Sunday, 11 October 2015

toucanBox review. A Christmas Present for Children 3 - 8 years.

outside of box
Are you looking for something different for a Christmas present for a child? Something crafty? A present that would change every couple of weeks?

toucanBox* is a subscription activity box designed for children 3 - 8 years delivered to their door every 2 weeks or monthly depending on the box you choose. They come in 3 different sizes, the one I am reviewing is the petite box and costs £4.93 inc delivery per fortnight.

Each box has everything needed to complete a project and will be personalised with your child's name. I was lucky enough to receive one at a recent blogger meet up. I hadn't heard of these before and although Bear is too young at the moment (he's only just turned one) I will definitely put this on a wish list for when he's older.

I was given a Christmas Ornaments box. It has everything in it to make 4 different ornaments, including glue, wiggly eyes and jewels.

There is enough to make at least 2 of each design and the instructions are straightforward with pictures. 

contents of box

wiggly eyes and jewels
Eyebrow artwork my own with glitter glue included in the box.

instruction leaflet

instructions, clear with pictures

finished project and information

Sticker and what we are learning sheet

This is a great way to occupy children on a rainy day and the boxes can be bought without subscription or sent as a gift. 

*I received this as a PR sample with no obligation to review. All opinions are honest and my own. 



  1. Bob gets these delivered every month, he really likes the different activities in them.

  2. They look really good and I would buy them for Bear but he's only 1 and would just eat it all!

  3. I loved these. I enjoy craft with my daughter but I get rather stressed out by mess, excess supplies and waste. I love the fact that these come in a box and then there is enough to make that particular craft therefore no spares and mess!

    1. I can't wait until Bear is old enough to do crafts. I think these boxes are great, exactly as you said. All you need to do a craft although I really don't mind fact I quite like it lol


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