Sunday, 1 November 2015

Nursery Makeover #1 Curtains

Bear has his own bedroom in our house. This is great when he naps and stays overnight. The problem is that this room is really my craft room, well was!

It was OK to have it full of my stuff when he was a baby but now he's a toddler I need to make it into a nursery. I'm sure it won't be long before he's climbing out of his cot and so I really need to make the room fun and safe for him.

I had a spare pair of navy curtains that were too wide and too long for the window. Now the colder weather has arrived I needed to shorten them as they would cover the radiator and stop the heat getting into the room. This was my task for today, just shorten the curtains. You can see how I shortened them here.

While I was doing that I decided to make them narrower and decorate them to make them toddler friendly.

I didn't want anything too stimulating that would keep Bear awake looking at the curtains and decided on a train. I found my template on They have a variety of simple designs to choose from.

curtains hanging in room


Fabric Remnants
Steam Iron
Ironing board


First get a template of your design. I chose a simple train engine and carriage. The simpler the better.

Drawing of train engine and carriage

 Trace the design onto the bondaweb. One side has paper, the other glue.

bondaweb on top of drawing on red fabric

Train engine traced onto bondaweb

 I wanted my designs to mirror each other so I folded the bondaweb and traced another engine.

bondaweb folded to show reverse image

bondaweb with both images of train engines drwn onto it

 Then iron the bondaweb to the wrong side of the fabric.

bondaweb ironed and fused onto red fabric

Cut out.

two train engines facing each other cut from fed fabric
They are red but the sunlight made them photograph as pink.

I did the same for the carriages. They were identical both ways so I just cut 6 the same.

Bondaweb with carriages drawn onto it iron onto 3 different fabrics

6 cut out carriages

Then place onto the curtains.

Navy blue curtain with images placed onto it.

Remove paper backing and press

finished design ironed onto curtain

Do the same for the other curtain. I measured mine from the hem so they matched.

2 curtains together showing mirror image of train engine

As you can see the room is full of my clutter. That's a project for next weekend.

room with clutter and cot and window with curtains.

collage of two pictures left flowery right new made up curtains
Before and After



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