Friday, 18 December 2015

Zerodegrees Microbrewery and Restaurant, Cardiff - Review

Grandad and I decided last minute to go into Cardiff City Centre and see the lights, the Christmas Market and grab a bite to eat.


We haven't been into town for ages so we were not too sure where to go to eat. I'd heard of a Tapas bar near the Millennium* Stadium that I thought would be great as neither of us wanted a huge meal. The Tapas bar was very loud and busy and not really what we were looking for. We walked along Westgate Street and saw a micro brewery/restaurant- Zerodegrees.

View of the vats from the street

We liked the idea of drinking a very local pint with our meal so headed in.

We were greeted warmly and taken to a table upstairs. Most of the restaurant had been set out for Christmas parties and there was one in full swing. The atmosphere was very friendly and we were served quickly. The waiter took time to describe the beers/lagers and we were soon sipping really great drinks. So good that some had gone before I could take a photo!

Pint of Black Lager and Pilsner

The food menu is described as Internationally influenced with lots of mussels, pasta and pizza. The kitchen is open and you can watch the chefs work. I had a great view into the kitchen from the upstairs seating area.

View of the kitchen from upstairs

We both chose to have the Cajun King Prawn Salad. Grandad was going to have the Caesar Salad as he loves anchovies but their version doesn't include them.

The salads arrived and I actually said 'Wow!'. They looked amazing. Lots of prawns and mussels. Delicious flat bread and the ranch dressing was superb.

Zerodegrees - Cajun King Prawn salad
The atmosphere of the place was great, OK it's nearly Christmas so it's already happy but the place is huge, and doesn't echo. It made me smile when I walked in! The industrial décor fitted in really well with the really high roof, supported by steel girders. Lots of brewing equipment on show, all beautiful and shiny. The two upper areas would be fantastic to hire for a celebration.

Zerodegrees looked real, not pretentious. The lighting is subdued but they have spotlights that just light the end of each table, perfect for us oldies who struggle to read menus in the dark. The photo of the food was taken with my phone without flash. Just loved it.

Lots of stainless steel, all the workings of the brewery on show

Great bar at the Zerodegrees with the vats shining behind

They have special offers on lunches, buy one and get one free. Also Monday evenings the price of the main course starts low and rises as the night wears on!


It was a great evening and I am sure we will be back.

Have you been to Zerodegrees? What did you think?

*Millennium Stadium will always be the Millennium Stadium to me regardless of what they call it now or in the future.

Disclaimer- We paid for our own meals and the restaurant did not know I would be writing a review (well I didn't either until I sat down!). All views are honest and my own.




  1. I've never been in a microbrewery before. It does look fab x

  2. I haven't heard of it at all, but it sounds great! Has it been there long? We'll have to check it out if we ever again manage to get further away from the house than Newport. :)

  3. I really don't know how long it's been there but the food was great we really enjoyed it.

  4. Looks like you had a lovely time. Love Cardiff at Christmas x

    1. Yeah we did. Loved the lights and the buzz. Some places were just too packed and noisy when we just fancied a quiet meal so this was great


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