Monday, 1 February 2016

The Big Garden Birdwatch 2016 Update

I thought I would update you on how I got on with The Big Garden Birdwatch. Show you my fabulous pictures of the birds in my garden feeding on the wonderful food I have put out.

Oh dear! I know I should have done The Big Garden Birdwatch on Saturday when the sun was shining but I had decided already to do it on Sunday. I was very busy on Saturday sewing and Bear came for a visit.

A bird flying in a cloudy sky

This is how it went..........

Today, Sunday, the wind and rain have been relentless. I kept looking out the window hoping that the birds wouldn't mind a bit of bad weather. I thought as soon as I see one in the garden I'll start my hour of watching.

Nothing. Not a bird in the sky.

Not to worry. I'll wait and try a bit later but still nothing. Maybe I was missing them by just looking quickly out of the window. So I sat down with my camera with a long lens to capture the wonderful moment a bird found the lovely food I had put out...and I waited...and waited. I was very tempted to look at twitter but no I'm doing The Big Garden Birdwatch. So I waited...

There's a bird! Is it flying? No I think it was being blown across the sky by the wind. At least it was flapping its wings and whizzed past backwards. Waiting... maybe I'll see more from upstairs.

*sound of footsteps on the stairs*

Two minutes later looking out of Bear's bedroom window with my birdwatch pack and my camera....



A few hardy seagulls fly over very high up. But they don't count, not if they are flying over. A pigeon flies past. Over in the distance I see the familiar flight of a blue tit. Up and down in quick little waves...but he's not coming to my garden.



I might as well go back down stairs

*sound of footsteps on the stairs*

I see some big black birds, (crows? too far away to see clearly), in the distance fighting over a piece of bread...

Aha! I'll get some bread. Birds like bread and they obviously don't like my very nice bird seed. Tear the bread into bits, open the door and chuck it out.





So sorry RSPA and Big Garden Birdwatch I saw nothing. I know there are birds in my garden but I think they are fair weather birds.

I hope you all had better luck. Oh and if you'd like to see some lovely pictures of birds check out my post about The Big Garden Birdwatch here.

Did you see any birds this weekend? Did you join in with The Big Garden Birdwatch?



  1. I spotted a little robin in our front garden the other day and sat for ages watching him go about his business :) We have bird feeders in the back garden but I always forget to refill them, so thanks for posting this as you've reminded me to go and check x

    1. It's so easy to forget especially in this weather

  2. My eldest loves to watch the birds, we have lots of magpies around here,

    1. We have magpies too, they seem to frighten off all the smaller birds

  3. Oh no! My neighbour was doing this and we walked past with our toddler and labrador which I don't think helped!

  4. I'm sure it was OK. Cats are worse I'm sure that's another reason why I saw nothing

  5. Ooh the big garden birdwatch, I didn't know this was a thing! Sounds like it would have been exciting, if you had actually had some birds in your garden! We get a lot of birds on our back fence because our neighbour leaves out bread every day!

    1. It is usually great fun but the weather was awful and my neighbour has three cats. They scare all my birds away.

  6. I've never heard of the Big Garden Birdwatch! It's a shame you didn't see any birds though! x

    1. Yes very disappointing! When you read in the papers that we have more sparrows or less starlings..that is from the results of the big garden Birdwatch. Just ordinary people count birds for an hour once a year :-)

  7. I wish we'd done this as my son is obsessed with animals. This weekend however we had gale force winds and there was nothing to see out the window. Hurry up summer! X

    1. That was my mistake! Can't wait for summer or at least no wind and rain.

  8. Oh, I love this post. It captures really life. Sometimes these things just don't go to plan. At least, the thought was there. I wish I had known about this bird watch. We are always putting out bird seed in our garden (although it mostly gets eaten by the squirrels) and Little Miss H loves to spot all the birds out of our living room window. I will have to join in next time. Hugs Lucy xxxx

    1. Thankyou, I'm sure you would have a great time doing it next year x

  9. Aw, such a shame you didn't see any birds! The weather wasn't great though, was it? We keep getting a little robin in our garden, fascinating to watch him or her hopping around. x

    1. Other than a few hardy seagulls there was nothing! Totally bleak all day. Next year I'll check the weather forecast first.

  10. Well, you can't control nature! Shame you didn't see any birds. We don't have this but it sounds like a great idea, especially as a family activity. Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything

    1. It's always the way! Looking out the window today we've had robins, bluetits, pigeons, magpies!All in about 5 minutes :-)

  11. My girls love watching birds. I haven't really seen any just the usual seagulls and pigeons!

    1. It was very disappointing but they did come back and we watch them through the window

  12. Oh dear! Sorry you weren't very successful. They must have been binocular shy. :) x


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