Friday, 11 December 2015

Fantastic Christmas Present for Vintage Lovers - 2016 Pretty Nostalgic Year Book


When I retired last year a friend of mine gave me a subscription to Pretty Nostalgic. I hadn't heard of Pretty Nostalgic before and when it arrived it was a monthly magazine full of vintage pictures and titbits. From recipes to how people lived. It was a really lovely magazine beautifully illustrated and full of articles not just about times past but relevant to today. When I finished reading I passed it onto my daughter who thought it was brilliant too. The subscription stopped and as it was a gift I hadn't counted how many I had received but thought that the time had gone quickly. I forgot all about it and then out of the blue a book arrived, it was the 2016 Pretty Nostalgic Year Book. When I contacted Pretty Nostalgic querying the book they told me they had to stop the subscriptions and had repaid all subscribers (my friend) and this was compensation for the issues I had missed. What a lovely gesture.

Sadly they do not have a subscription anymore as they do not publish the monthly magazine but they still publish a year book and 4 quarterly issues. This is their 'Christmas Annual' and it would make a fantastic Christmas present for any vintage lover.

The 2016 Pretty Nostalgic Year Book is divided into 4 sections. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Something for the whole year!

picture of back cover of the Pretty Nostalgic Year Book
Back Cover

Iside page of Pretty Nostalgic Year Book, titbits
Lots of vintage pictures and titbits

Interesting article about Autumn Curiosities from Pretty Nostalgic Year Book
Interesting Articles about all things from Autumn....

Article about laundry in the Pretty Nostalgic Year Book Laundry!

Page wishing everyone a Pretty Nostalgic Christmas
From Christmas greetings....

page describing indoor games for parties indoor games

how to dry flowers
Beautifully illustrated

picture of inside of book, a rabbit
Full instructions inside to make this lovely Easter Bunny

The year book is published at £20 but at the moment WHSmiths have this book at £13.60. This is a truly lovely book great for anyone who loves all things vintage. Update - sadly this item is no longer for sale. 23/11/2016

Do you know someone who would love this?

*Disclaimer. This was a gift from a friend not associated with the product in any way. The review is my honest opinion.



  1. This sounds exactly like my kind of thing, I'll have to look for it next time I'm in Smiths. I used to get Best of British magazine which is mostly 40s/50s but I'd never heard of this one.

    1. It's a great magazine, even the paper feels vintage. Really good value in Smiths too


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