Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Bear Amongst The Bluebells

I wanted to get some photo's of Bear amongst the bluebells but poor Bear has had another cold with a nasty cough so we've decided to stay close to home this week. We are really lucky living in Cardiff. We have woods, parks, beaches and mountains all within an hours drive. We also have the most amazing bluebell wood just 15 minutes from our house.
It was sunny and Arctic cold when we set off early this morning, brr! Luckily we were driving against all the commuter traffic travelling into Cardiff. I am so glad that we do not have to do that any more. After our little photo shoot we found a den in the woods, Bear had a quick explore then it was time to go home.

Bear Amongst The Bluebells

Bear Amongst The Bluebells Toddler deep in thought sat on log
Bear Amongst The Bluebells

toddler looking up bluebells behind
Bear Amongst The Bluebells

toddler laughing
Bear Amongst The Bluebells

bluebells with tree trunks

bluebell woods

single close up of bluebell with blurred flowers in background

a pile of sticks making a den

toddler inside the den with a streak of light across

We really enjoyed our quick visit but were glad to get back into the warm car. We were told it was snowing in West Wales. We'd like a little flurry of snow, not too much just a little.

UPDATE!! Bear got a rash on his neck, the only part of him not covered with his clothes. We think it was from touching bluebells, then his neck. Please be careful with your little ones as some of them may react.
Have you been to any bluebell woods this year?



  1. I love the pictures you have done. The bluebells in the woods look awesome x

    1. They were just so beautiful in the early morning sunshine

  2. What beautiful photos. I don't know of any bluebell woods near me, I'm in South Wales, but let me know if you do know of any.

    1. Where in South Wales? These are at the Wenallt in North Cardiff

  3. It's so gorgeous here, isn't it? It's one of my favourite places to visit during bluebell season, so beautiful. Hope the rash disappeared quickly. I've never heard of that happening with bluebells before. x


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