Friday 12 February 2016

How to Sew a Crochet Hook Roll - Perfect Gift For Mothers Day

Are you looking for something special for a Mothers Day Gift? This would also be perfect for a birthday or Christmas present. If you can sew a straight line then this is an easy and perfect gift for anyone who loves to crochet.

My daughter in law loves to crochet and she bought herself some fabric, buttons and lace from The Works. It was not at all expensive. With a sketch from her and my notes when I made myself a knitting needle roll I made a crochet hook roll. I practised with some Rosalind Rose fat quarters from Higgs and Higgs . A stunningly beautiful floral, with a complimentary polka dot and a plain lemon cotton. I just love their fabrics. After I did my practice run I changed the pattern slightly and made my daughter in laws. Both are just so practical and pretty.

The amount of fabric needed is small. It could be cut from your favourite remnants or even from clothing no longer worn, maybe a skirt or blouse.

This roll has slots for crochet hooks and a pair of scissors. It has a little pocket for needles and a ribbon to hang stitch/row markers.

The completed size is approx 6½" high and 13½" long. When rolled it is approx 2½" wide, depending on how many hooks you squeeze in!

crochet hook roll in flower print fabric
Beautiful Crochet Hook Roll

crochet hook roll showing inside
The inside is as pretty as the outside and so practical

 All seams are ¼".

You will need;

Sewing machine
Iron & board
Ribbon or lace about 28" long
Measuring Tape
Scissors or rotary cutter and cutting board
Fabric fat quarters or remnants

    A- Main Fabric
    B- Pouch          
    C- Lining          

three different coordinating fabrics


Press fabric and cut the following rectangles.

Fabric A

A1 one piece   10" x 15¾"    Outside
A2 one piece   11¼" x 8½"   Pouch
A3 one piece     4" x 4"         Pocket Flap

Fabric B

B1 one piece   11¼" x 7"      Pouch
B2 one piece     4" x 3"         Pocket

Fabric C

C one piece   10" x 15¾"      Lining

fabric cut into rectangles


Take both pouches, A2 and B1, fold in half right sides together and sew one end. Cut across corners

ends of fabric sewn


Turn right sides out and press. Push corner out with something pointy like a knitting needle.

pouches turn right way out and pressed


Take piece A3, the pocket flap, fold in half right sides together and sew around the edge leaving a gap on one long side.

flap sewn on three sides

turned right side out showing opening


Press flat turning under raw edge so that it looks neat.

flap pressed with raw edges tucked in


On the pocket, trim the corners. Fold ¼" and press. Sew a seam on one long edge. This will be the opening at the top of the pocket.

pocket with two edges teurned in and corners trimmed


Place the 2 pouches onto the lining fabric and pin. Ensure the sewn edge is to the right and the raw edge to the left.

pouches placed onto lining and pinned


Top stitch 7 straight lines ¾" apart starting at the raw edge. This makes the pockets for the crochet hooks. Only sew to the top of the pouch. The 8th line of sewing will be very close to the finished edge. this makes a larger pocket for scissors. I used a guide but you could draw lines using a vanishing fabric marker.

On my practice piece I varied the size of the pockets and found that ¾" was  the ideal size. I also added the lace for the row markers later but thought it looked messy so before you sew the final edge add your lace or ribbon. (see pictures below)

sewing machine foot and top stitching

picture showing first attempt at placing ribbon
My first attempt at placing the ribbon looks a bit messy

picture showing where to place ribbon
Tucked into both seams is so much neater


Place the pocket and and sew in place on three sides.

pocket and flap placed and sewn into position


Pull all the lose threads through to the back, tie and cut short

picture of sewing needle through loop of thread to pull through to wrong side


Make reinforcement for the button. Cut a circle of fabric and place where you are going to put the button. The best place is where the ribbon will be inserted. Sew button into place through the circle of fabric.

circle of fabric and thread through it


Place lining and outside fabric right sides together. Sew three sides and on the fourth leave a gap of about 3" so it can be turned the right way. Ensure the lace/ribbon for the row markers is flat and is caught in the side seam.

Cut across the corners. Turn right side out. Push corners with something pointy and press. Make sure the opening has the edges turned in to match the seam.

lining and outside placed together and sewn on three sides


Fold ribbon/lace in half and insert folded end into gap. Top stitch the opening closed.
On my practice piece I put the button away from the edge but it is better closer to the ribbon.

placement of ribbon and diagram on hwere to place button


Fold over the top. Press, fill with your hooks and roll up!

finished crochet hook roll with top folded over
Pretty fabric from The Works.

finished crochet hook roll with top turned back showing fold

filled crochet hook roll

two finished crochet hook rolls
Left - My first attempt             Right - One for my daughter in law 

It can easily be adapted to hold knitting needles. This one I made years ago has an extra pouch and holds all my needles and hooks.

inside of filled knitting needle roll. cream lining and dark blue edging
My original, full to bursting!

I didn't put a button on, just used a shoe lace and tucked it in.

rolled knitting needle roll. Blue material with gold stars

Please let me know if you make one, I'd love to see your finished project.



  1. This is gorgeous! Something my gran would love for her crafts or maybe I could make a verision as a make up brush holder for my mother! x

  2. This looks so lovely, and such a great gift idea too! x #makinghome

  3. ah this is lovely, I keep saying I must do something for my hooks, sewing is not one of my strong points tho but going to pin things and some day! #making home

    1. This is not too hard, cut recantangles, sew straight lines! If you leave out the pocket it is super easy :-)

  4. That rose fabric is gorgeous. #TheList

    1. I just love Higgs and Higgs. If I won the lottery I would buy all their fabric :-)

  5. That looks great, super practical and pretty inside and out #makinghome

  6. I don't know anyone who does crocheting, but if I did... I'm still a newbie when it comes to sewing, but even I think I could follow those instructions! Lovely. Sue #MakingHome

  7. I keep meaning to make myself one of these. Thanks so much for sharing this! #MakingHome

    1. I know, there's never enough time to do all the things we love :-)


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