Sunday, 17 January 2016

Spinning, Sunshine, Shouts and Shhh's

It's been a great week. We've had loads of sunshine. Bear has been so much fun. He is still teething but it's not making him grumpy.

Wednesday is Tots club. After my totally disorganised Tuesday I was prepared! Bear had a nap and whilst he was sleeping we got everything ready to go. This meant it only took us 20 minutes from Bear waking up to us out the door. Yeah big pat on the back, and he had a nappy change too. Go Granny! (oh and of course Grandad too)

It was so cold that we snuggled him up in a blanket in the car. He loved it and he napped on the way home too!

collage of 2 pictures one a toddler in car seat awake, the other asleep, wrapped in furry blanket

Bear never, ever sleeps just anywhere. You will not find him asleep in a box, or amongst his toys or in a swing. He has to have a routine and be coaxed into sleeping. He may sleep in the car if he's really tired. He's learnt a song at Tots club and they all lie down like rabbits sleeping, then jump up. He now enjoys joining in and he even lay down on the sofa and let me put a blanket on him! Only for a moment though.

toddlers lying on floor at Tots Club. shhh
Lying down but keeping an eye on everyone else

toddler lying on sofa head on cushion snuggled under blanket. shhh

In my rush to get out I left my phone at home so Grandad took the pictures at tots club which meant there are some with me in. Well my hands anyway.
Bear hadn't played with dough before so needed a little encouragement to get stuck in. He kept looking at Grandad for reassurance.

collage of 4 pictures of toddler playing with play dough

toddler wearing hard hat
Nanny trying to stop him taking his hat off so Grandad can get a photo

He's getting so independent now too. Running in the park and loving it.

Toddler running in park in the bright sunshine

Back from his walk and shouting at Grandad who encourages things like this, but Bear has also learnt how to say shhh.

collage of 2 pictures toddler on bike mouth open, shouting. other toddler with finger to lips shhh
Shouting and Shhh's

Reading his book and now he can point to the pictures, clever boy.

toddler pointing at picture in book and wearing t shirt that says I love you to the moon and back.
Love you to the moon and back, certainly do!

So what's new this week? He can spin around. He started it with his Mummy and Daddy at his Grandad's house in Pembrokeshire at the weekend. Just out of the blue started spinning. Oh and I've just discovered Vine I love it. I love the 6 second video's. This one will make you dizzy if you watch too long. Maybe I should put a warning at the top of the blog? This could make you feel sick and dizzy lol.

Below is my first embedded Vine thingy. Yeah it's probably got a name. Does it work on your device for you? It would be great if you let me know in the comments below.

He can say toilet and tells us if we've left the door open. This makes me smile because we shut the door on the downstairs toilet only to keep him out.

He also scrammed me. We were sitting quietly when he suddenly grabbed my cheek and scrapped his nails down my face, leaving a red mark. I was very shocked. He did this to his Mummy a while back but hasn't done it to me before. I told him how much it hurt and he gently touched my face with his hand. I felt like he had hurt me on purpose but he's still a baby so I know deep down he didn't. Then a little later he came up to me and kissed my red mark, Aww all is forgiven. It did worry me in case he did it to children in the Tots club but he was gentle, patient and kind there. I read a great blog post by thelsmum after and it seems to be a phase they go through. Lets hope he gets through this one quickly! (update sadly the link to thelsmum no longer works. 23/11/2016).

The crisp mornings have given us amazing sunrises. Here's one from this week.

picture of sunrise with houses silhouetted

Well that's our week. Full of spinning, sunshine, shouts and shhh's. 

How has your week been?



  1. What a busy week you have had, it really is lovely to capture every moment. The video works fine on my iPad x

    1. I try to get it all for his Mummy and Daddy so they never miss anything. Glad it works on your iPad, did it make you dizzy? Lol

  2. This weather has been so beautiful hasn't it, and bear looks so snuggly with that blanket, its funny my oldest was like this with sleeping, jet Joe our youngest could fall asleep anywhere, over the years we have found him asleep in all sorts of odd places x

    1. The weather has been great as long as it's dry we can get out but sunshine too, a bonus. Bear has never fallen asleep jus anywhere, he fights it. He usually won't even put his head down :-)

  3. Such a beautiful boy, I love that age! Your last photograph is stunning! :)

    1. It just keeps getting better! Thankyou the photo was taken with an iPad from my kitchen door step.

  4. Awww such fun! Boo's favourite song is the sleepy rabbit one too! She bursts in to song at regular intervals and it's usually that one =)

    1. The little girl next to him knew all the words too and she was 2 and 4 months, as she told me lol. I can't wait until he's talking and singing

  5. Sounds like a great week. Amazing getting out in 20 minutes. Love the fact he's now saying shhh. It always makes me laugh when they throw that back at you. Love the sunrise pic. The weather has been rubbish this last week in australia. Lots and lots of rain and storms so we've had quite an uneventful week xx

    1. That's a shame about the weather but at least you get to be with family. Loving all your pics.

  6. He is very cute. I couldn't sleep anywhere either but Sebby will sleep wherever he lays his head down lol

    1. Me too. I could sleep anywhere but Bear has to be in bed :-)

  7. Oh he is so cute! Lovely photos - so you had the sunshine then! ;) You must have had ours too! Kaz x

    1. we so needed sunshine! it had rained for weeks, now we are out every day! It's great

  8. Awww how adorable is bear, loving the video and the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Sounds like a lovely week you had

    1. Thank you. I take lots of snippets but they just sit on my phone. Hopefully with Vine they will all be in one place

  9. Look at that gorgeous smile! Teething and not grumpy - oh, lucky! Yes, I can see the Vine Video. That's something I have not done at all. Thanks for sharing your week with us. Nothing will be the same now that he can shh-shh you.

  10. Wow so much learning and exploring - sounds like he really enjoys the tots club and how sweet capturing his first time playing with dough

    Laura x


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