Tuesday, 26 April 2016

A Cardiff Garden In April

Welcome to my Cardiff garden in April. It is full of colour and fresh growth. Surprisingly the early Spring didn't continue and a lot of plants are further behind than last year. This time last year the cherry was covered in blossom, it is about two weeks behind this year. Hopefully I will get some cherries and the blossoms won't all fall off before they are ripe.

We also get to welcome back our favourites and smile because they survived another Winter. The maples, beech hedges, Pieris and the herbaceous plants too.

Please enjoy my garden as we look forward to the summer.

A Cardiff Garden In April red tulips
Gorgeous Red Tulips

A Cardiff Garden In April white Pieris flowers
Flowers just like little bells on the Pieris

bright red new shoots of Pieris
And fantastic red shoots too

Mass of Yellow Flowers, Batchelor Buttons
Bachelor Buttons

single green leaf amongst branches and brown leaves
The Beech hedge just coming back to life

red leaves and white flowers of Blueberry
Blueberry flowers, very similar to the Pieris

White Blossom of the Cherry
Cherry blossom

Pink and white flowers, Love lies a Bleeding
Bleeding Hearts - Dicentra Spectabilis

red, orange of maple against blue sky
Burnt Orange leaves of the Maple

flower buds and fresh leaves against black railings
Clemetis Montana

Mass of little white flowers

Purple flowers of Squill, similar to blue bells
Bluebells, but not our native ones.

plants in pots in greenhouse
Sunflower plants doing well in the greenhouse

toddler in garden being helped down step by man
Bear enjoying the garden and my beautiful Maple survived another Winter

How is your garden this month? Have all your precious plants survived?



  1. I am not a great fan of Pieris but at this tine of year it does look quite special. I love saxifrages though and must work out where I can plant some.

    1. We have it as part of a screen for the dividing fence. I agree that it's moment of glory is quite short.

  2. Our bleeding hearts are only just appearing and the display doesn't look like it will be as good as usual. I must plant some tulip bulbs later in the year for a good show next spring.

    1. The bleeding hearts were slow to start then suddenly looked amazing. I just love tulips it's a shame that many are short lived although these have been going at least 10 years.

  3. Wow - you have lots going on already - and lots of colour. #hdygg

  4. I have a really small suburban garden so everything has to pull it's weight! It must flower, have fantastic leaves or great fruit. I really need acres so I could grow anything.


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