Thursday 12 November 2015

Wonderful Wellies and Horrible Jabs

Bear has grown out of his first pair of shoes and mummy and daddy can't get to the shops until the weekend so Bear was stuck indoors with slippers. Bear likes to go out. He loves the park so on Monday we went to our nearest supermarket (Asda) to buy wellies. Bear was really lucky, only one pair left in size 4, lots and lots in size 5 and bigger. Bear was happy though, he loved them.

toddler in shopping trolley wearing his wonderful wellies

Wellies were meant to be a stop gap, just something to keep his feet dry and let him walk in the park while he waited for new shoes. Bear wasn't told this. He thinks they are the best thing ever.

He wants them on all the time. He picks them up and points to the door. He chews them (uggh!).

He shouts into them. He puts toys in them. He loves them. Wonderful Wellies.

toddler in park wearing his wonderful wellies

toddler cahsing ducks wearing his wonderful wellies

toddler splashing in puddle wearing his wonderful wellies
Bears first puddle to splash in

toddler wearing his wonderful wellies in the dining room

Then on Tuesday we had to go to the doctors for his horrible jabs. This meant bringing all his meals and naps forward a little and his mummy taking time off from work.

He must have known we were going somewhere because in the afternoon he took his nap early and slept.....and slept.....and slept! Oh No! Why today now we have to wake him up! So we were just a little later getting to the surgery than we would have liked.

Mummy wanted to see the health visitor too but after waiting ages the queue didn't go down so we gave up and went to see the nurse for our appointment for his jabs. She was running late and we waited another half an hour! We should have waited for the HV, if only we had known.

Eventually we were called, oh my heart sank. I know it's important but we spend our whole lives protecting him from nasty things and pain and here we were taking him to be hurt by not just one but 3 sharp needles.

There was only one chair next to the nurse so I moved one closer for me. Nurse Ratched then told us in 10 seconds flat what he was having and how it would affect him. Seriously, I'm a nurse and couldn't keep up with what she said

"You know why you're here today he's having 3 injections nmmcocl mmr mmmhib booster. He may get mghm, spots, mxptm, grumpy, mghjm. 7- 10 days, tonight" 

It sounded something like that.

"Do you have any questions?" she asked

"Could you write that down please. I didn't catch any of it" I replied

"mmfght hmpht" she replied as she huffed and puffed trying to get a piece of paper out of the printer to write on.

Don't they have this in a leaflet nowadays?* Why not I wonder? She then asked us to move to another part of the room and for mummy to sit on the chair with Bear.

"There was a chair there" she said looking straight at me "but you moved it!"

"Yes I did" I smiled as I put my chair back.

Nurse held Bears legs, mummy held his arms. I stood impotent and useless. One injection, fast but painless. Second....screams. Next leg one injection more screams, cuddles from mummy.

"You must wait 10 minutes before you leave" nurse said as we went out the door feeling shell shocked. She didn't explain why.

Grandad was waiting for us, he took Bear and distracted him by looking out the window at cars. Well done Grandad. Mummy then took Bear to put his trousers and wellies on, Bear wasn't happy with that and screamed again. Only Grandad was allowed to do it.

So a small piece of advice (wish we'd thought of it before) If you are taking someone to support you when your little one has their jabs, let them be the one to hold them. As soon as the jabs are done, hand over to the mummy/daddy. That way you are Mr Nasty.

No more horrible jabs until Bear is 3 years and 4 months!

Toddler laughing whilst stood on park bench

Oh and he still loves his wonderful wellies.

* Information about all the vaccinations is available on the NHS website. It lists all side effects too.



  1. Oh bless him with his wellies. Glad he likes them. Oh yes the dreaded jabs. I hated taking them. Especially when you have a nurse who doesn't seem to want to be sensitive to the situation!! I can't believe I'll have go do it all over again soon with the newborn and when eva turns 3 early next year :( x

    1. yeah it's quite heartbreaking. i think he'd sleep in his wellies if we let him.

  2. They are cool wellies. I love the colour - a great blue.

    1. We were lucky the last pair were blue or he'd had to have pink Frozen ones!

  3. That nurse sounds horrible! Love the wellies x

  4. I hear my parents telling stories about how I loved wellies at that age too! Poor little guy though, at least all the jabs are over with :)

    1. Yeah I think all kids love wellies, they are allowed to splash in water!

  5. He looks great in his wellies. I used to hate having jabs, i'm much better now with them. The worst one I have ever had was my BCG in school x

    1. They certainly don't get any better when you get older. Worse I had was cholera, made my arm hurt for weeks

  6. Wellies are awesome. My girl seems to believe if she puts her wellies on she can make it rain.

    The jabs are awful, aren't they? I have done all of them up until age 2. From now on Daddy takes them.

    1. Love it! That's all we need in Wales, a rain maker xx

  7. I love his wellies, my son has some new minions ones and he would wear them for bed if he could!

    1. Bear has a minions hat, he won't wear it because he likes to look at it :-)

  8. Ah taking them for their jabs is awful - I am glad we have a while to wait until our next set of jabs too - thankfully.
    I love the wellies, wellies are a toddler staple! hehe

    1. I should have added it to my signs of a toddler post....number 11. Loves wellies and sleeps in them x

  9. Like that last piece of advise, good idea.Well done Granddad on the distracting. When I have my flu jab I am told 10 mins in case you take a reaction to it and then you are still in the right place to receive some medical assistance. Think this may have something to do with the 2 epipiens I carry.
    No you and Bear have got it all wrong, wellies are not there to keep their feet dry wellies are there to allow them to splash in puddles, run through puddles, jump in puddles and get the wellies full of have a lot to learn yet as a Grandma!!!! Look this is what wellies are for.
    Have known my son and my grandson to go to bed in new wellies cos they would not take them off.

    1. Lol! He's teaching me so much, also that it's good to slap puddles with his hands and kneel in them. Silly Granny thinking they were to keep feet dry xx

  10. I am loving the wellies and if I could find a pair that fit me, I would never take them off x

  11. Oh Pickle is OBSESSED with his wellies! He wears them indoors, usually on the wrong feet! He has his 3 year old boosters coming up - I am dreading them :( Kaz x

    1. It was just so funny when he wanted them on all day. Hope Pickles jabs go OK. 2 years seems like a long time but I know it'll fly by xx

  12. I always hate taking them for jabs but hubby refuses so it is nasty mummy. Love his wellies!

    1. I had to take mine too, luckily they do forgive you. His wellies are so cute x

  13. Wellies made him happy, and yes she could have done with a "happy" jab lol


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