Monday, 7 December 2015

This week - From Einstein to Washing Puzzles

We say all the time things such as "don't they grow quickly" "where has the time gone" but the difference in Bear over the last couple of weeks has been enormous, not his physical growth but his development.

He now wants more interactive and imaginative games. He still enjoys things that make a noise when hit or pulled but he wants to feed his doll, put the farmer into his tractor or people into a bus. He likes to carry things especially if they are too big or too heavy. He walks with confidence, gone is the Frankenstein monster, except when he wears his new slippers that have a rattle in them! He shakes his feet one at a time and walks with a stomp so they make a noise.

He just loves my iPad. He likes to get Siri on it and then looks at me and I ask for pictures of different things. A cat, a dog, a monkey, a lorry, Einstein. Einstein? you ask, well that wasn't me that was Grandad. Grandad asked Siri for a picture of Einstein, Bear laughed at it and then did his own impression.

Black and white picture of Einstein poking his tongue out and Bear poking his tongue out
Einstein and Bear

He loves taking things out of things he especially enjoys helping with the shopping.

Picture of toddler with broccolli
Helping with the shopping

He also loves putting things in things. Clothes in the washing machine, rubbish in the bin but this also leads to fun discoveries. A puzzle piece in the washing machine, books in the bin, a plate under the washing in the basket, anything at all in Grandads boots! I just keep finding things in the wrong place. I really must remember to check the washing machine before I put it on and Grandad to check his boots too.

picture of a wet ambulance puzzle piece
A very clean and wet puzzle piece

collage of 3 pictures of a toddler putting something into an adults boot
Bear putting something into Grandads boot

A pair of slippers
These slippers rattle, Bear loves to stomp in them

picture of a laundry basket with a blue plastic plate in it
I found a plastic plate under the washing

picture of a toddler putting books into a waste paper basket
Putting books into the bin

He is talking, I mean really talking. OK we don't understand what he says but he has the tune just right, the words well they still need a bit of work! He also gestures with his hands up and open when we say "all gone".

He repeats everything said to him and at the time it's perfectly understandable, it just doesn't always make sense on it's own.

What new words can he say?

Hickory Dickory Dock

We didn't go to Tots club this week because Bear was poorly. He has had the most awful cold and cough, which he probably caught at Tots club in the first place. He was so poorly that on Thursday night they all stayed at our house so Mummy and Daddy could get some sleep and I sat up with Bear. He tried so hard to sleep but every time he settled he coughed and woke himself up. We did all the usual things, snuffle babe on his chest, Olbas Oil on his clothes and on a tissue in the room and raised one end of his mattress so that he wasn't lying flat. Even with all this it was a long night.

picture of a toddler with his foot in a tissue box
Half past midnight and he's tearing up tissues and wearing the box
Worse though was that he stopped eating and drinking. We like to give Bear good food including fresh vegetables and fruit which he usually loves but this week even white chocolate buttons and chocolate cookies were only a small temptation.

picture of a toddler spitting out orange pieces
Spitting out Oranges

picture of a toddler poking a white chocolate button
White chocolate buttons being squashed not eaten

toddler with cookie in one hand whilst opening a door with the other
Cookie in hand but not being eaten

toddler smiling with ketchup on face
Bear  licked the ketchup off his chips but wouldn't eat them

So he's now slowly getting over his cold and we have to try to fatten him up again! There wasn't much of him to start with. I just hope that next week he enjoys his food.

Do you have any tips on helping your little one when they have a bad cold?


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