Monday, 4 January 2016

Sleepovers and Windmills

We've had a quiet week. A trip into town to do some shopping. We had Bear overnight on New Years Eve eve so his Mummy and Daddy could meet up with friends. Unfortunately Daddy had a bit too much of a good time and had an awful hangover on New Years Eve.  

Bear was teething so he wasn't happy at all, he's got a tooth at the front and two molars coming through so he was quite short tempered and grumpy. I thought I may have trouble getting him to sleep but after Nurofen, powders and dentinox he fell asleep and slept through the night. Love you Bear.

toddler asleep in a cot on a monitor
Bear fast asleep. Bless him.

He woke up at 5am, yes 5am and was not interested in going back to sleep. Guess what woke him up? Yep a poo! It's so often a poo.

Bear was given the windmill for Halloween but he was too young. He just tried to eat it! He found it hidden in a drawer and was just fascinated at the light spinning. I have a short video on my facebook page. It's so cute.

toddler playing with glow stick windmill
Bear playing with a glow stick windmill

toddler playing with glow stick windmill

I've been trying to follow my tips to have a great 2016 so not only have I been smiling when I get up I've decided to learn something new and I'm trying paper making. I'd like to make paper and then make cards from it. It's not that difficult but will certainly take a bit more practice. When I get the hang of it I'll post a 'How to' blog.

picture of paper pulp
Paper pulp, my first go at making paper.

All our decorations have come down except for the tree. Grandad wants to do that with Bear. Good luck I say! Lots of photo's of that I think.

I've decided to try and find time to do some linky's especially ones with photography. I am so bad at taking photo's so I really need the practice. I like the idea of #Photalife on instagram. Every Monday there will be a new theme. Up to 10th Jan it is NEW. Also hosted by Photolife is #MySundayPhoto. I love the idea of choosing one photo that reflects my week.

My computer is playing up so everything is so slow especially loading photo's. Hope it's something simple.

Are you going to learn something new? I'd love to know in the comments.



  1. I love taking photos - I recommend taking a course to learn how to take photos properly (lighting, composition) etc - it really makes a difference to family snaps once you know the basics.
    I was fascinated by your paper making too - well done!

    1. I think youre right with photo's I may have to look for one locally

  2. Poor bear with his teeth. What a fabulous idea learning how to make paper and them making cards. My agenda for this year is to start scrapbooking so similar themes going on with paper! It's now just finding the time to do it. Can't wait to see your creations x

  3. Haha! They will probably be grey and cardboard like, but I'll have ago.

  4. I love making paper. I used to be a teacher and it's something we did with the kids - they loved it too!

  5. Bless Bear, I love watching them when they are so fascinated by toys like that. Your paper making looks fun. I've done it with the kids in the past but it will be amazing when you start making cards with it too. Our decorations are also down. Christmas went really quickly this year. I hadn't realised that OneDad3Girls is now Photalife so glad I saw that here. :-) Happy New Year to you all xxx

  6. Making paper! Wow, that's a great thing to learn!
    You are lovely grandparents having Bear on New Year's Wve. I think my kids will be teenagers before I get a grown-up NYE again! Shame about his poor teeth though, it's so hard for them sometimes x

  7. Oh poor bear - Pickle suffered terribly with his teeth. I love taking photos and literally have thousands! Photo linkys are great! Kaz x

  8. "It's so often a poo" hahaha! What a rotten time to wake up New year's day. Great plan to learn something new. I should be re-booking lessons and test and learning how to drive (after no less than 70 hours of lessons)but i am not sure i can face it again! Paper making looks so crafty! Look forward to the "How to"Posts! Xxxx

    1. Jess my only regret is not learning to drive, I never tried. Just keep going until you pass or are bankrupt lol!

  9. Hi Cardigan, I bet that windmill will keep Bear mesmerized for a minute or two (I want one!). Hope little one has is over the worst of his teething for now and that big one got over his hangover!

    Paper making sounds like an interesting project to take on. As I recieved my first 'proper' camera for Christmas, it's safe to say that learning how to use it properly is high on my To Do list for 2016!


  10. Thankyou. Big one is fine and Bear is still teething :-( he has just been to the dentist and he has a molar and two canine coming through! Good luck with your new camera you'll be amazed at the quality of the photos.


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