler Who Lunches. IKEA and Al Fresco.

We started the week with a rubbish weather forecast so had some games lined up that we could play indoors. I made a few cards with animals printed on them and gave them to Bear. He loved sorting them, tucking them under his leg and making the noises of the animals.

A Toddler Who Lunches. IKEA and Al Fresco.playing with cards
Bear playing cards

Even though the weather wasn't so good Bear just wanted to get out and as the children were back at school we thought we'd be brave and visit IKEA. It would be our first visit with Bear and we decided to have our lunch there too.

It was raining heavily when we arrived and the under cover car park was full. "Be brave" I said to myself, it can't be that bad. We found a trolley and a lift and arrived at the cafe with people walking away shaking their heads and muttering "it's crazy, we'll try later".

A Toddler Who Lunches. IKEA and Al Fresco.toddler standing in a shopping trolley
Beep, beep!

Bear was hungry so we pushed on. There were empty tables and a very long queue on the right, I pushed Bear to the left to have a look at the cooked meals.

"Can I help you?" said the man serving "What would you like?"
"I don't want to push in" I said feeling no guilt at all
"No, you are not. There are 2 queues just no-one is at this one"
"Fish and chips twice please."

I kept my head down, sent Grandad to get a table and paid. It took about 5 minutes in total.

A Toddler Who Lunches. IKEA and Al Fresco.toddler drinking water
Bear enjoying his drink

I was surprised at all the facilities for babies and toddlers. Disposable bibs, plastic cutlery and dishes, a microwave, a bottle warmer. No wonder the place was full. Bear was going to share our fish and chips so I had only bought him a fruit pouch. When I checked my receipt our coffees and his fruit pouch were free thanks to their Family Card.

We needed to change Bear and there was a queue for the ladies, but the men's toilets have baby changing facilities too. Well done IKEA! Well done Grandad!

We couldn't leave without playing in the children's dept and buying a few items. A little chair for Bear £10, a boat and cups £3 and a step for Bear to reach the sink when he brushes his teeth £2.90.

toddler holding hands up to be picked up
Bear trying all the toys

toddler with foot on side of chair
Bear "helping" Grandad

toddler with allan key checking all is tight
Just tightening the screws

toddler sat on chair
Bear enjoying his new chair

toddler stood on stool next to sink
Just the right size for Bear

toddler playing in water with boat
Bear loves his new boat

toddler in high chair outside under bright pink umbrella
Bear eating Al Fresco

toddler hands with shadows making patterns on them

It was lovely to have the sun on us and strong enough to get the sunshade out. We also had a lovely picnic at Raglan Castle, you can read how we got on here.

What's new this week?

Bear understands "upside down" We explained what it was with a jar. Now he points everything out that is upside down. "Down!" he shouts.

He did "Row, row, row the boat" for the first time. Holding hands with Poppy and rocking backwards and forwards. It was this weeks  #MySundayPhoto.

He has a wicked sense of humour. He has been very hungry and on Thursday ate half an Oatibix, a scrambled egg and my porridge. When he had finished he was pointing at things randomly and saying "more". I explained he has to say "more bread" "more Oatibix" "more Nanny's porridge" not just more. He looked at my empty plate and fell about laughing. "All gone!" Yep it certainly was.

Poo. Well after last week if he didn't know what poo was he certainly does now. He had been a bit quiet and then walked over to me and said Poo! He had too. OK not the first time but he's noticing more and more and telling us. If I ask and he hasn't he will shake his head and say wee. Clever Bear.

He plays with his garage differently. He uses all the different parts. The weighbridge, the lift, the ramp. He parks the cars and pushes them.

We've had a great week with Bear and just hope that next week is dry so we can get out again. Will it be another castle? A beach? Somewhere else? I'll let you know in the week.

Back to my theme for the weekly updates any suggestions of a title? I really need some inspiration.


1 comment

  1. Well that was pretty good idea to get the roundup for this week. Nice to hear about the happiness of the baby and glad that you are giving him a good company for the day.


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