Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Searching For Treasure At Castell Coch

We had an hour free on Monday afternoon and thought we would go searching for treasure at Castell Coch. We are very lucky, we have a fairytale castle only a 10 minutes drive away and as we are members of CADW entrance is free. It is usually £6 per adult. They have audio guides but it needs to be held to your ear so I couldn't use it and chase Bear, headphones would have been easier.

For those who are unfamiliar with Castell Coch, it means Red Castle in Welsh. It sits amongst woodland on a hillside just next to the village of Tongwynlais. It is a new castle rebuilt in the 1870's on Norman foundations. It was designed by William Burges for the very wealthy Marquess of Bute. I was hoping for sunshine but it was a bit chilly and Castell Coch is perfect for these sorts of days because so much is indoors.

All castles have their stories and it is said that treasure was hidden in the castle by a Cavalier during the Civil War. He never came back from the war but his ghost is said to haunt the castle searching for the treasure.

Many have tried to find it but we had an advantage, we had Bear! Off we went searching for treasure at Castell Coch.

Searching For Treasure At Castell Coch Toddler running to entrance
Searching For Treasure At Castell Coch - Bears off!

toddler looking in grating
Is it under here?

KItchen furnished as in medieval times
Or in the kitchen?

spiral staircase going down
Or down here?

toddler opening green cupboard with jug and bowl on top
Maybe in this wash stand?

Toddler with hand in carving of lion on a chair arm
Or in the lions mouth?

dining table with grand fireplace behind
In the dining room?
toddler running away across a room
In here! Lets look in here!

picture of portcullis
No! Just a portcullis

toddler looking at steps going up
Not in the dungeon, so back up the steps

toddler looking at glass case housing wooden dogs and huntsmen on horses
Not in the box with the Pentyrch Hunt

Winding gear with very blurred image of toddler
Is that a ghost? Or a treasure hunter?

castle courtyard with toddler on balcony and man holding same toddler in window
Spooky! Bear on the balcony and with Grandad in the window! Which is the ghost?

collage of the wall decorations. Beautifully painted scenes on walls and birds on the ceiling
The interior is stunning.
porcullis looking up at it
The portcullis ready to stop treasure hunters from entering (or leaving)

man and toddler in distance walking away from castle
"We didn't find the treasure, Grandad"  "No, but there's always next time."

We had a great time at Castell Coch. There was so much more to see that we missed on our whistle stop tour. They have a shop and a cafe that gets very good reviews. The views from the towers are also spectacular so we must come back.

The castle is on a steep hill with a few disabled parking spaces next to the castle but, like most castles, there are loads of steps. There are baby changing facilities but I would say the site is not buggy friendly.
It was great for a toddler though, Bear loved it.

Have you been to Castell Coch?

Bear and Cardigan. Drawing of a teddybear and a cardigan

*We purchased our CADW membership ourselves



  1. Ahhh, looks like Bear had a great adventure, Sally. I absolutely love Castell Coch. It was one of my favourite places to visit as a child and I love taking my children there now. I love the ornate decor inside, and the way the roof pops out from the trees when you're driving past. just stunning. x

    1. It really is magical. I was surprised at how much there was to see as it's such a small castle. We missed so much! Any excuse for another visit.

  2. We love it here, and were lucky enough to visit a few months ago. It looks like Bear had a great time and you took some fab photos!

    1. I hadn't been for years and I had forgotten how wonderful it is. We will definitely be back.


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