Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The Disorganised Granny Blogger

Well it's been a funny week and it's only Tuesday. I started the New Year all organised. I had a fab new calender with coloured labels and sharpie pens. I had blog posts written and scheduled or the ideas written down but it hasn't quite worked out like that.

My blog post for this week was pencilled in as "How To Make Paper". Yes I am having a go at making paper but it takes longer than two weeks to get it right, especially when you only have a couple of days a week to practise. Then it takes forever to take photo's. Then they need editing; re-sizing; cropping. Then things don't go to plan. I was going to do some on Sunday but a quick trip into town took all day, bye bye Sunday. So I don't have a post about making paper today. I will have but it's now in the future somewhere.

My next bright idea is to put the badge of the linky I am going to link up with on my blog post all ready, because with Bear I don't always get time in the week. So post written, badge on, publish. Great, Linky doesn't start until Tuesday and it's Sunday, oh never mind I'll just have to find five minutes on Tuesday.

So now it's Tuesday and seven in the morning and I'm trying to link up to #abitofeverything hosted by the lovely Agent Spitback and Anxious Dragon (fab names too!) when I see it doesn't go live for another three hours, oh and there's a lovely new badge. It is a fantastic new badge but I've done mine!

OK don't panic. It will only take a minute to remove the old badge and put the new one on. Damn, what have I deleted? Why is there no undo button. I've just removed my signature and follow me bits. OK back to compose put it all back in, back to HTML (whatever that is, please don't tell me I'd only forget) Then the new badge looking great. OK hit update. That's it no time left to do anything else.

A few hours later....I get five minutes put my link on. I'm number 23 how can all those people be so organised? I was going to be in the first few, never mind. Now I've to comment on a few posts. Oh this looks good, and this one, and this.

"Whah whah" *sound of toddler wanting to get up* Nope Bear won't nap so I'll have to read them later. Off to the park instead.

back of toddler sat on trike
Off to the park

Take a few photos for Mummy oh and one for instagram. No time to post it now I'll do it in a minute.

Back home time for lunch, then a nap, Bear not me Lol. Quick tidy up, chat to Mummy via email. Whats that a cry? Yep Bears awake. An hour already I don't believe it. Bears not happy, red cheeks and everything, I mean everything is upsetting him.

Want Grandad? Shake of the head No! Want Nanny? No! Want biscuit? No! Oh well I'll let him sit on my lap while I just finish this tweet on the desktop. What's he pressed? Why is it a blue screen (not the blue screen of death, don't worry) with 'locked' written on it. Just try clicking, yep back in. How did he get that window up? Or that? The child is a genius.

I know, I'll let him write on word. Mini meltdown whilst I take control. There you go....type away. What's that? OMG he's pressed a F key! I'll just turn off the mouse and keyboard and let him play. Ahhh peace for a minute.

That was my third mistake of the day.

I don't let him into the study with the computer because it's not child friendly so why did I think it a good idea today?

The other two mistakes?

First. I gave him a sippy cup with water in it. He didn't want to drink it but started pouring the water into a beaker he had been playing with. I just watched, how clever is he pouring that into the beaker. Suddenly I realised my mistake. He'll think it's a game, his mother will kill me. Take it off him. I'll just pretend I never let him do it.

Second mistake. We were looking out the window at the cars and he was pulling the cord on the blind so I showed him how it opened and closed. Why? I don't know another moment of madness.

Bear goes home.

I find the photo's that I took for Instagram. Is it too late to say having great fun in the park? I look out the window at the complete blackness. No I'll just post it anyway, it's only five hours later.

Toddler with sun behind him in park, casting shadows
Bear having great fun in the park

So yet again all you mummy's and daddy's that do this full time. Well Done. Respect from a part time, disorganised Granny.



  1. It's so hard to be organized when you're a mum and a blogger. I know how you feel. I've been trying to be organized with an editorial calendar.. and I keep moving things around. We get things done eventually.. so that's good.

    Who Let the Mum Out?

    1. I usually just let it flow, what happens happens but I thought I'd try to be organised! Lol didn't last 2 weeks.

  2. Hahaha, I just adore your writing, Bear's Granny! It's brilliant - I was so very entertained by your post! I am following you now on Bloglovin so that I don't miss a post! Thanks for the mention.

    1. Thankyou. I wrote it really quickly, just as I remembered the day happening. I enjoyed writing it too. My blog is very new and I'm still trying to find my way so thank you for the lovely comments.

  3. I'm exhausted just reading that. Are you sure you don't want to know what hyper-text markup language is? Oooops - sorry, you said not to say, the good thing is there's no need to remember! (Give me HTML over a toddler any day - you're amazing)

    1. Aww thankyou, what a great thing to say. Hyper-text markup language, mmmm think I'll give that a miss lol

  4. Hahah! That sounds like us! We're always missing linkys because Tuesday's so hectic. It's always a mad scramble to link up! Think you've done a fab job!!

    1. I'd do more linky's if I could just find time lol. I always read loads of the linked blogs and like to comment on them all, takes me ages! Thankyou for the fab comment too :-)

  5. Haha this sounds like me on a daily basis. I too started the year with a lovely new organiser and calendar and some new sharpies. I can't say I've written much in them and I am very behind on blogging. I like your instagram picture if it's any consolation lol x

    1. Thanks, I have so many good intentions. You at least have an adorable excuse.

  6. Ha going to the park sounds like much less stress and much more fun to me x

    1. Certainly is, until it's time to come home! He hates leaving the park :-)

  7. I think we have all made these errors. all you can do is learn from them and hope not to make them again. Love the smart trike pic

    1. I'm learning loads everyday! Thankyou he was wrapped up all cosy against the cold.

  8. I make so many mistakes when it comes to my blog I wouldn't want to even start to admit. I'm very disorganised, and trying to improve. As blogging has become my thing and job in a sense I try and not let it worry me, if I make a mistake or miss something then I just accept it. It's all a case of developing routine, that's whats important to me. Anyway it seems you are doing a fab job so I wouldn't worry :)

    1. Thankyou. I sometimes feel I know exactly where I going and what I want from my blog then something happens, or I read someone else's blog and it all changes. I'm slowly learning and finding my way with so much lovely support from other bloggers :-)

  9. haha all sounds so familiar! I always fail at organisation somewhere along the line!

  10. I love this post. I have so many days like this, my girls are madness. The only reason I can do this is because I get three days a week with them at nursery

  11. I get three days off too! I think most days are like this but we just muddle through. This stood out because of my stupid mistakes, I mean letting him pour water out of his sippy cup! Pure stupidity lol still makes me laugh though.

  12. You sound exactly like me! I plan to be organised but you know....best laid plans and all that!

  13. I love this - I am so disorganised, yet i try so hard! I have four children and am a single mum so blame that. Kaz x

    1. Oh my! Just getting them all up and out takes some organising, well done.

  14. Ah I'm so glad I'm not the only one that is totally disorganised! I am disorganised in every element of my life except for work. I'm not sure how I maintain the organised façade when it comes to work but if only I could do it in my personal (and blogging) life too!x

    1. I try to be organised but add one toddler and it all goes awry. Takes forever to get out the door and I always leave something behind!


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