Sunday, 28 May 2017

#MySundayPhoto Number 22


#MySundayPhoto Number 22

#MySundayPhoto Number 22 is of Cardiff Castle Keep. Just behind is the clock tower of Cardiff Castle, the Principality Stadium and Stadium House.

I have lived in Cardiff since 1975 and I had to look up the name of Stadium House, even though it has been there since 1976. It's not a building that I ever walk past as it is tucked up a side road near the Principality Stadium. It is described by wikipedia as the second tallest building in Cardiff, only the stadium itself is taller.

Cardiff is preparing for the Champions League final next week so many roads are closed and all eyes will be on the stadium.



  1. I imagine the city is about to get a whole lot busier with Spanish and Italian fans

    Thank you for linking up

  2. I have only one memory of this castle, which was running up the high street around it in a massive rush to get to work. I must go back and see it properly one day!

  3. A lovely view of Cardiff Castle, it is such a wonderful sight. I stop to admire the walls whenever we visit.

  4. Hi Cardigan, I love that you had to look up the name of Stadium House. I have to do things like that as I'm terrible for remembering the names of places, even more so if they are nearby! Bet you plan to stay at home next week!


    1. We are certainly not going ned the city centre!


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